The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 209

Youngest person wishing to retire (4)

There were a lot of little things going on but anyway the academic schedule was going smoothly.

As always I am in a position to balance life in the wild at camp and life as a student at the academy. Maybe that’s why I was twice as busy as others and it felt like time passed twice as fast.

The daily routine was mostly uniform.

I wake up early in the morning inspect the camp stock up on food and chat with Lortel who woke up early.

I also tend to wake up very early in the morning but Lortel wakes up at almost dawn and heads to the store. This is because you have to go early in the morning to check the inspection documents for the delivered items.

As I sit by the fire and drink a cup of tea for a while Jenica comes out in her pajamas with puffy eyes and prepares breakfast. He also prepares my meals for me while I finish up heavy work such as chopping firewood or repairing tools.

After spending such a short morning Jenica and I go to school toward the third-grade school building. Since most of our classes overlap we tend to spend most of the day together. Even the Ministry of Magic’s advanced class schedule completely overlapped as I also participated in Professor Kaleid’s Class A class.

Still the classes are different for one or two days a week and if there are other plans outside of the academic schedule we sometimes act differently.

Yenika mainly worked in the spirit research society and I often acted separately when there were things like convening the seniors of the grade. However every time I go to Elte Store to buy survival tools or materials to improve my skills I puff out my cheeks as if I’m uncomfortable but I don’t feel very comfortable here either so I feel like they comfort me every time.

Anyway when I return to camp after completing my academic schedule I still have a lot of work to do.

Even if the camp is left alone for just a day or two things will need maintenance. Most of them require delicate dexterity so I tend to do them myself.

While my job is to inspect the fishing nets check the traps scattered throughout the forest and organize the food ingredients I received from acquaintances Yenika takes care of things such as making sure the bonfire does not go out preparing dinner and cleaning the inside of the laundry camp.

By this time Lortel has also returned and is often doing paperwork at the villa and the three of them often have a meal together. In this case the atmosphere is not very good.

And at night I work on assignments from that day’s school study on my own or train to improve my stats. In the case of Lortel documents are processed at the villa and Yenika listens to spirits at Merilda’s guardian tree reads books or does the same homework.

Then by the time the moon rises in the sky everyone goes to sleep. I’m usually the last one to sleep in.

In the late hours of the night I sit alone in the night camp and quietly look at the bonfire and take the time to organize my thoughts.

After listening to the sound of insects in the grass or the rustling of leaves in the wind I organize my plans for tomorrow etc. in my head and quietly go into the cabin and fall asleep.

The repetition of that schedule… It lasted for about a month. It could be said that one month passed smoothly without any major upheaval. Perhaps this daily life which I was able to spend without much ups and downs was the most precious time.

Of course this does not mean that there were no big ups and downs no big or small events or changes.

However over a long period of one month… There were only three things worth mentioning.

“… The opinion is interesting but the evidence is weak. They don’t present any measurable figures and just present evidence for the claim as another claim. I can do this basic circular argument… ”

[There are many times when presenting an opinion itself is meaningful. See this person is saying that the path or trend of currency circulation should not be determined solely by the cash circulating in the market. In fact there is more invisible money than visible money. That’s a pretty interesting view. If we expand and develop it a more interesting story might come out. ]

The first is that Lucy has been spending a lot of time hanging out with Merilda.

As for Merilda she is a spirit whose hobby is always piling up books in the corner of the camp and reading them while humming.

Because it was difficult to turn the pages of a book she did not take on the form of a wolf but instead appeared as a girl with her white hair tied back and was always laughing heartily in the corner of the camp wondering what was so good about it.

Lucy skimmed through the book next to Merilda acting as if she was trying to increase the amount of knowledge she had in her head.

Merilda seemed happy that her reading companions had increased and whenever she had time she talked to Lucy about various topics. As I listened to her next to her she had a lot of complicated things to say so she didn’t really want to get involved.

Well Lucy still spends most of the day napping and whenever she gets the chance she comes up to me while I’m doing camp work and flirts with me or sits on a nearby nearby tree stump and wiggles her feet. Human nature does not change easily.

But did you feel something about the work at the monastery? I felt like I wanted more fundamental power rather than simple force.

Sometimes when I see him sitting alone on a tall tree at sunset and looking at the setting sun I think he must have gone through some kind of emotional change.

The second is Tanya.

“Hello brother. “I’ll borrow a closet.”

It can be seen that Tanya who is often found hugging her knees in the closet when she is bored escapes from the office whenever she is overloaded with student council work.

No matter what you can’t sit in a stranger’s closet but if you stay in your own room you’ll be caught right away so it’s like running away to camp. It’s almost pitiful.

However it is a closet that is opened and opened several times a day. As he repeatedly went into it and was found again he started to change his position here and there perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed.

Found under a bed under a table in a workshop on the second floor in a corner of a wooden warehouse etc… It is often found in dark and gloomy places.

If that’s the case I told him to just sit proudly by the campfire and his response was shocking.

“If you do that you’ll be caught right away… No whatever. I’m here because it’s comfortable. that… “Should I say I’m organizing my thoughts?”

“… ”

“And I told you. If you are in a dark calm space… . Mind… Should I say that I feel like I’m being blown away… Because my heart feels refreshed… !”

My only younger brother is seeping into the darkness. Is this okay?

Well actually it’s just a short escape so there’s nothing to worry about. Usually Ziggs comes before the sun sets and almost kidnaps Tanya.

Looking at his detached expression even when he was captured by Ziggs it seemed like he just wanted to cool off for a moment in the first place.

Ziggs seems to know that too so he just repeats the process of capturing Tanya without any complaints.

It’s full of events… Student Council. I felt vaguely vague.

And the third was a visit by a more unexpected person than expected.

“For the past few weeks I have been lodging myself in the library to look for information about the Holy Spear Dragon Bellbroke and Great Sage Sylvania.”

It was late at night when we arrived.

It was late at night when even Jenica had gone to bed and was sitting alone around the bonfire.

The name of the girl who appeared out of nowhere was… This is Ayla Tris.

A girl who appeared as the main face of and always supported the main character Tailley McLaure.

A girl who later had a great influence on the subjugation of Bellbroke with her academic will and background knowledge and became a person whose name will forever be remembered in history by inheriting the will and will of the great sage Sylvania better than anyone else.

“Senior Ed.”

This is the first time we have met since the uproar during the Elte Trading Company incident. As soon as the incident was over I went straight to Cleric’s Monastery so we rarely had to see each other for a while.

As Ayla came and sat down across from the fire her chestnut hair became a soft brown in the red light of the fire.

Ayla looked at the fire for a moment and then spoke.

we… “Would you like to talk?”

The conversation I had with Ayla Treas that night was… It could be said that it was the most shocking of this otherwise peaceful month.

In the ending cutscene she is recognized by the bachelor as the great sage who succeeded Sylvania.

Great Sage Aila Triss. I knew that one day I would receive that name and make a name for myself as an academic.

Anyway I knew that I wasn’t an easy person to take in the academic field but… The words that followed were so unconventional as to be absurd.

As the nighttime bonfire swayed in the wind the shadows of Ayla and I were also swaying.

*― Boom!

Thus the bachelor began the preparation period for the Crestol Festival in earnest. It was a month before the festival started.

This festival named after the most famous prime minister in the history of the empire is the oldest of the country’s auspicious events. In fact it is a festival that has been going on since the time of King Cloel I so it is held on a grand scale befitting its history.

Basically it involves Emperor Cloel touring various infrastructure facilities in the empire giving encouragement and observing events prepared by each territory or facility. As it is a slope it is naturally noisy wherever you go.

“This year’s Crestol Grand Festival has a completely different meaning from the festival four years ago. “It is a festival that took place during the transition of imperial authority and during this time Emperor Cloel personally inspects each territory and facility.”

It was a mere coincidence that I a member of the Ministry of Magic came to the Combat Department’s training ground.

Today after finishing my daily routine with no major changes I just took a different route to camp than usual.

Originally my usual route was to cross Haksak-dong straight enter the northern road and then follow the path extending toward the northern forest.

However today I had to stop by Trix Hall to renew my bachelor’s scholarship so I took a slightly detour along the northeastern road.

And if you follow the road all the way the place you can see is the personal training area prepared outdoors for the students of Class A of the Combat Department.

“Now that we are sparring at such an important occasion I have no intention of giving in.”

Dyke Elphelan a 4th year senior in the Combat Department.

In fact the hair cut so short that it is almost bald looks sleek.

However just looking at the rugged muscular body and the size of the body that resembles a clumsy beast is quite intimidating. The skin tanned to a copper color looked as hard as steel despite being human skin.

Dyke who trains repeatedly at his personal training center every day has long since transcended the human realm.

The bandage wrapped around his hand was already tattered. Even the bandages were torn to pieces spread out all over the training ground as if they had been replaced several times.

The scarecrows used for punching bags rolling around on the floor are things that by nature should not be rolling around on the floor like that.

It was made strong by adding several layers of protection magic to withstand attacks from students. It was not something that would be naturally pulled out like a radish being uprooted and left lying around in a shattered state.

A single punch thrown with all his might causes the air to vibrate and a single screamed kick shakes the ground.

Even the most well-trained students in the combat club start shaking when they face Dyke Elphelan the senior student of the fourth year.

I felt like I was encountering a huge beast rather than a person. Only those who have encountered it can know what it feels like.

“I’ve heard a lot about how great you are. I saw it clearly with my own eyes during the last semester exam. You probably got to that position through hard work and burning willpower. “I sincerely admire your fierce will and strong spirit.”

The meeting was a coincidence.

The only time I encountered him raising his fist at the combat club training center was on the route to the Trix building.

However Dyke Elphelan greeted me as if he had made a promise.

The top is completely removed. Sweat was flowing.

Dyke Elphelan stood firmly crossed his arms and lowered his head as he spoke.

“But I have my own circumstances. If you meet on the sparring field try not to insult each other by pointing your hand at each other. “Duel is a noble law.”

of course. Senior Dyke.”

The highest grade student about to graduate and the one who has been recognized as having the highest level of ability.

Not only that but he was respected by all 4th graders.

Tracy the head of the Ministry of Magic who knows how to use high-level magic and Dorothy the head of the Alchemy Department who was the first to combine the ‘Cutting Reagent’… Even they would give up in front of Dyke… Dyke Elphelan’s name value was high.

In the corner of the sparring hall at sunset we stood still facing each other.

Then it was Dyke Elphelan who burst into laughter first.

“Kkkkkk… Well there’s nothing good about being too serious. However since they said that he was Chairman Tanya’s older brother it was a bit awkward to just send him away. I’m sorry for suddenly pretending to know you Ed Rothtaylor. “Still it would be polite to exchange greetings.”

no. “I heard that my younger brother is in a lot of debt with the student council.”

well. As a member of the student council I owe more. I know very well how much you contribute to strengthening the student council. Moreover even though he is the chairman who always says all kinds of unpleasant things to his death he manages to handle all the tasks given to him. “As a member of the student council I am thankful for this.”

Dyke Elphelan senior action member of the student council.

Even Dyke who is said to break a stone wall with a single punch and crush a human bone with a single kick… First of all since he was a student member he was under Tanya Rosstaylor’s command.

Whenever she gets the chance she stays in a dark place with a soulless face making her look like a girl with a broken heart but Tanya is also a person in power who has reached that level.

“However it is true to some extent that I am a bit worried about Chairman Tanya.”

Is that so?

“I’m already suffering from a lot of work but now that we start the preparation period for the festival the student council work will double. Honestly I don’t think Chairman Tanya can handle the workload on her own.”

“Isn’t there quite a lot of manpower in the student council?”

“Still there are so many things that the student council president must personally judge and approve… There will be no reduction in the amount of reporting or review documents. Actually if you think about it from my perspective the fundamental problem is a bit different.”

I tilted my head and looked at Dyke. What did that mean? I asked with just a gesture.

Dyke is a member of the student council and sees how things are going. Plus he’s a bit older and his personality is calmer than he looks… I feel like I have the insight to intuitively see the cause of the problem.

“There is no proper administrative staff. There is no need for skill or experience to be an action committee member actual measurement committee member or progress committee member. “Most of the time I take care of things that just need to be done as instructed.”

Dyke spoke as he cleaned up the scarecrows he had destroyed.

“However there is an absolute lack of administrative personnel who can take the lead in handling tasks while following the reporting system established in this bureaucratic system. In fact this is a chronic problem of student council regardless of which university.”

Is that so?

okay. Due to the nature of the student council you cannot join if you are not a student but even if you are a child of a prestigious family with a high level of education you cannot be good at real-life administration. “I will try my best but it is difficult to maintain a unified reporting system and people who cannot organize even basic documents by category are taking over as administrative committee members.”

Well it can’t be helped. As a student you can’t ask for too much.

Dyke smiled bitterly as he said that.

“The mountain of work piled up like that is ultimately the result of an unsystematic work process. If we had more organized administrative members the workload would be greatly reduced. Ziggs is giving his strength but there are limits.”

“Aren’t there some sons and daughters of high-ranking officials in the academy? “Have you ever contacted such students?”

“Do you know how precious it is to be a student who knows how to handle administrative matters? In most cases everyone has a professor with them. “I won’t hand it over to the student council.”

Those who learned from their families to handle the affairs of this or that bureaucratic society over their shoulders hold everyone tightly under their command and never let go.

This is always a troublesome issue for the student council which had to form a cabinet relatively late.

“Hmm… ”

As I was suddenly thinking while rubbing my chin Dyke looked at me as if he was having fun and spoke.

why? “Are you willing to introduce me to someone who is nice?”

“There are a few people that come to mind… ”

“Quit. Quite a few people have approached me at the student council level.”

hmm… .”

I was so worried for a while.

It didn’t take long to take action.


“What is all this…” Ed… ?”

A renowned senior assistant in Professor Claire’s lab.

Because of her old-fashioned light gray hair and aristocratic appearance bachelor’s students often misunderstand her as an aristocrat… She is a commoner in name and reality.

I received a bachelor’s scholarship because I don’t have tuition but I’m living a miserable life eating vegetable peels because I don’t have enough money for food… She is a girl who somehow manages to maintain a neat and classy appearance.

“It’s just as you see it…” ”

“This is it… It’s a work report document… ?”

Tanya is sitting in the chairman’s chair with an awkward expression on her face and Ziggs is polishing his longsword in the corner of the office.

Anis Haylan who was looking at the tall tower of documents in front of her… His mouth hung open and he was speechless.

“Senior Anis. “When I was forming the cabinet I asked him several times and he refused but I had no idea he would come all the way to the Obelgwan like this.”

“Oh no… Chairman Tanya… I… actually… I came here to properly reject you one more time… ”

It was only recently that they invaded the Dex building and brought Anise back.

She was calculating her living expenses while chewing grass in the student cafeteria… When I suddenly grabbed her arm and told her I had a favor to ask she blushed and looked embarrassed.

It is said that the student council tried to recruit her several times but she continued to refuse because she did not want to give up her status as an undergraduate scholarship student.

It looks like they only exchanged opinions in writing but if you bring them to the site and talk to them in person their opinions may change.

Above all I know this because I have worked with her on a bachelor’s scholarship for a long time.

Senior Assistant Anise Haylan… First of all I am weak at pushing the atmosphere… ! It’s never too late to just push through and think about it… !

“Anyway the document categorization process… Why didn’t you do it… ? President.

yes… ?”

“No that… Rather than forming a work system that delivers documents to the president all at once isn’t it more efficient to set a date for each day of the week and set categories of work to be handled? For example customs work on Monday protocol work on Tuesday and student welfare work on Wednesday… Like this… ”

“… ”

“Then wouldn’t work become more efficient because it would be easier for reporters waiting for work to be processed to predict when approval will come for the documents they uploaded? ?”

“… ”

Tanya hesitated and avoided eye contact. In fact that wasn’t Tanya’s job in the first place.

Tanya is in the position of a driver who dictates the direction of the organization not an engineer who polishes each and every part of the car.

and… Why does the chairman alone have the authority to approve all documents?”

yes… ? That’s right… Because I am the final approval authority for all matters of the student council… ”

“Important matters such as budget planning and policy setting must be reviewed by the chairman… For minor and routine matters such as simple purchase of supplies or calculation of activity costs it is better to give middle managers the authority to conclude the work before it comes to the chairman… Otherwise you won’t be able to handle the workload… ”

“Huh… ”

“It is better to actively utilize middle managers and categorize and process documents in chunks. In particular it is efficient to collect and process similar items in one day and even those receiving orders will be able to handle the work intuitively.”

After looking at just a few of the piled up documents Anis quickly started talking.

And all of that content was so heartbreaking that Tanya had no choice but to swallow her breath.

Leading an organization and managing an organizational system are completely different issues.

“Huh… why me… This is what we’re talking about… Stop making it a habit… ”

“Senior Anis. “Where have you been and now are you here!”

Tanya with tears in her eyes held Anise’s hands tightly together.

Seeing the dignified and famous student council president like this was so embarrassing that Anise was breaking into a cold sweat.

“Oh no. Chairman Tanya. I am a bachelor’s scholarship student… ”

“I will submit a letter of recommendation to the Glokt Scholarship Foundation in the name of the student president!”

“But considering the cost of living it would be better to be part of the bachelor’s department… ”

“We will personally withdraw money from the Los Taylor Fund to support your living expenses!”

“Changing affiliation based on private support is a very unstable choice… !”

Anis was correct. But Tanya paid no heed to it picked up the quill and scribbled on the document.

“The amount… This much… !”

“… ”

“… ”

Anise suddenly looked at my face and spoke in a whisper.

thing… It’s not an amount worth refusing… ! “What is this Ed!”

“Are you dissatisfied if I ask you to do something? ”

“Oh no… Yes but… ”

The length of the numbers Tanya wrote down is unusual.

Anise was looking at the long line of ink with a confused expression.

The next morning when Tanya appeared on the podium at the student assembly her face was shining.

He has a more flabby look than before and is smiling brightly as if he is the happiest in the world. It seems like bright flowers are blooming all around.

What happened to Tanya the student council president who looked like a walking corpse?

Have you at least started a relationship?

Such pink gossip circulated among female students…

The truth is… It was a little more grounded in reality.

*After handing his coat to the Ophelis Hall maid Dyke Elphelan entered the private room and sat down.

As it is a magnificent and luxurious dormitory the space is well utilized.

Antique furniture and landscape paintings on the walls. He walked through them sat down at the table and took a long sigh.

A sigh from a large man is heard in the dark private room. Today’s training was difficult but I can’t be lazy like this.

Suddenly I look up.

On the wall hangs a portrait of Princess Selaha sent by the Elphelan family the main family. He threatened me to hang it in my room.

The student council the imperial family and the family.

In the midst of the tangled conflict of opinions Dyke Elphelan is only interested in one thing. There is only endless training.

However we cannot live forever as fools who only know about training.

Dyke leaned back and looked up at the ceiling.

The current 4th grade class at Sylvania Academy has a reputation as the worst generation.

Because other grades were full of all kinds of geniuses the prevailing opinion was that Dike’s generation was ‘hard-working hard-working students.’

Those who work hard.

When Dike remembered that evaluation which was half praise and half curse he burst out laughing.

Because it is not wrong.

He has come this far with only his best ability to crawl on the floor and his hard work.

All fourth-grade students know how arduous and painful that effort was. That’s why we all pay our respects to Dyke Elphelan.

At some point people called Dyke that having risen to the top with nothing but his will and no natural ability. ‘King of the dull people’.

Could the title king be so dishonorable? However Dyke didn’t even look particularly offended.

He sits on a wooden chair in the corner of the room leaning back as if sitting on a throne and looks up blankly at the ceiling.

Princess Selaha is coming.

The noble princess served by the Elphelan family…

Selaha Einir Cloel comes to Sylvania.

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