The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

Chapter 551

Chapter 551 Ranking (3)

Just as Park Min-woo disapproves of Wang Wi-ryong.

It was the same with Wang Wi-ryong.

Aside from Min-woo Park’s cheeky attitude, I didn’t like the secret relationship between Roman Dmitri and Min-woo Park.

‘People call the white-clad wizard the apostle of justice. However, the person I experienced is no different from a street janitor. The problem is that a being with barely that kind of personality is sharing a secret with His Majesty Emperor Roman Dmitri. The fact that I am a descendant of the Heavenly Demon Goddess and the fact that His Majesty Emperor Roman Dmitry is the owner of the Heavenly Demon Goddess. The white-clad wizard knows all of that.’

It was annoying.

I didn’t understand.

The fact that Roman Dmitri was the heavenly demon, Baek Joong-hyeok, would require a complex explanation, but Park Min-woo acted as if he had a relationship for a long time.

If it had been fear of losing power, it would have been fully understood.

In a situation where the system of power has already been established around Roman Dmitri, a stone that has suddenly rolled in like himself has no choice but to stimulate the planting of existing people.


Park Min-woo was different.

Not just jealousy, but a sense of vigilance that only those who know the truth can express.

Obsession enough to express murderous intent beyond the limit.

It was strange.

The fact that he longed for Roman Dmitri so much became the truth of the white-clad wizard hidden behind the mask.

Wang Weilong said.

“If you were simply a power-hungry being, I might not have cared about your words and your arrogance. But Park Min-woo. Your mistake is that you keep mentioning your relationship with His Majesty Emperor Roman Dmitry. A disrespectful attitude to prove who is more His than the system of power.”


I turned my steps.

He got away from Park Min-woo, who looked at him savagely even as he spat out words.

“No matter what secrets you hold, it cannot be deeper than the relationship between me and His Majesty the Emperor, who are connected through the Heavenly Demon Church. And there’s something you should keep in mind. In Cheonma Shinkyo, the battle of ranks means a life-and-death battle in which people risk each other’s lives. It is not simply a place to discuss who is strong and weak, but it means that you can lose your life through the process. Are you prepared to bear the consequences?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“That’s it.”


I stopped walking.

When I turned around, I saw Park Min-woo, who was quite far away.

“Wizards are weak in close combat. I will allow you enough space to show your abilities. so… .”


I drew my sword.

Wang Wei-ryong emitted a ferocious spirit different from before.

“Do your best from now on.”



* * *

It was a contradiction.

Wang Wi-ryong said he would allow space, but the distance of several tens of steps meant nothing.

Papa pat.


penetrated the space

In an instant, the distance between the two narrowed, and Wang Wi-ryong appeared right in front of him and expressed a strong intent to kill.


The sword cut through space.

The moment Park Min-woo’s body was cut off, his body disappeared like a mirage.

“How dare you worry about me. Even if the battle broke out right in front of me, you wouldn’t have been my opponent. Explosion.”



Intense flames exploded.

Park Min-woo flapped his wings and existed in the air, and Wang Wi-ryong spread his sword shield to block all the shimmering flames.

That was just the beginning.

Park Min-woo’s top battle received a violent flow of mana and spewed out magic at a speed unimaginable to ordinary wizards.

“Explosion Explosion Explosion!”

puffer puffer.

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwak Kwak!

series of explosions.

The magic exploded like mad.

The heat rose up to the point of burning the skin, and a thick cloud of dust swallowed up the existence of the dragon.


Park Min-woo raised his finger.

At the same time as a huge shield was formed, the dragon Wang appeared through the dust cloud and cut through the shield.


Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwak!

Multiple Explosions.

It didn’t work at all.

Wangwiryong cut through the shield with a face without the slightest burn, and the top defense magic called the Great Shield was cut off at once.

There was no wavering in Park Min-woo’s eyes.

If you were a descendant of the Heavenly Demonic Church, even if you didn’t inherit the real thing, you expected this much.

Papa papapat.

body scattered

Dozens of people turned into Park Min-woo and simultaneously spewed out magic.

“Chain Lightning.”

“Chain Lightning.”

“Chain Lightning.”

Will not fall out.

He swung a whip that shimmered with electricity in all directions.

It was not welcome.

The magic was all real.

Wang Wi-ryong burrowed into the space gleaming with electricity in an intensely plunging attack.

He read the truth even in confusing circumstances.

Even if one person can use magic at the same time, he saw through to the fact that only one person is the subject of magic.

‘The Heavenly Demon Sword.’


one blow.

The moment the Heavenly Demon Sword splits space.

Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwak Kwak!

The atmosphere was torn apart.

All magic disappeared and Park Min-woo’s existence was swept away.


Park Min-woo distorted his expression.

It was strong.

Although the Heavenly Demon Sword was only a fake, it possessed more than enough destructive power, and even in the process of losing his wings and falling, Park Min-woo expressed his magic and attacked Wang Wi-ryong.

With a tremendous explosion sound, there were explosions all over Wang Wi-ryong’s body.

It was an attack that even S-rank hunters could not handle, but Wang Wei-ryong raised mana and protected his body tightly.

I didn’t care.

I knew that I would not fall down like this.

When Wang Wi-ryong narrowed the distance in the air, Park Min-woo disappeared and appeared in a completely different space.


Space travel magic.

Park Min-woo’s eyes turned red.

“Hell Fire.”



sparked the flames of hell.

Park Min-woo continued to use blink magic and continued to appear in different places, and the powerful magic gushing out of his hand swept away Wang Wi-ryong’s existence.

Even Wang Wi-ryong, who landed on the ground, couldn’t be careless this time.

It was a tremendous heat enough to burn the entire lungs, and Wang Wei-ryong tightly protected his body and at the same time exploded his mana violently from the short circuit.


The existence of Park Min-woo who dominated all directions.

Truth and lies intertwined.

Park Min-woo drove Wang Wi-ryong into a corner with his flamboyance, but these things did not work for Wang Wi-ryong at all.

he is.

It is the best in the world.

If it wasn’t for Roman Dmitri, it would have been the number one that everyone acknowledged.

‘Defeat the white-clad wizard and be recognized as a descendant of the Heavenly Demon Church.’

momentary stillness.

Wang Wi-ryong’s eyes were looking for Park Min-woo.

Then, just like the mural, he extended his sword towards a single enemy.

‘The Heavenly Demon Sword.’


Kwak Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwah Kwak!


The effort put into the mural tore the entire space in front of my eyes.

* * *

Drip drip.

Blood flowed from Park Min-woo’s face.

He managed to evade the attack that tore everything, but he couldn’t stop the area above his eyebrows from being torn apart.

“Take some hits.”


In the distance, he could see the Wang Wi-ryong approaching.

Even though he had been pushed so hard with magic, Wang Wei-ryong looked so normal as if nothing was wrong.

It was strong.

Why was Wang Wi-ryong called the world’s best swordsman and how he was able to unify the huge country called China alone? It all made sense.

Although he learned the Heavenly Demon Swordsman by scratching the surface, Wang Wi-ryong built his own world, and it was equipped with a considerable level that could not be handled by an absurd response.

This is why I didn’t want to fight openly.

It was because he knew that it would not be easy to be an opponent with only magical abilities, and with magic excluding black magic.

I was summoned to a space of my own.

If it was a place where people’s eyes could not reach, Park Min-woo had no hesitation in revealing his identity.


brushed his hair

The blood was clotted with blood, but he showed a ferocious smile as if he didn’t care.

“Wang Wi-ryong. If I win in this position, as the second person, I intend to order one thing from you, who is only a third person.”



eyes were stained black.

Dark red magic bloomed rapidly, dyeing the surroundings into darkness.

“From now on, I command you to keep everything you have seen and heard a secret from the world. you will follow my orders Dark Field.”

with a plop.

Park Min-woo falls into darkness.

The rank war had just begun.

* * *

“The Dark Gate.”



The darkness shuddered.

The huge door opened and the dead who followed the will of Park Min-woo appeared.

At first, dozens grew to hundreds and then thousands, and in an instant filled every space within sight.

one to many?

He had no shame about it.

All of this is their own authority.

Just like how Wang Wi-ryong uses the Heavenly Demon Sword, he uses a destructive sword method that is difficult to handle with magic. Park Min-woo developed his own strengths by learning magic.

The one mage who felt the wall as Alexander knew better than anyone how to overwhelm a swordsman with magic.



The dead came running.

Seeing the dead flocking from all sides, Wang Wi-ryong also ran forward without hesitation.

Papa pat.


situation in front of you.

Wang Wi-ryong did not shrink at all.

Every time he swung his sword, dozens of dead were torn apart, and he showed intense momentum as if he were going to cut down all enemies in sight.

A massacre took place. Like a wolf roaming among a flock of sheep, Wangwiryong pushed in wildly. Wangwiryong was different from ordinary beings.

Having unified China from the bottom up, he was born with the heart of a beast and did not shrink at all no matter how adverse the situation.

I believed in myself.

sure to win

He was pushing hard, but he had no choice but to withdraw his sword due to the sudden strong momentum of attacking in all directions.


Kaka Kaka Kakang!

Zahar and Goth.

They were S-class dead.

They pushed Wang Wi-ryong, and Wang Wi-ryong blocked the attacks in turn and tried to slash his body at once.



surprise attack.

Zahar defended his neck.

It was an attack so fast that even S-rank hunters couldn’t defend it, but Zahar’s gaze was accurately seeing through the Wangwiryong’s sword technique.

It was entirely Park Min-woo’s ability.

Park Min-woo controlled Zahar and Goth’s movements, blocked Wang Wi-ryong’s attack, and at the same time manifested magic with multi-ability.

“Dark Lightning.”


support to fall.

Lightning struck.

Wangwiryong spread his sword against the lightning that fell from the sky, and Zahar and Goth immediately dug into the gap.

[Strike (強擊).]



Wang Weilong’s body shook greatly.

His face twisted.

Park Min-woo’s magic and the S-rank dead’s link attack.

It was a difficult level to deal with.

Surprised at the fact that Park Min-woo hid this power, Wang Wi-ryong countered all the attacks and showed a strong sense of victory. Park Min-woo was a man with many secrets.

Although called the white-clad wizard, he is a sinister person who has learned black magic behind his back. I had no desire to give Roman Dmitri’s side to such a guy.


Things took a strange turn.

I thought it would not be difficult to shake off the two S-rank dead, but I was gradually pushed back by their attacks.


Goth’s attack exploded.

Wangwiryong tried to counterattack by blocking it, but this time Zahar took advantage of the gap and slashed his sword from above his head.

An attack that would inevitably result in fatal wounds if not blocked.

When Wang Wi-ryong drew his sword and took a defensive stance, Park Min-woo spewed magic like he had been waiting for this time as well.

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!

following that.

Through the blast, Zahar and Goth burrowed into space.

The moment they tried to slash them with the Heavenly Demon Sword, they destroyed the attack with the most perfect defense like ghosts.

I got goosebumps.

Only then did I know

Minwoo Park.

He wasn’t just a wizard.

Not only did he perfectly handle the dead with his extensive knowledge of swordsmanship, but he seemed to even know what form the Heavenly Demon swordsmanship was manifested in.

It was a truth that Wang Wi-ryong could not accept.

Park Min-woo, who has been painting murals as a descendant of the Heavenly Demon Religion, seemed to understand the Heavenly Demon Sword more perfectly than he did.

Wang Wi-ryong did not know the truth.

Park Min-woo was Alexander and Kim Pan-seok.

As Alexander, he experienced the Heavenly Demon Sword against Roman Dmitri, and he always longed for Roman Dmitri’s existence.

It was no different while living a new life.

Recalling the moments with Roman Dmitri countless times, Alexander thought of Roman Dmitri whenever he presented an imaginary enemy.

If Wang Wi-ryong learned it through murals passed down from generation to generation, Alexander experienced the real heavenly demon.

to him like that.

Wang Wi-ryong was not an insurmountable wall.

If it wasn’t for Roman Dmitri, he would eventually be eaten by himself.



Zahar and Goth’s attacks exploded.

Wang Wi-ryong, who was pushed back even after using the Heavenly Demon Sword, witnessed a powerful magical power he had never experienced in his life.

“It is over now. Fury Of The Heaven.”



Thousands of thunderbolts.

When Wang Wei-ryong urgently raised his sword, the amount of mana he could not handle engulfed his body.


Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwam!


* * *



got down on his knees

Didn’t die.

However, in order to simply survive, he had to pour in all his might, and Wang Wi-ryong lowered his head with a troubled face.


threw everything away

it was the limit

It was the first time in my life that I felt such a sense of defeat after awakening to the Heavenly Demon Sword.

It was then.

Wang Wi-ryong lifted his head with difficulty as he walked towards him.

even if defeated.

I didn’t want to look old.

When he raised his head to check on Park Min-woo, he looked down at Wang Wi-ryong and smiled.

“In the world I lived in, there were always many beings looking for my place. And I’ve never been defeated, except for His Majesty the Emperor Roman Dmitry. Wang Weilong. There is no shame in your defeat. All in all, you had no choice but to lose because you faced me. So keep that in mind. Next time you look up at me, if your eyes look like that… … .”


I was nervous and finally put an end to it.

“I will dig out your eyes and establish the hierarchy of the Heavenly Demon Church.”

1st World War II.

The result was Park Min-woo’s victory.

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