The Healer Banished From The Party, In Fact, Is The Strongest

Chapter 18 - Untalented Adventurer


I couldnt hide my surprise when Ralma-san suddenly kicked Onii-san out of the room.

After all, I knew too much of this person bad nature, that was why I knew she didnt change her mind because of me.

However, I decided to stop thinking about the real reason why Ralma-san kept Onii-san away.

Because I have a bigger thing Im bothered about.

What does it mean? Onii-san is Ralma-san disciple?

I remembered that Ralma-san talked to me about her only disciple before.

It seemed, together with her former party member, Ralma-san trained her disciple for a short time.

And that disciple was a human with a hard-working character who paid money regularly for several years.

I wouldnt have surprised that Onii-san was Ralma-san disciple if the talk only reached this far.

Onii-san was said to be trained by two adventurers, and it was no wonder that Onii-san would need to send money at a fixed interval with his small saving.

However, there was what Ralma-san said that denied the possibility of Onii-san being Ralma-sans disciple.

I mean, didnt Ralma-san said that your disciple only has the ability to become second-rate adventurer at best?

Because Ralma-san said clearly that her disciple had no talent at all.

It wasnt only he had no talent as a healer, but Ralma-san clearly asserted that her disciple had no talent as an adventurer.

Although, looking at the current Onii-san, I couldnt believe that he had no talent at all.

Certainly, as a healer, Onii-san could only use Heal, but as an adventurer, he had a first-class ability.

There was no way a person like that had no talent as an adventurer.

But it was also hard to imagine that Ralma-san, a top-notch adventurer, made a mistake.

Whatever her usual behavior was, her ability to judge others ability was certain.

For such kind of person, there was no way she called other clearly untalented for no real reason.

I cant believe that you said Onii-san has no talent as an adventurer. Or, are you going to deceive me again?

That was why I judged that Onii-san being Ralma-san disciple was a lie.

It was a wonder how Onii-san communicated with Ralma-san to both deceived me, but I believed this had the highest possibility.

No, its not a lie. At the very least, thats how it was several years ago when he was still in training. Nevermind being a genius, that foolish disciple wasnt even that useful.


However, Ralma-san readily denied my expectation.

Furthermore, Ralma-san, floating a pleasant smile on her face, opened her mouth.

That surprise attack of mine, it should be impossible for Raust to dodge that. A few years ago, even when I used that from the front, he couldnt even react. I wonder how he got his current ability

What she said in the end was words full of her excitement.

I knew that was Ralma-san attitude when she was amused and finding something she enjoyed from the bottom of her heart.

And because I saw that, I now understood.

Onii-san was really Ralma-san disciple, and she really believed that Onii-san had no talent.

Also, how Ralma-san didnt understand how Onii-san got that power.

Narsena, you joined his party, right? If so, tell me how he fights.

I understand. But please tell me if you understand something.

So, after being a little bit troubled, I decided to talk about how Onii-san fight as asked by Ralma-san.

Why Ralma-san called Onii-san untalented when he has that much power? I couldnt help but ask that question in my head

And so, I told her about the battle until now as detailed as possible.

To be able to defend against the hydra attack, and how Onii-san could use elementary level magic despite being a healer.

Also, his breadth of knowledge about monsters, his healing magic abnormal capability, and the ability to detect enemies and traps.

Ralma-san heard all that with great interest.

So thats how it is.

After she heard everything, seemingly understood something, she smiled.

A little different from her smile when she was amused before, her current smile was full of satisfaction.

Hes saying he got his power thanks to me, but isnt the power I taught insignificant compared to this? What a foolish disciple.

Ralma-sans smile filled with a bit of loneliness but her expression still looked so happy it took my breath away.

For a while, I couldnt talk to Ralma-san.

Ralma-san was currently unlike her usual audacious self, she looked properly like someones master, or at least that was what I thought when I saw her expression, hence why I hesitated to talk to her.

However, I couldnt suppress my curiosity and opened my mouth.

Err, so do you realize something?

Hmm? Ahh, right, you did ask me to explain.

Hearing my question, Ralma-san answered my question with an expression that looked like a kid trying to boast.

That stupid disciple of mine, Raust, had no way to become successful as an adventurer normally.


But what she said was not what I would expect considering her expression.

I was wondering what kind of positive words she would say, so I couldnt hide my surprise when Ralma-san said that.

Why? How can you call Onii-san untalented after hearing my story I was going to say those to Ralma-san.

However, she wasnt finished speaking yet.

But the current him, Raust has the strength comparable to us, top-notch adventurer.


Unable to comprehend Ralma-san words, I was dumbfounded.

Expect another chapter or two later today

Btw, I feel stupid saying first-class this top-notch that, granted the raw for top-notch adventurer is super first-class adventurer, so yeah, it might indeed sound weird from beginning

Also, talking about future chapters, unfortunately, if I want to not giving you any cliffhanger, I would need to keep going until chapter 24, possibly 25, I know for sure chapter 26 is a new arc, this is not going to happen btw, at best I can give you until 20, and then 21-24 in another 3-4 days, and then chapter 25 the next day, so yeah thats my plan

also if you read my other novel, the translation of Re-summoned Hero is already started, while Goddesss Suffering will start at 15th

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