The Grand Mudang Saga [Path of the Shaman]

Chapter 163

Episode 163

The moment the front end of the nangindae collapsed, Dang Se-ryeong threw a fireball at the iron sword group that penetrated the gap.


It was a marble small enough to be pinched between fingers, but its power was beyond imagination.

The moment the sprayed fireballs exploded, dozens of spaces were overturned and the five soldiers at the head of the Iron Swords were torn apart by the explosion.

And around it, those who were engulfed in flames and burned screamed in agony and collapsed.

Firearms thrown in succession were scattered in front of them, causing explosions and causing countless damage. It was truly a sprawling Surado.

However, the leader of the Iron Sword Team did not go so smoothly.

Instead of stepping back, he broke through the explosion using the corpse of his dead colleague as a shield.

“Sozer! You must back off!”

Unam, who struck down the warrior who reached out with his sword, shouted urgently.

“Hey, who knows? Unam! Back off!”


Dang Se-ryeong took something from his bosom and held it in his hand toward Unam, who blocked his path.

Seeing this, Unam hurriedly retreated from the attack as if he knew what he was.

“Fuck away!”

Dang Se-ryeong stretched out his hand toward the chasing warrior.

“joy! Memorize this time!”

The warrior of the Iron Swordsman swung his sword sideways to deflect him.


What the sword hit was a small bottle of medicine.

At the same time as the vial was broken, a clear rust-colored powder spread out in all directions along the sword’s trajectory.

“It is poison. You bastard!”

Dang Se-ryeong leaned back and laughed coldly at the poisonous smoke that spread like smoke.


A painful scream erupted at the same time.

Poison followed by fire. But that was only for a moment.

The leader of the iron swords, which were torn apart on both sides, avoiding the range sprayed with poisonous smoke, was quickly catching up with Dang Se-ryeong and Unam.

“Let’s retreat to Sozer’s headquarters. The enemy’s speed is too fast.”

“I can’t!”



Dang Se-ryeong remembered Jinmu’s words.


It was the first time. What Jinmu said he was asking himself directly.

For the first time, he became the person he needed.

wait and see Do your best to block it.

Staking the honor of this Tang family!


The tight belt that had been pulled loose.

Along the long, fluttering waist belt, the robe that Dang Seryung was wearing spread wide.

An innumerable amount of memorization that fills the inner side.

Another piece brought by Dang Se-ryeong while running away from the Tang family.

Amhwang Bipo (暗皇秘袍) made to easily perform the skills of Mancheonhwawoo (滿天花雨) before Amhwang Danwi realized the state of the river.

“I’ll show you how great the Tang family’s memorization skills are in the melee!”

A strange energy overflowed from Dang Se-ryeong’s body with both arms spread wide to the left and right, and both eyes were colored yellow.

The iron swordsman approached her with great speed, and the moment she was about to cut the sword, the two feet of the Dangse-ryeong, standing firmly on the ground, dug deep into the ground.


The heat of the spirit raises white steam on the ground like a haze.

When Dang Se-ryeong’s pupils reached the limit of young golden light, her hands that had been stretched to the left and right began to move.

From a slow pulling and grasping motion to a spraying motion as if tossing.

The moment when her hand gestures were repeated and the speed increased, and her hands looked bent like those of a mollusk before disappearing.

A spirit of elation escaped from Dang Seryeong’s mouth.

“Appearance! Before the Dark Emperor!”

Papa papa papa!

Hundreds of beams of light shot swiftly down her hand, penetrating everything they touched.


The leader of the Iron Sword Team, who was chasing after him, was beaten intact by an unexpected attack and fell to the ground.

Mo Won-ryeo, the leader of the Iron Swordsman who was leading the way, frowned at the sight of his subordinates collapsing.

“shit! Hoyu! We block the front!”

Mo Won-ryeo jumped to the forefront with Yang Ho-yu, the lord of the day, to protect his dying men.

earth! Tadadang!

“Everybody focus on defense!”

Mo Won-ryeo and Yang Ho-yu took the lead in blocking the front of the subordinates, who immediately entered a defensive posture, and bounced off the memorization that Dang Se-ryeong had sown, but the amount was so great that many people were injured and collapsed.

“Damn bitch! dare!”

Mo Won-ryeo, who was very feverish, raised her swordsmanship, broke away from the ranks, and fired at Dang Se-ryeong.

The sword stabbed in a straight line without change tore through the shield of memorization and aimed at Dangse-ryeong’s chest.


At that moment, Unam jumped between them.


The strong tension created by Unam’s hand touched the tip of the sword and bounced out, and at the same time, the other hand he reached out attacked Mo Wonryeo.


However, Mo Won-ryeo was also a warrior who had accumulated experience in numerous battles and was the leader of the Iron Sword.

The eyes of Mo Won-ryeo, who skillfully pulled the sword to block the tension, were puzzled.


What came out of Unam’s hand was the energy of the Taoist school.

I couldn’t help but feel strange. Why is there a disciple of Domun in the fight between Cheonungbang and the Iron Sword?

just what i can think of.

“Are you a common pupil?”

That was all.

The best conclusion he could make was that Gong was helping Cheon Woong-bang.

But why? Didn’t the two confront each other for a long time around Gansuk?

“I have no choice but to grab it and ask!”

It was not good to have a complicated mind in battle.

Mo Won-ryeo cleared her thoughts and focused on the fight in front of her.

earth! Tadadang!

Unam frantically waved his hand. Jinmu told me not to use inner energy if possible, but it was not a situation like that.

Above all, the opponent did not lighten up.

Even though he was using all of his inner strength and unleashing the Eightfold Wings of the Cloud Serpent, the opponent’s sword showed no signs of being pushed back, and he was attacking by digging into his loopholes.

The level of the two was so similar that no one could say that it was superior.

No, in terms of skill, Unam was slightly below her.

It was not a bet or martial arts proficiency, but a gap that came from experience accumulated over the years.

Although it was a real battle, the experience of his sword, which had gone through all kinds of melee, was much deeper than Unam, who had been forged in the fight against the Demonic Cult, which he had already become accustomed to.


Unam’s shoulder, which was stepping back, was cut long and blood splattered.

And Mo Won-ryeo, who did not miss the moment of confusion, extended her sword.

Peeing! Taaang!

At the moment of desperation, the memorization thrown by Dang Se-ryeong could not be anything but a heavenly god. While Mo Won-ryeo’s attack missed slightly, Un-am quickly stepped back.

“Thank you Sojour!”

The excited Unam babbled for a long time. That means the situation is tense.

Dang Se-ryeong’s face remained stiff despite Unam’s urgent greeting.

“Damn, I’m surrounded.”


Mo Won-ryeo smiles at them and the warriors of the Iron Sword Corps surround him.

it was time consuming

“This is surprising. One is Dosa and one is Tanga? It is an unexpected harvest.”

Mo Won-ryeo said coldly, pointing the sword to the ground.

As an experienced military man, he seemed to have already grasped Dang Se-ryeong’s necromantic technique and Unam’s seon-gi, and noticed Dae-taek’s identity.

Things got difficult.

I thought that it might be difficult to get out of it because of the opponent’s ability.

In addition, Lee and Samjin of the Iron Sword Team were approaching, arranging the ronin at the front.

“If you surrender, I will spare you. There are many things I want to ask you, so treat me respectfully.”

“You’re fucking. If I ask, who will answer?”

Dang Se-ryeong held a memorized instrument with both hands full and her venomous eyes glowed.

“Isn’t this a pointless rebellion? It looks like you’ve run out of memorization.”

‘It’s filthy quick to notice.’

Dang Se-ryeong’s eyes narrowed.

Even though he deliberately kept the inside of his coat hidden from view, he was aware that he had lost all his memorization like a ghost.

Moreover, judging from his martial arts against Unam, he was definitely superior to himself.

At least, if they work together with Unam, they will be able to defeat that one somehow, but the problem changes when they consider the warriors of the Iron Sword who surrounded them.

Soldiers who are so strong that they cannot be easily dealt with one by one.

My skin tingled at the bloody speculation they exhaled.

Although it slowed the enemy’s advance, it was captured.

Just as Jinmu said, I should have just sprayed poison with my memory and ran away.

‘shit. At least I couldn’t buy more than two weeks. I can’t help it. Even if I have to die here, I take a little more time. Because that was his request.’

Dang Se-ryeong grinded her teeth until it made a crackling sound.

“Sozer. I will open the way At least run away.”

Unam blocks Dang Se-ryeong and takes a stance.

Seeing his momentum as if he was about to explode, it seemed that he had raised all the energy in his body.

But there can be no escape.

As a member of the Tang family, surrendering to the enemy at the cost of death was a shame worse than death.

Dang Se-ryeong moved away from Unam, who was blocking his path, and grabbed the remaining see-through needles in both hands.

“I can’t look at this because it’s tearful. Playing with love on the battlefield.”

Mo Won-ryeo laughed at the two and straightened her sword with grim eyes.

“Catch them! It’s okay to kill him…”

Mo Won-ryeo, who distorted her expression while giving the order, hurriedly moved her gaze over Unam and Dang Se-ryeong.

“What is this?”

A huge energy that can be felt in an instant.

And the target with that energy flew low on the ground like a swallow and approached at great speed.

Mo Won-ryeo’s eyes widened like a big drop at the sight of him approaching quickly, as if folding the space.

“Avoid the blood…!”

Even before Mo Won-ryeo’s cry was over, the flying human figures collided like cannonballs into the iron sword group that surrounded Unam and Dang Se-ryeong.


Shockwaves spread out in all directions as if they were hitting at the speed at which they ran.

Unknowingly, one side of the encirclement collapsed, and the soldiers were swept away by the shock and either fell to the ground or were thrown into the air.



Unam and Dang Se-ryeong shouted with a bright color.


Jinmu, a man who ran into a strong wind and came to a stop.

“That’s why you just sprayed memorization and jumped out!”

Jinmu raised his head and let out an annoyance with a loud biting sound.

I was cursed at, but I wasn’t as angry as this moment.

lived If what appeared was truth.


Dang Se-ryeong and Unam, who had been thinking about it for a while with a short order, broke through one side of the collapsed encirclement and escaped.

“Who are these guys going to run away from…”

The moment Mo Won-ryeo, quite embarrassed, tried to chase after them, Jin-mu’s foot, which had been lifted high, pressed the ground roughly.


The ground trembled and shook at the intense advance, and piles of dirt rose in all directions.


Following the explosion, a wave strong enough to shake the inner strength swayed toward the Iron Swordsman.

And Jinmu, who stood upright, looked at Mo Won-ryeo and smiled strangely.

baby it’s been a while

I haven’t seen him in two years, but he’s pretty old.

He, too, was one of the warriors that Jinmu taught by handing over.

Because he was quite smart, I put him in Budanju to help the stupid and honest Chun Woo-myeong.



“You are prepared for later.”


what are you saying?

The moment when Mo Won-ryeo forgets the situation and becomes suspicious at the bloody look on her face.


Jinmu turned and retreated.

“Oh no! Chase!”

Mo Won-ryeo’s urgent cry rang the battlefield, but the warriors who were in charge of leading the Iron Swords were in poor condition.


More than half of the leading members of the Iron Swords Corps, numbering about 50 people, were killed or injured while memorizing firearms poison, and the rest lay down with internal injuries due to heavy fighting.

What was strange was that not a single person died from Jinmu’s attack.

In the end, Mo Won-ryeo had no choice but to wait for Lee Jin, who had destroyed the enemy fleet and pursued it.

After a while.


Thousands of people have arrived.

“Sweet Lord.”

Mo Won-ryeo knelt down in front of Chun Woo-myeong with her face distorted.

“What happened?”

“sorry. The advance was stopped by sudden intruders. Ask me for your sins.”


Chun Woo-myeong shook his head as he watched Mo Won-ryeo bow his head and ask for guilt.

“From the description.”

“After breaking through the fleet, while moving to the enemy base, an unexpected master broke in.”

“An unexpected master?”

“yes. One was a Taoist, and the other was a Tang family woman.”

“Taoist and Dangga? Are you sure?”

“yes. The secret techniques and hwatan were definitely from the Tang family, and I could feel the sharp seongi from the Taoists.”

Chun Woo-myeong’s eyes furrowed at Mo Won-ryeo’s words.

How could Taoists and Tangs intervene in Safa’s fight?

“But the real problem was the next person.”


“He was a master of the lecture.”

“A lecture master?”

“yes. He too was a guru.”

“If you are a guru who has realized the realm of the river…”

Chun Woo-myeong tilted his head.

Among the Taoists, there was only one person he knew who realized the realm of the river.

Jin-ryong wind.

“does not make sense. The Demonic Cult and Kunlun are fighting every single day! Moreover, how could the wind fan appear here!”

“It is not a windmill. He was a young guru who could only see the contract.”


Chun Woo-myeong’s face became even more distorted as if he were hearing all sorts of strange sounds.

A river in the terms and conditions?

But even if others didn’t know, there was no way Mo Won-ryeo would tell a lie. Haven’t you seen him for decades?

Chun Woo-myeong frowned in thought, but Mo Won-ryeo asked in a questioning voice.

“Dan-lord, haven’t you heard any other stories from the original castle?”

“Another story?”


“Be clear about what you mean.”

“Could it be that Cheonungbang turned his back on Sapaecheon to surrender to the government?”

“Chun Woong-bang surrenders to the Jeongmu-maeng?”

“yes. It’s a dowager and a dangga. Otherwise, how could they help Chen Woong-fang?”


Chun Woo-myeong rubbed his chin with narrowed eyes.

His wisdom was not deep enough to realize something just because he struggled.

But one thing is certain.

After Cheonwoong’s Ark.

He is a Sapphire to the bone.

It was incomprehensible that he, who had been a friend for so long, would suddenly turn to the sect.

It was an unchanging fact that Cheon Woong-bang had to be subdued because he had been ordered by the Lord of Heaven, but Cheon Woo-myeong believed in Duke Won.

“There’s no way the Won Gong-hu I know is like that. But I will respect your opinion.”

Chun Woo-myeong looked at Cheon Woong-bang, who was busily changing formation with a serious expression.

“one! Even so, nothing changes. wake up!”


“From now on, it’s a battle against Cheonungbang’s headquarters. Erase useless thoughts and do your best to annihilate the enemy.”

“yes. Sovereign Lord!”

“Let the attack begin!”

With Chun Woo-myeong’s order, the Iron Swords again began to advance towards Cheonung-bang.

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