The Girl Who Cured the Crazy BOSS is Majestic and Mighty

Chapter 35

Ji Luolian didnt stay at Penglai Mansion for long. He left empty-handed and, in the blink of an eye, appeared in the place he was in prior entering Penglai Mansion. As soon as he came out, he sensed a familiar presence nearby and sure enough, when he looked up, he saw his sister Ji Shenglian sitting not far away.

Luolian, youre back. Ji Shenglian was dressed in white, her smile gentle as she reclined on a chair cushioned with fox fur. A silent man dressed in black obediently kneeled beside her feet and massaged her legs.

Jiejie,[1]Ji Luolian called out. Although his face was still passive, his eyes lit up at once. His figure blurred and appeared in front of Ji Shenglian; however, he didnt nuzzle up to Ji Shenglian, but suddenly reached out for the head of the man in black, who was at Ji Shenglians feet, and promptly killed him without batting an eye.

The terrified man in black turned into dots of light that dissipated in the air, and blue lotus leaves fell on the ground where he originally stood. Ji Shenglian chuckled, one hand pulling Ji Luolian closer and the other making a hand sign. A man completely identical to the previous man in black appeared; he bowed and silently retreated.

It was nothing but a spirit servant. Luolian is as capricious as ever. Ji Shenglians arms hung around Ji Luolians neck, and she blew gently on his ear.

Ji Luolians teal eyes were full of adoration. He turned his head and pecked his sisters lips. No matter what it is, no one is allowed to get close to my Jiejie, or I will murder them. Jiejie isnt wrong no matter what she does, its the fault of those who try to steal my Jiejie Jiejie, Jiejie, Luolian missed you so much.

Ji Luolian was like a puppy, nosing around in Ji Shenglians embrace and greedily taking in the scent around her neck, with the intention of moving further and further down.

Ji Shenglian squished his face and pushed him, half-smiling at him. You miss your Jiejie? Didnt you steal a lotus petal from Jiejie? Its time to return it.

Ji Luolian reluctantly let himself be pushed off, and carefully took out a single lotus petal. Ji Shenglian took it and, without changing her expression, pulled aside her clothes and pressed the petal on her left chest. As soon as it touched her skin, the lotus petal turned into a voluptuous breast.

Next time could you choose some other place? If the two breasts arent the same size, Jiejie will be distressed.

Then give me both sides? Ji Luolian blinked with clear eyes full of child-like innocence.

Ji Shenglian covered her eyes and pushed away his head, which wanted to burrow down again. Luolian, when are you going to return to your original form? You shouldve had enough of the innocent young boy game.

Hehe~ With a light laugh, Ji Luolian turned from a teen into a healthy young man. The young man was completely different from the young boy, a charming and alluring smile on his face, and eyes that could seduce and take others souls with a glance.

Since Jiejie misses this form of mine, Luolian will naturally satisfy her. Even his voice became magnetic-like; he sounded particularly erotic as his voice lowered, Did Jiejie miss me, want me? Luolian will satisfy Jiejie~ With a motion of his hand. Ji Luolian pulled apart Ji Shenglians robes, pushing her down with the intent to kiss her.

The next moment, he was kicked away by a fair leg and fell to the ground.

Ji Luolian stood up with ruffled robes, his smile still sinful, and without a second thought tried to stick to Ji Shenglian again. His face was unceremoniously grabbed, and he was pressed against a chair, unable to move.

Well talk about that kind of thing later. First, tell me about what I asked you to do. Ji Shenglian straightened her robes, one foot stepping on Ji Luolians chest, not allowing him to get up.

Ji Luolian was unaffected. He laid there, propping his head against the ground as he caressed her feet with great interest, and said lazily, Tian Feng Jinyu is indeed, as Jiejie said, completely different from before. If it wasnt for the lack of change in her aura and body, I would think she was changed for a dummy. The former Tian Feng Jinyu was a lunatic, and the current Tian Feng Jinyu is a fool, so theres nothing to be afraid of, dont worry, Jiejie.

Im not worried about anything, I was just curious. Then, what about the Pure Golden Lotus? Ji Luolians answer was said casually, and Ji Shenglians question was also voiced carelessly.

Hearing Ji Shenglian mention the Pure Golden Lotus, Ji Luolian eyes sparked with interest, the corner of his lips pulling into a nasty smile. The information was false. There was no Pure Golden Lotus at all, but there was an even more interesting thing.

Oh? Ji Shenglian also became interested.

The so-called Pure Golden Lotus is actually the Six Desire Devil Lotus, if our original forms didnt have some relations, I probably wouldnt have been able to tell either. It was almost able to foolme, so those guys naturally wont recognize it. Since theres such a thing there, is Penglai Mansion really an abandoned residence of a celestial being? I think its more of a Devil Gods palace. Ji Luolians smile widened. I gifted that Pure Golden Lotus to the half-demon that Tian Feng Jinyu likes. Guess, Jiejie, what will become of that half-demon?

The Six Desire Devil Lotus, like the Pure Golden Lotus, can change a half-demons half-blood constitution, and even greatly improve their innate talent. However, if theres obsession and greed in their heart, then heh then they will become deranged. Since a century ago when the last devil was eradicated in the Divine Abyss, Mengze hasnt seen the appearance of a devil in a long while. Isnt this interesting~ Ji Shenglian smiled tenderly, her tone full of warmth. That half-demon who enchanted Tian Feng Jinyu, what kind of guy is he?

Ji Luolian cocked his head. A dazzling smile suddenly blossomed on his face. Its a guy who will undoubtedly become a devil sooner or later, even without the Six Desire Devil Lotus.

Shu Yu covered her reddened lips, holding Fu Wangs hand as they walked on a remote path of the Penglai Mansion. Maybe because Fu Wang was at her side, or maybe because something extremely embarrassing happened just now, but right now she couldnt feel the gloominess of Penglai Mansion, and any possible fear disappeared without a trace.

She looked at the sky, at the ground, at the flowers and grass; the only thing she didnt dare look at was Fu Wang who was holding her hand. But Fu Wang kept looking at her with a smile that could melt peoples hearts, staring at her earnestly without blinking. Shu Yu felt her cheeks were about to be burned through by the Boss gaze. She was so pressured by the look that her head was about to tilt back.

To say if its embarrassment It wasnt, its just- just shyness. When she recovered from that long and distracting kiss, she didnt know why, but she couldnt stare directly at Fu Wangs face anymore. This was even her first love. Although having a first love at her age wasnt common even among her friends, she had thought about what it would be like to fall in love with someone.

She thought it was just breaking through that line, and that there would be no big difference from their usual interactions, but in reality, she was completely mistaken. Perhaps it was because she and Fu Wang were originally people who had huge restraint. Before, she quietly liked him but always kept a distance because of worry, so there was always a lack of that kind of intimacy. The same was true for Fu Wang; although sometimes he deliberately made small gestures to get close to her, in reality he was always extremely tactful, so it might as well be cat-like pawing.

Now that everything was out in the open, the atmosphere between them was suddenly a bit different. It was like two circles that were next to each other suddenly started to overlap.

If there existed a screen right now, the surrounding of two people holding hands would probably be full of pink bubbles and blooming flowers,Shu Yu thought.

Shu Yu didnt know about Fu Wang, but her heart had been beating extremely fast since then, she was even a bit worried it would burst out of her chest. If it beat this fast, wouldnt it get tired? Shu Yu discreetly pressed her hand on her chest.

If I speak right now, maybe my heart will just jump out of my throat. Ive been thinking like that for a while now, arent I a bit silly? Fu Wang suddenly said.

Shu Yu was so startled she immediately let go of her chest, turning to look at him quickly and meeting his smiling gaze, so she instantly turned away again. She didnt even hear his words clearly, her ears full of the heavy sound of her heartbeat.

Fu Wang suddenly let go of Shu Yus hand, but immediately he grasped it again. Shu Yu turned around to find he was wiping the sweat from her palm.

Xiao-Yu is just like me, your palms are full of sweat. Fu Wang was looking down, wiping her hands carefully as he said slowly, When I held your hand as we walked, I found my palms were full of sweat, and I was suddenly nervous, thinking things like if Xiao-Yu knows I can get nervous, would she laugh at me. After all, in Xiao-Yus eyes, I seem like a perfect person, even though Im not actually as great as Xiao-Yu thinks I am. If its possible, I want to always be that kind of person in Xiao-Yus eyes.

But then I found youre like me, and I suddenly felt like, I really wanted to tell you all of my feelings. Fu Wang finished wiping Shu Yus hand; he pulled the blushing, flustered person into his embrace, pressing her against his chest and his chin bumping the side of her head, hugger her with a stance full of tenderness.

Listen, isnt it beating very fast? Its because of Xiao-Yu.

As Fu Wang finished, the person in his arms suddenly wriggled out an arm and covered his mouth. Shu Yu stared at his chest and, slightly stammering, said: You, dont you feel, um, embarrassed?

Fu Wang kissed the hand covering his mouth, startling Shu Yu into immediately withdrawing her hand like a frightened hamster. She rigidly looked at him while holding her hand.

Lowering his head and resting his forehead against Shu Yus, Fu Wang said, If I wasnt so worried Shu Yu would be embarrassed, I wouldnt want to do anything right now, and would only want to hug Xiao-Yu and lie down in a place where its only the two of us. Then I would repeat I like you beside Xiao-Yus ears, until Xiao-Yu falls asleep in my arms.

Shu Yu: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! IM! GOING! TO! EXPLODE! Please stop talkingAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Let me breathe normally, let my heart beat normally!

Fu Wang: I cant help it. My sanity was eaten by Xiao-Yu just now, so no matter what I say, Xiao-Yu cant get angry with me.

Shu Yu: Do you have a book of romantic words hidden inside your brain! I dont care! Give me back the previous Boss! Where did you hide him!

Probably because someone finally couldnt stand the blinding love-love halo of these two, the sound of fighting appeared in the front of the path they were walking.

There were many treasures in Penglai Mansion, and it was inevitable for parties to bump into one another and refuse to concede, so it was only natural to start fighting. It was the first time they have met others since they left the stone forest where the gold lotus used to be.

Because there were others, Fu Wang finally regained his previous appearance, no longer being a walking encyclopedia of romantic sentences that incessantly uttered embarrassing words. Shu Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

Fu Wang didnt release Shu Yus hand, but instead held her and veered in a different direction around them. They didnt want to collect other treasures now. No matter if it was the successful acquisition of the Pure Golden Lotus, or how Shu Yu finally budged on her feelings, Fu Wang didnt want to waste any more time here. Right now, he only wanted to return to his and Shu Yus home, refine the Pure Golden Lotus to change his half-demon body, and then tightly entangle with Shu Yu and get utterly intimate with her.

However, as soon as they reached the gate of Penglai Mansion, they saw two men from the Winged Clan standing there. One of them angrily shouted, Whats going on with this Penglai Mansion! Is it playing tricks on us! We worked so hard for our treasure, and it instantly disappears and returns to Penglai Mansion as soon as we leave!

The other, who looked like his partner, also frowned and said, It seems we can only eat those treasures inside Penglai Mansion, otherwise we will have come here for nothing.

But in that case, are we supposed to cultivate in this kind of place!? The former was very frustrated.

In the end, the two left with darkened expressions. Shu Yu and Fu Wang appeared and looked at each other.

Shu Yu felt that this practice of Penglai Mansions was somehow familiar, and after thinking for a bit she remembered why. Wasnt this the same as the touristic orchards in the modern era, where you could eat anything in the orchard till you were full, but you cant take anything out? Hm, she was more and more curious about the master of Penglai Mansion. What kind of person was it, to have such an odd mindset.

Fu Wang thoughtfully looked in the direction the two disappeared, and then smiled at Shu Yu. I will go try. Then he put all the obtained treasures in Shu Yus hands, and only took two treasures to step out of Penglai Mansion. After a while, he came back and told Shu Yu, Its indeed as they said.

Then, lets find a place first, so you can refine and absorb the Pure Golden Lotus. Shu Yu said.

I was also thinking that. Although its not a good time or a good place, its our only choice. Fu Wang hugged Shu Yu with soft eyes. As long as youre by my side, I will definitely succeed.

It wouldnt be easy to refine and absorb the Pure Golden Lotus, which was a kind of spiritual object that basically defied the Heavenly Dao. He originally wanted to wait until he was more prepared, but now he could only take on the risk.

Even so, he believed he would not fail.

Chapter Description:You thought Ill take it easy on the Boss?

Authors Note:

I know some girls who read to this chapter will feel Ah, this damned author is definitely up to some suffering.

I want to clearly tell everyone, there wont be suffering! At least not for now Ehem, anyways even if theres suffering it will only be after a lot of sweet and loving chapters, then one or two chapters of suffering, and then sweet and loving again. Anyway, romance has always been my sort of thing.

Translators Note:

Its so nostalgic reading this all over again. One of my favorites novels of all time! Its a bit late but hi, Imma be translating this novel, hope you guys like it.


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