The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 175

175 Chapter 175 eliminating evil

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! The sword in Xia Pingan’s hand was like an agile snake. In a flash, it pierced through a man’s head. The man was just about to reach out and pull out his pistol.

At the same time, the two elite slave soldiers that Xia Pingan had summoned threw their javelins out under the horrified gazes of the men in the room.

From a few meters away, the elite slave soldier threw the javelins, and the sharp spearheads directly pierced through the chests of two men who were trying to stand up. The great force of the javelins directly sent the two men flying backward and heavily hit the wall behind them.

Elite slave soldiers could kill demon rats with their javelins, not to mention commoners.

One of the two elite slave soldiers who had thrown out the javelins rushed forward and stabbed out his long spear, directly piercing the neck of a man who was just about to get up. With a flick of the long spear, that man’s neck was almost cut in half. His whole body was sent flying by the long spear, and he flew in the air before falling heavily to the ground.

Another man wanted to escape. He had already reached the window; however, he was caught up by another elite slave soldier. Being several meters away, the elite slave soldier had already hooked his long halberd with a table in between. The head of the halberd was like a sickle. It hooked onto the man’s thigh and pulled it back. With a miserable groan, the man fell to the ground. Before he got up, the halberd had been cut down from the air and penetrated through the back of his head, nailing him to the ground.

To these thugs who ran amuck in the Gangkou District and could only bully women, the two elite slave soldiers in the room were no different from killing gods with red eyes.

Who are you? we have no grievances. a man in the room pushed the chair behind him and retreated in horror. While retreating, he shouted and tried to escape.

Xia Pingan’s body was like a fierce tiger. He kicked the table in the room and pounced on the man. Before the man could push to the door, the long sword in Xia Pingan’s hand pierced through the man’s throat like a shooting star. The man covered his neck with his hands, and his eyes widened as he watched Xia Pingan slowly fall to the ground.

In the next second, Xia Pingan threw out the longsword in his hand. The longsword turned into a cold light and directly pierced the chest of a man ten meters away, who was trembling all over and was about to take out his pistol. The man slowly fell to the ground.

I’ll fight you to the death, Yingluo. a man in a short coat had red eyes. In his fear, he exploded with great potential. He actually took out a short knife and rushed towards Xia Pingan, who was standing at the door.

Xia Pingan stared at the man coldly as if he was an ant. It wasn’t until the man was in front of him that Xia Pingan threw a punch at the man’s heart.

pfft, pfft, pfft. the man’s Red eyes suddenly protruded out. His eyes were bloodshot and turned so red that they almost burst out of his eye sockets. The short coat behind the man’s heart was instantly shattered by a force, revealing a fist-sized hole. Then, the man fell limply in front of Xia Pingan like a cooked noodle.

Xia Pingan’s punch had shattered the man’s heart.

At the same time, the two elite slave soldiers threw their Spears and thrust their halberds. There were only a few people left in the room.

“Shua shua shua”

“Shua shua shua”

“Ah, Yingluo.”

With the air-breaking sound and some low and short miserable groans, the last few people in the room fell to the ground and lost their breath.

From the time Xia Pingan broke in to the end of the battle, it had been less than 10 seconds. Those people who were in a meeting to discuss what to do after Xu GUI’s death had all fallen down and become corpses on the ground.

This was the office of Xu GUI’s broker in the Gangkou District of Shangjing. It was almost nine O ‘clock at night.

After hearing the news of Xu GUI’s death, all the heads of this illegal slave trader had quickly gathered here, discussing what to do in the future.

Although Xu GUI was dead, this business could still continue.

As for Xu GUI’s death, almost none of his subordinates felt sad about it. Instead, many of them were very happy and excited as they thought it was finally their turn to be rich. They were discussing how to continue their business, supply to brothels and how to divide the money.

At this moment, Xia Pingan suddenly appeared like a god of death. In just a few seconds, there was no one alive in the office.

Xia ping ‘an glanced around the room with an icy look. The two elite slave soldiers were like two icy killing machines. Even after none of the people in the slave shop could stand up, the two slave soldiers were still coldly stabbing the corpses with their long Spears.

At this moment, the summoner bodyguard had already taken Xu GUI’s fortune and disappeared without a trace after sending him home.

The summoner next to Xu GUI was a smart person. He smelled danger and Xu GUI’s death was very strange. He didn’t know what kind of person did it. After Xu GUI’s death, the transparent ice thorn was picked up, but it completely melted into water in less than two hours. Even the evidence disappeared.

The summoner knew that Xu GUI usually did things that couldn’t be seen in the light. In addition, after Xu GUI’s death, he was the only Summoner present. Once the evidence was gone, he couldn’t even explain how Xu GUI died. He died after jumping into the water and swimming. The summoner was afraid that he would be implicated, so he immediately packed up and ran away.

At this moment, the women beside Xu GUI were crying and quarreling in his home for that small property. When Xu GUI’s body was sent to his home, several policemen were surrounding him and taking notes. They could only watch everything helplessly.

At night, the streets outside the Gangkou District were still extremely lively. The people outside were completely unaware of what was happening in the room.

Xu GUI’s subordinates naturally had more than these people, but they were all the big and small leaders of Xu GUI’s teeth shop. When these people died, Xu GUI’s teeth shop also fell apart.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Pingan had moved all the bodies in the room into his spatial warehouse. There were no more bodies left in the room.

Xia Pingan searched through a few filing cabinets in the room and easily found a large number of contracts and loan slips.

Those contracts and loan notes were all things that the broker had used to trick and threaten the women who had been cheated into signing. They were also tools that the broker had used to coerce and control the weak women.

There were thumbprints on the contracts and loan slips, and all of them added up to a cabinet.

Before he left the room, Xia Pingan snapped his fingers, and the two elite slave soldiers he had summoned disappeared in an instant. A ball of fire appeared, and the loan contracts began to burn.


One minute later, Xia Pingan calmly walked out of the alley on the other side of the building where the broker was.

The gas lamps on the street were already lit up.

The streets of the Gangkou District were still bustling with people and traffic. Passengers, ships, and goods came and went on the dock of the port area almost all day long. Even in the middle of the night, it was still more lively than other places.

A four-wheeled carriage was parked by the side of the alley.

The coachman saw that Xia ping ‘an had arrived and quickly opened the door of the carriage for Xia ping’ an with a smile. Sir, have you delivered the things you want to give your friend? ”

yes, I’ve delivered it. Sorry for the long wait! While Xia Pingan was talking to the coachman, his foot had already stepped on the ladder of the carriage.

“I didn’t wait for long, I didn’t wait for long. It’s just a short while, the time it takes to smoke half a cigarette. By the way, where are you going now?” The coachman asked with a smile. It was not easy to meet a customer like Xia Pingan. She spoke politely and was generous with her fare. If the coachman could grade the passengers, Xia Pingan would definitely be a five-star passenger.

“Let’s go to the pier on Yuhong road for a walk.”

alright! seeing Xia Pingan get on the carriage, the coachman quickly shook the reins and drove the carriage away.

The Yuhong road Pier was not far from here. Next to the pier was the qinan River. There were ferries and some pleasure boats next to the pier, which was also a lively place.

A few minutes after Xia ping ‘an left in the carriage, the police patrolling the streets discovered the fire in the building. The police blew the whistle, and ten minutes later, the carriage of the firefighter team, which had been ringing the bell all the way, arrived and began to put out the fire.

The fire had already burned down half of the small building of the tooth shop.

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