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19 days ago
Is he a genius in the spotlight, or is he a madman behind the scenes of the Second Avenue?... Read more Is he a genius in the spotlight, or is he a madman behind the scenes of the Second Avenue?…After getting the final relief from his past sufferings, Chu Jiashu was given a second chance when he found himself in the body of an infant from an aristocratic family of Hall. Now, nothing is going to stop him from achieving his long-cherished dream of acting. Enter Renly Hall, a Hollywood miracle of 21st century. Collapse Acting, Calm Protagonist, Caring Protagonist, Celebrities, Famous Protagonist, Late Romance, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Modern Day, Movies, Music, Reincarnation, Showbiz, Alternate World, Aristocracy, Beautiful Female Lead, Genius Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Heartwarming, Modern Knowledge, Nobles, Second Chance, Singers, Time Skip #panic#The MTL and download are not working properly, when downloading I would get an HTML while not being translated and the read page is not loading. Read the Mtl Spoiler best novel I've read from the world of entertainment, each chapter has you trapped in the plot and the complexity of the novel is at a higher level, the relationships with the other actor friends and how it impacts the life of the protagonist are super well written. the complexity of how they wrote it is incredible and you feel sympathy for him, a wonderful novel that you spend time reading it . If it's really that good, is it worth it reading MTL since your brain usually become numb after reading MTL because of its quality? The Mtl quality is not the best but not bad too. U could wait for the transaltion but I am not that patient as I like this type of stories. Well, instead of just waiting or reading MTL, I usually find other novels thar are translated Anyone got any novels about Showbiz and acting that are similar to this novel.Something without Chinese nationalism and focusing Hollywood please My Hollywood SystemVersatile Superstar(Same author as above but he has taken a break)Hollywood legendary director(mtl)(rushed ending) Versatile Superstar was really good, its english novel so no chinese cliche but sadly author stop updating after 400 chapters. There's a rumor that he commited suicide but nothing concret. Great ArtistMovie MasterKing of StageDisaster Artist(All of the above are from the same author as this novel. Though I haven't read any of this so I can't say if it's good or bad.) For the family [Review: Complete — (MTL)][Genre:] [Modern Slice-of-Life] / [Entertainment][Major Tags:] [Acting] / [Hollywood Celebrities] / [Movie Industry] / [Emotion Expression][Minor Tags:] [Reincarnation] / [Career Management] / [Music] / [Superstarhood][Summary:]A man who spent his whole life deprived of all possibilities, had decided to live his reincarnation without regret, by pursuing his past-dream, and become an actor.[Setting:]The story focus around the protagonist's Personal Career, and the locations vary throughout the modern world.[Plot:]The plot is mostly a Progressive Sequence, and starts from the protagonist's humble beginning, forward to its greatness. [Characterization:]The characters are well-portrayed. Simplistic and remarkable for those in the background; lively for those in-front.[Writing Style:]The author is very concise in his writings, and the conversations are very witty, funny, and tasteful. One particularly note-worthy thing to mention —especially considering that this is a chinese light-novel— is that the author, quite alike most international authors, focus a lot on the expression of the characters' emotions. Unlike many light-novels, in this one—feelings actually matter![Tone:]The tone is generally neutral, but the funny sarcasm and some emotional moments make the story both realistic and interesting.[Mood:]This mood in general is rather positive, and those dark moments are often merely momentous sceneries.[Strongest Points:]- Unique MC. The Main Protagonist is a solid-portrayed character. Witty, sarcastic and funny; he is very enjoyable. This MC, makes the words Arrogant and Narcissic both tasteful and loveable.- Witty Conversations. This is one of those few light-novels, where the conversations are gems among germs.- Celebrity Exposition. This novel is unique in the aspect where it shows Famous Celebrities in contextual circumstances that are quite plausible.- Made-in-China. Well, this is only my Second Time find/reading a Chinese Novel which depict a rather funny, interesting, and realistic portrayal of the current World. (Not China Focused) My First, being Lord of the Mysteries.- Realistic Depiction. This novel depicts a very realistic portrait of the Movie Industry and the Acting Path. A very refreshing breath of truths and humors, quite unexpected coming from a C-LN. (Most C-LNs would have too thick of a plot-armor, an unrealistically handsome and rich sugar daddy behind the scenes, and childish face-slapping which is tastefully absent in this one, for example.)- Emotional Expression. This novel has good scenes where the Acting of the characters is combined with the expression of their emotions and feelings. It adds more depth to the story, and make unlovely personages likeable.[Weak Points:- Slow Translation. I had to read this on MTL due to my desire to read more.- Fragmented Integrity. At the beginning, it is focused on the career path of an actor, but then, it will evolve into something more power-hungry, political story. Not that both, separately, are bad... it's just it remove the initial flavor and change my reading-expectation.[Conclusion:]- Recommended for Everyone. For fans of celebrities, authors, or those with Acting and Filming Interests, this is a Must-Not-Miss.- A wonderful story which is Acting Focused. From witty sarcasms to refined characters; everything I've seen up-until-now, tells me that this is one of those few novels that One Miss At Their Own Loss.[Verdict:]An interesting read. This is probably the most comprehensive light-novel about Acting that one can find. Or, the path to Superstarhood. Though, it must be emphasized that while the novel is very good from the very beginning, for a long while, it eventually transform into something more political, which is a shame.PS: This is an Incomplete and Ongoing Review. It is mostly my First Impression after 1 000 of chapters. do you think this is worth reading on mtl? because so far the translation quality is very good, but I can't wait for more chapters. You can find the first 450 chapter on webnovelAfter that I personally tried Mtlnovel but the quality wasn't good enough...So instead I used DeepL to translate the raws which is much better and easier to read Can't find it, what's the title on webnovel? Warning! You are not allowed to view this text. The Legendary Actor To be honest, my personal opinion is that Translation is a laborious task whose values are often overlooked.Reading it on mtl for the sake of knowing the story is... never fully worth it. Why?Because I've seen few —yet still some— works that were masterfully translated, thus, giving the novel moods and what-nots that the original chinese novels didn't have. (Ex: Lord of Mysteries, Night Fall, etc.)The opposite is true, too.There are way more novels that were trashed-bashed by poor translators doing poor translations.I don't even know how it works... but reading those make me feel like that what those mass-produced translations were done like: 1) copy-paste the original chinese novel on some online translation tools; 2) quick-read the results and fix here-and-there 3) the whole process took 5 min, and there you go, a chapter is done by the translator.Summary: truly sucks. Truly short-sighted. Why? Because their 5 minutes per chapter might have been worth THEIR time, but it wasn't worth the time of Readers X by the numbers of Readers X by the eternity that this work would stay on the web.Their works are basically Immortalized on the web, and people would only know that those works sucks, and it wouldn't be helpful to the Original authors in any way. Truly producing stuffs for the sake of producing it. The saddest part is: some truly great works would never get re-translated since it would've been judged as Done already.So, my verdict to your question is: it depends on what kind of readers you are. If you're like me, someone who love to fish unfishy Masterworks not created by the Larkinsons, then Yes, you should wait for better translations. But... if you're more like bored kids who can't even read one page of their homeworks, and keep zapping the tv for the sake of momentous distractions, then maybe mtl would do just fine. Ah, greetings fellow mech touch reader You got any other novels that you can recommend that are similar to this one? The begining of OZthe great man i thought this was the movie's book for a second Right here, right now, I put the offer out I'm just here to say....[O, Ophelia, you been on my mind girl since the flood.O, Ophelia heaven help a fool who falls in love.]And....[And the only gifts from my Lord, were birth and a divorce.Now I've read the script and costume fits, so I'll play my part.]The Lumineers are seriously underrated!! This is my favorite shobiz genre novel where the mc gets big on Hollywood. There is no face slapping and there are a lot of nice romantic moments as well as sad moments. (RIP) I have read until 856 on the MTL version and my only problem with the MTL is that it's sometimes confusing to see what movie is what and what actor is who. I hope that others will enjoy how I have enjoyed this novel and how I have cried in some parts. It also shows the part of the industry that we don't really see. Also, this is not an mc with a system novel, what the mc was able to accomplish is because of his skill and his knowledge of the future. ENJOY The Fool is that you in cover pic You are smart enough to not say the words out fully. But yes ahaha i thought of our Klein when i first see the cover klein after drinking the bizarro potion