The Extra's Harem In Dead End Game

Chapter 112: A Meeting of Monsters

Exactly two days had passed.

Regina was sitting on a bench where she could clearly see the Tower of Light standing tall in the central square. The prophecy of Max Celtrine, which she once thought was absurd nonsense, was starting to seem otherwise.

The first part of his prediction had turned out to be absurdly accurate.

Professor Karen had taken the day off from all lectures due to a severe cold. Could this have been predicted? It might have been possible if there had been some signs.

But Professor Karen, as seen yesterday, seemed perfectly fine. It didn't seem possible she would fall ill the next day.

"It's difficult."

Yes. It's difficult to predict. If it could be predicted, it would be a skill. However—

"It's still not enough."

One instance is not enough to make a judgment. And it shouldn't be. That's why she was here—to check the second prophecy.

"Not yet?"

Regina took something out of her pocket while looking at the Tower of Light, which appeared no different than usual.

A platinum cigarette case. It wasn't something she originally used. She had received it from Max two days ago.

"Ah, it's an engagement anniversary gift."

It was the first time Max remembered the engagement anniversary and brought a gift.

After all, he was a fiancé with no expectations, so she hadn't cared much. But now it was different. Max, who had started to slowly reveal his hidden true colors, was indeed a person who piqued interest.

The wealth of the Celtrine family—she thought that was the only help, but maybe his own power could be helpful too. Of course, it was still unknown.

Above all, the relationship was tied through a political marriage, and it was unclear whether they could trust each other on a personal level.

However—she liked the gift. It was a perfect gift for a smoker.

And then—


Platinum signifies eternity. That meant Max had clearly expressed his intention with this gift—a clear intention to continue this engagement relationship.

Not bad.

At least the uncertainty concerning the breakdown of this relationship was now gone. A strategic marriage personally pushed by her deceased grandfather. She didn't want it to break.

Regina took out a cigarette from the platinum case and lit it with a flick of her finger, using the energy of fire. It was a very easy trick for her.


She deeply inhaled the cigarette smoke and exhaled it shortly. Inhale deeply, exhale shortly. It was her smoking habit.

Her mind settled into a pleasant calmness. She couldn't quit smoking because of this addictive sensation.

While she was enjoying the cigarette—


Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded. Flames soared high. Thick black smoke stained the sky.

"This can't be."

Regina stood up from her seat with visibly shaken eyes. It really happened. There was a fire at the Tower of Light.


Regina knew she would be calling me soon.

But she hadn't thought she would call me to this place. I was on my way to the academy's training hall.

As befits an academy that values both studies and martial arts, the training hall was tremendously large.

If only the grounds were considered, it would likely be the largest building. Including the magic training hall and martial arts training hall, the number of training grounds alone amounted to two hundred.

I was headed to the special training ground underground. The special training ground—it was a bit different from other training grounds.

The walls, floors, and ceiling were all made of incredibly sturdy orichalcum alloy. Not to mention, protective magic circles had been cast as well. In short, a huge amount of money was spent.


The students who used this place could destroy ordinary walls and floors as easily as breaking a cake. Ordinary training grounds couldn't handle it. That's why this special facility was created.

"It's the first time you've come so quickly."

As I descended the stairs heading underground, I muttered to myself. This place is not for just anyone to enter.

One must be at least a Master-level magician to gain entry. Of course, there's no one physically barring the entrance.

Anyone can try to go down to the basement, but those who do without knowing any better soon realize their mistake and leave dejected because the door simply won't open for them.

It's because the door has a special mechanism that only opens with a certain amount of mana. Well, even so, it's not a concern for me right now.

After all, Regina will open the door from the inside. Step by step, I reached the first basement level. This is where I was supposed to meet Regina at Training Ground No. 1.

There are special training grounds from No. 1 to No. 9, all with single-digit numbers.


I stopped walking towards Training Ground No. 1 when I spotted someone.

"Oh? You seem quite underqualified to use this place," said a beautiful girl who looked like a doll with her golden hair that seemed to be made of pure gold and her sparkling jade-colored eyes.

She might look innocent on the outside, but the moment I saw her, my spine instinctively shivered. I knew all too well what she was truly like.

"Oskar Fereshia," I murmured her identity just like I had been muttering to myself.

She was Oskar Fereshia, the imperial princess, an overwhelming top student among the prominent first years. In short, she was a monster among monsters, possessing the best lineage and the highest ability.

But the problem was that her humanity was monstrous as well. To her, human life was as trivial as a fly's. Just slightly annoying her could mean death at any moment.

'Ah, that damn wench. I've died dozens of times because of her.'

If you side with the First Prince Adolf in the inevitable imperial strife that occurs midway, you have no choice but to make the First Princess Oskar your enemy.

She was a formidable adversary. I don't know how many times I died in the war against her.

It's absurd that even if you side with the First Princess, she's not someone you can feel safe around.

Even if you were a meritorious retainer who greatly contributed to her ascent to the imperial throne, you never knew when she might take your head if you crossed her even once.

The problem was that the opposing First Prince was just as bad in terms of humanity.

'So, I don't know the answer either.'

They were both humans so flawed they could be considered rotten. In the end, what mattered was not to cross either of them and to keep them in a good mood, regardless of whom you chose.

It required survival tactics. How many times I had died just to begin to grasp those tactics.

"Why aren't you answering?" Princess Oskar's question brought me out of my thoughts.

She was thoroughly hiding her true nature now. So there was no need for perfect tact.

But caution was necessary. If you upset her by accident, you could be marked. Being marked by the crazy princess was one of the most dangerous things.

"Ah, I apologize. I was so surprised to meet the princess whom I had only heard about in rumors for the first time."

"How did you know I was a princess if you're seeing me for the first time?"

Oskar, who, despite being the First Princess of the Empire, spoke humbly and politely.

She was a typical polite-speaking character. The fact that such a setting belonged to a character with a broken personality made it all the more chilling.

"I knew because the only first-year who qualifies to enter this special training ground is Your Highness."

Princess Oskar was wearing a first-year uniform. Each grade had a slightly different design and color, so it was easy to recognize.

Moreover, while there were many talents in the so-called Golden Generation of the first year, only Princess Oskar had reached the Master level so far. So my response could be considered without issue.

"Aha, I see. That's how you knew. I understand. Then who might you be?"

Princess Oskar asked. She didn't know who I was, as she had never seen my face and I was wearing plain clothes. After all, from her point of view, why would she care about an extra as insignificant as a maggot?

"I am Max Celtrine, a second-year, Your Highness."

"Now that I see, you're a senior. Max Celtrine. Could you be from the Celtrine family?"

It seemed she knew of the Celtrine family. After all, it was a family with some recognition in the Empire.

"Yes, that's correct."

"Ah, the one known as the 'disgraced prodigal'?"

Princess Oskar, quite openly, knew even the nickname of Max, whom she would not even notice otherwise. It was unexpected that she knew.

"Yes, that's correct."

"I see."

A strange and unsettling smile appeared on Princess Oskar's lips. Knowing her true nature, it was an unpleasant smile.

"I understand who you are now. But why have you come down here?"

"That's because—" Just as I was about to answer,

"I called him here, Your Highness," Regina's voice interrupted us.

Regina's voice echoed clearly in the narrow hallway, cutting through the tense atmosphere between Max and Princess Oskar. Both turned towards the direction of the voice. From the shadows, Regina appeared, her expression calm and collected, as though she had predicted this meeting all along.

"Regina," Max greeted her with a slight bow, relieved that she had arrived just in time. If the conversation with Oskar had continued any longer, he wasn't sure what might have happened.

Princess Oskar's unsettling smile remained, but her gaze flickered with mild curiosity.

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