The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 56

Glast Subjugation Battle (5)

“Please. I need to save Ayla. Please help me just this once.”

Tailly, who bowed her head, was already quite wounded.

The wound occurred during the chase for Professor Glast, the first phase of the final battle of Act 2.

Ziggs Eiffelstein, who was training outside the teaching building, was confused when he saw Tailly like that.

As someone who didn’t know the exact situation, Tailly’s sudden action to ask for help felt very unexpected.

“What’s going on, Taily?”


The Soul Library is a large hall filled with all kinds of bookshelves.

There are many valuables in the outermost bookshelf along the exterior wall.

Of course, truly valuable rare magical engineering supplies and recipes for legendary magical engineering supplies are located around Librarian Rayna’s table in the center of the Soul Library.

Since it is nearly impossible to approach that area without being affected by Raina’s detection magic, it would be better to search that area after this subjugation battle is roughly concluded.

“♬ ♪ ♩”

Librarian Raina’s hum rang out in the spacious library hall. It was an eerie voice with a gloomy, low tone.

First, let’s go around the outskirts and pick up some small grimoire replicas and look for magic engineering supplies that can be disassembled and reassembled.

In particular, the ‘Thunderbolt Shout Generator’, a magic engineering item stored in the shelf in Column C, can be used to create a trap with an alarm, and the ‘One-way Light Blur Device’ can be used to create a window that allows light to pass through only in one direction.

Rather than being too greedy, let’s just take care of that much and finish the rest by taking books that can be useful for studying.

You can keep the truly valuable magical engineering supplies when you can search them slowly without Rayna noticing.

While hiding between the bookshelves, I peeked my head out and looked into the center of the hall.

The librarian Reina, who is humming at the table… is floating in the air.

Reina is a monster, not a human. As a ‘Banshee’ whose soul is tied to this library, they are subject to their unique detection magic and detect intruders just by approaching within a 20m radius.

The hem of Raina’s skirt floated in the air as if she was floating underwater.

So, Raina was floating among all kinds of books and patrolling the library periodically.

Raina’s patrol pattern is quite familiar. Even if you enter a battle, you can deal with it in any way because you know the strategy to some extent.

However, that Reina is Taily’s valuable experience.

If Tailly’s sword proficiency or other sword skills are not sufficiently trained, difficulties will arise against Professor Glast’s aspect magic.

That’s it. If I don’t use my power against the disaster bosses I’ll face later… In particular, if Sword Seongsik doesn’t reach a certain level, there’s a high possibility that I’ll have to take responsibility for those enemies.

It’s such a hard thing to do and I don’t have the ability or will to take responsibility in the first place. So, for now, I decided not to touch the boss monsters in Professor Glast’s secret laboratory as much as possible.

Well, in fact, even if you don’t catch Rayna, Tailley’s power, which has already grown, will not noticeably decline.

Is it just Raina? Even if you skip most of the bosses, your growth will not be delayed immediately. There is no problem as long as you catch the ‘Resurrected Demon of the Underground Waterway’, which is the most helpful for growth.

Still… there’s no harm in being careful, just in case.

I hid between the bookshelves and packed various parchments and recipes into my arms.


I tried my best to avoid the gaze of Rayna, who periodically walked and patrolled the bookshelves. At the same time, I grabbed whatever I could get my hands on.

It’s hard to figure out what kind of recipe it is unless you open it and read it one by one, so I decided to just take as much as I could, thinking of it as a quantity over quality strategy.

When I came to my senses, I was quite satisfied with the weight in my arms.

[I don’t think my eyes will reach the exit now. Master Ed! ]

Mug told me in a whispering tone.

Not yet. You can’t let down your guard just because it’s out of sight. Rayna’s detection magic has nothing to do with vision.

Banshee Raina does not judge the presence or absence of an enemy solely by sight, but detects the enemy by detecting magical energy within a certain distance.

If you wait until you go a little deeper and don’t act, you’ll probably get caught.

I calmly walked back and forth between the bookshelves and patiently waited for Raina to find an opening.

– Kugugung boom.


When I came to my senses, I noticed that the earth was shaking slightly.

The sound of something rumbling from afar.

At first, I thought it was an illusion, so I ignored it, but as the books on the bookshelf began to shake, I began to feel a sense of crisis.

Is it an earthquake?

I don’t think there was such an event.

I thought it was just a simple incident, but soon the tremors became impossible to ignore.

[Hey Master Ed! ]


Mug called me in an urgent voice. It was already to the point where I couldn’t maintain my balance without holding on to the bookshelf.

This vibration may not mean much to Raina, who is floating in the air, but other bookshelves are different.

Eventually, the bookshelves, unable to withstand the oncoming turbulence, began to fall one by one. They were all thankful forms of cover that hid my appearance.

When the bookshelves stopped doing their job and started to fall over, the role of cover that had been hiding me could no longer be performed properly.

As a result, I was completely in Raina’s field of vision.

“♬ ♩ ———”

Banshee Raina’s snort suddenly stopped.

And then he spotted me and said


It let out a scream that sounded like scraping metal and began to emit magical power. For an instant, a feeling as if the scenery had become distorted attacked me, and the surrounding bookshelves and grimoires began to float in the air.

Objects that resonated with Raina’s soul magic and were given new life began to move and run wild like a poltergeist phenomenon.

[Hey Master Ed! What should I do! This! ]

“It’s okay! Running away is easy!”

Reina’s soul is tied to this library.

After taking control of the space with ignition magic, all you have to do is retreat towards the exit and stay out of Rayna’s range. It’s not that difficult.

I took a deep breath and rolled up my sleeves. It’s not like you can subdue Raina, all you have to do is run away. It’s not easy, it’s a piece of cake.

I began to gather magical energy into my body.


This is not clothing suitable for combat. However, there was no time to change.

Lortel frowned, fluttering the hem of his semi-robe with many ornate decorations.

Lortel jumped out of the carriage, waved off the employees who were trying to dissuade him from returning to the conference room with one arm, and looked at the mouth of the underground waterway with its mouth wide open.

Two sturdy stone pillars firmly support both sides of the entrance. As I approached the street where I could see the downward slope leading to the basement, it felt like a peculiar moisture was sticking to my esophagus.

Once you reach the bottom, a well-maintained waterway extends underground. The space itself is large and neatly equipped with stone supports and exterior walls, so there is no more dust flying around than necessary.

However, even if the underground waterway was built using top-notch magic technology, it cannot easily withstand the winds and waves of time.

There’s mold growing here and there, or it’s cracked, broken, etc… In the end, there’s no way to completely remove the traces of time.

This is not a place where Lortel, who is wearing a lot of clothes and accessories worth dozens of gold coins, should enter. These are luxury items that can change the amount recorded in the ledger even if just a few specks of dust get on them.

However, Lortel paid no heed and entered the waterway with great strides. Non-combat staff were instructed to wait outside and come in to report if the situation changed, as bringing them in would only be a burden.

“I don’t think it’s a facility that needs such a large underground waterway.”

Lortel also tried his hand at the construction business and donated money to all kinds of buildings and facilities. The sense of investing in such infrastructure is also sharp.

Sylvania Academy is a large school that occupies half of the southern part of Aken Island, but there would have been no need to build an underground waterway this large. The ceiling height and width were wide enough to fit a single building, but it was too much.

In the first place, there is not much water flowing along the waterway. If you were to dip your feet in it, it would barely be enough to wet Lortel’s thin ankles.

“It seems as if it was made for another purpose.”

Lortel quickly discovered the suspicious part of the underground waterway. Although I didn’t know specifically what the purpose was.

When the descent was over and the entrance to the proper waterway was visible, Lortel took a deep breath.

– Grrrrrrrr

– Coogung thud.

The sound of shallow waves hitting the large waterway in the center of the passage.

And the sight of fragments of a demonic golem made of stone imprinted with magic strewn here and there in the waterway.

Anyone can see that it is a sign of battle.

No, it was more like a one-sided repulsion rather than a battle.

If you go a little further and look at the center of the waterway, you can see magic stones the size of a carriage also rolling on the bottom of the waterway.

The stone still moved intermittently, as if it was trembling, as it still had some magical energy left, but it no longer seemed like it could reach a meaningful level of power.

The stones that were as big as Lortel’s upper body were probably fragments that made up a mid-level demonic golem, and the fragments that were large enough to be comparable to a carriage were fragments that made up a high-level demonic golem.

If you want to deal with about 10 intermediate level demonic golems, you need to bring at least students with good grades from the upper grades.

When it comes to high-level demonic golems, it is impossible to break through unless you are a professor or something.

There are not many people who can overcome them all at once. No matter how confident Lortel is in his magic skills, he cannot be defeated in one go, although he can be dragged out and fought separately.


Lortel passed through the golem fragments and entered deeper into the waterway.

There was a girl lying unconscious at the end of the passage.

Lortel knows the personal information of the honor students in each grade. It wasn’t difficult to figure out who it was.

For a woman, she is tall and tall, tied up lightly, and has freckles on the cheeks of the back of her head, which is full of activity.

Dorothy was the top student in the 3rd grade pension department.

However, he was completely stunned.

Judging by the fact that his clothes were wet here and there, it seemed like he had been overpowered by someone and rescued him from the waterway.

And as soon as he saw the shawl he had covered himself with as a blanket in case he got cold because of his wet clothes… Lortel frowned.

The design of the shawl with cute cosmos embroidery along the outside is very cute.

Although it was cheap compared to the clothes Lortel was wearing, the shawl still had symbolism.

Hanger is as important as clothes.

Who is the girl who always wears this shawl? This is an elementalist whose name no one in Sylvania knows.

“We’re back at the entrance again! Ugh!”

A girl appeared from inside, crying even though no one was listening.

No, there were definitely people who heard it. It’s just invisible to Lortel’s eyes.

“What did I say! Takan is right…! Oh, isn’t it? Who did you follow what they said this time? Umm… So… At the second intersection, go right, then left, then… left left left left left… “Isn’t it…? Was it left, left, left, left, left…? My head hurts…”

And he was wriggling his fingers in the air and complaining repeatedly.

“I’m sorry… I’m a guileless… It took me a few days just to memorize the way to the North Forest, but trying to figure out this maze-like place all at once is too much… And you, Melis, couldn’t memorize all the directions! Don’t be so angry…! I too am frustrated…! To come back here again… At what age did Ed…”

The reason the words stopped there was because we made eye contact with Lortel.



The only sound of flowing water was in the dark underground. It was spreading across the street.

Her cutely braided light pink hair was full of dust. Unlike usual, she wasn’t wearing a shawl. It wasn’t

long ago that even her neatly dressed school uniform was full of wet and dusty marks here and there. It looks like there was a battle.

Judging by the size and shape of the traces, it appears that there was an additional battle inside the underground waterway.

“Oh my. Senior Yenika.”

The word “dog-friendly” alone cannot fully explain the relationship between the two. It is something more sordid and dirty than that.

In any case, it is clear that both Yenika and Lortel are a thorn in the side of each other’s eyes.

Lortel was buried in the groundwater a few dozen minutes ago. I clearly saw Tarkan’s figure near the entrance. I was able to fully guess that Yenika must have come rushing in a month after hearing the news of Ed’s kidnapping.

However, for Yenika, Lortel’s appearance was completely unexpected.

This is an important fact.

It means that Lortel was one step faster in judging the situation.

As for Yenica Palover, this Sylvanian ace boasts the most spectacular military power among the seniors of each grade.

If we had to use force to line up, Except for Lucy, who is overwhelmingly ahead on her own, she is the girl who is almost at the forefront.

At this point, there is no need for Professor Glast’s research team or anything. She

just destroys the waterway by herself and plays a game, no matter what she does, Ed’s We will secure your safety.


Lortel is the type of person with a clear sense of self-objectification due to his cool-headed personality.

However, there is something that even Lortel overlooks… his way of thinking degenerates when he is particularly involved in relationships between men and women.

When will Lortel be able to realize that fact and recognize his shame? It’s a story in the distant future. In any case, the image lingering in Lortel’s mind right now is very one-dimensional. Ed is

possessed by Yenika wielding all kinds of spirits. I

came to save Ed. He wasn’t hurt. It was really hard. I was worried. Are you okay? Let’s go back together. I cooked a meal at the camp. Let’s warm up by drinking some

warm soup. I don’t have any strength in my body. It’s okay. Thank you for piggybacking me. Yes. Nika, you are the best. I was kidnapped out of the blue and it was very difficult. There were a lot of scary parts and I needed help. Of course, you are the only one. Yenika. I think you are the right partner for my life. Let’s get married Yenika. Ed. What do you mean by marriage? I really like it. The ceremony was held. Where should we do it? How many children will we have? Do you like your daughter? Do you like your son? Where should we set up our newlywed home? Can we do it well?

Don’t worry, Yenika, I’ll make sure you don’t get a drop of water on your hands. Come on, let’s go. The morning sun is rising, my husband and I. Let’s run towards the sun that rises brightly like the future of. Hahahahahahaha no! I’ve

tried my hand at almost every business in the world, but when it comes to the dating business, I’m ridiculously vain. Now, I’m starting to realize it. . Lortel, without fail, dropped his pupils again.

“Senior Yenika. Senior Ed was rescued…! It’s really, really upsetting, but it looks like he got hurt a lot while being kidnapped…! I’m lying on the hospital bed and just calling out Senior Yenika’s name! I’m just looking for senior Yenika in a coma, asking when he’ll come! Now at the camp!”

Anyway, Lortel’s head was spinning.

Since there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that this is where Ed was kidnapped, there is a need to kick Yenika out of this underground tunnel.


Yes. Nika was startled with a whimper. Then she clutched her staff tightly to her chest and ran like a bullet.

Passing Lortel, she heard the sound of small feet tapping up the uphill road leading out into the underground water.

The sound gradually became distant. As Lortel listened to them go, he quickly began to guess which of these underground tunnels Ed was kidnapped in.

However, the time did not last long. The sound of footsteps gradually getting further away became louder again, and they came again from inside the curved road. Jennika’s face jumped out.

“But Lortel. Lortel, why are you telling me that?”

Lortel swallowed in vain.

“And as soon as Ed’s location was identified, I rushed over and was mostly around the entrance. How did Ed get rescued? Who rescued you? “I was the first to arrive, so how did you rescue her without me noticing?”

Yenica’s face as she spoke hesitantly was instantly captivating.

Lortel was not embarrassed. On the contrary, he smiled brightly, like a flower bud blooming. “No, no.”

“You’re really going too far!”

Yenika got angry, puffing out her cheeks to the limit and stomping on the floor. She was swinging her


cane around and stretching her arms out in the air. It seemed like he was just throwing a tantrum.

But Lortel also had no intention of giving in.

Ed Rothtaylor always seems grumpy, but he always expresses gratitude for what he has received and leaves it as a debt of his heart.

The grace that saved him from a life-threatening situation. Rani. At this level, Ed will definitely not be taken lightly.

The first person to find and rescue Ed will be able to truly show the blunt person the favor. Buying him a seal is not the same as buying him a seal. It is a different level of grace.

It is not an opportunity granted to many people. There is only one person who arrives first. In the cruel world of racing, there is no glory granted to second place. It is a world where only the winner dominates.

“This is not the time! Lortel! But…”

Anyway, Yenika knows that fact well… Ed’s life may come and go before then.

I tried to express the fact that it is not the time to fight, but…

“. …Lortel came alone, right? Aren’t you cowardly trying to find Ed by mobilizing other Chamber employees…?”


“No, I mean… It could be even more dangerous if non-combatant Chamber employees get involved for no reason! Yes!”

Yenica, who managed to add a justifiable reason with difficulty, began to express her fairness as well.

“At first, I asked Lucy to help me… but Lucy didn’t even listen to me and just yawned. I mean, he went for a walk… He doesn’t listen to other people and just acts at his own pace… So, I’m alone.” ”

Aha… I see.”

Lortel smiled and stared at each other blankly for a while. I looked at

Yenika, who was smiling so cutely and lively, as if warm dandelion seeds were about to bloom at any moment.

Lortel’s expression was so calm and charming that it didn’t match her small body, and her expression was so warm that it made my heart melt. It seems to be getting easier.

“Then I’ll search mainly on the east side of the waterway, Lortel.”

“Yes, then I’ll search on the other side.”

Ed’s life may be in danger. Even in such a situation, they fight and keep each other in check. Isn’t it too senseless to do this? No matter what, let’s keep the minimum courtesy. Although they

didn’t exchange much words, the two seemed to have found a compromise.

However, the moment the two separated and turned the corner, they both sprinted down the waterway as if they had been waiting. It has begun.

Since ancient times, the world of competition is a cruel law.



sound of dust falling.

Despite being deep underground, a ray of sunlight draws a diagonal line in the air of the underground library.

He straightens his small body, which was crouched, and cackles as usual. The girl stretched out… shook her head a couple of times, adjusted her witch’s hat, and looked around. Should I

call her ignorant or astonished? No

matter how thick the surface is, in the face of strength that does not apply to common sense. It’s easily sliced like tofu.

It’s not high-level magic. It’s not magic that has been forged in any special way.

It’s just the overwhelming amount of magic. For this lazy girl, even the basic magic refining process is just a nuisance. It doesn’t even make

sense . It is a rare monster born with an unprecedented level of magical sensitivity.

By pressing down with the amount of magic he was born with, he breaks through the surface of the earth itself and continues to release that magic towards the place where he can sense Ed.

Even the slightest effort to improve magic efficiency by refining magic power or controlling its flow is a bother to the girl.

A breakthrough that goes beyond ignorance and is so simple that it makes no sense. It’s no different from peeling an apple with a chainsaw.

At this point, this isn’t magic or anything. It’s just violence using overwhelming physical force.

The ceiling of the Soul Library collapsed, filling the hall with scattered marble fragments.

Beneath the feet of lazy Lucy, Banshee Rayna, who had already lost her mind, was completely subdued and crushed.


I feel like yawning and stretching are stretched out as always.

Standing on top of the bookshelves piled up like miscellaneous things like Banshee Rayna, she staggered and looked down at me with a sleepy face…


That’s how Lucy made a blank voice.

“I came to save you because I was bored.”

I held back the pounding headache and rubbed my face several times.



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