The Extra Wants To Live

Chapter 15: Azgoth's Schemes

News spread that Carl's body had recovered dramatically. Of course, I thought I would die, but I survived and it became a bigger issue.

And this news is very bad news overall.

To Carl, to the other princes, and to the nobles who lined up for them.

However, it was not bad for Nero, who wanted to leave the imperial palace as soon as possible and travel the world. He had no business knowing who would become emperor.

No, it seems unlikely, but he thought it would be better if Carl became emperor. He thought that at least it was better than having the impregnable First Prince Aric becoming emperor.

If Aric becomes emperor, Nero may be captured and given territory to work for.

Aric seems to want to place Nero in the eastern part of the empire to prevent attacks from the east, but there is no way around it.

Nero would never do it.

Actually, Nero don't know what Adrian is thinking. However, he felt somewhat cold, and Eas was a bit uncomfortable with Adrian. Aric would be better than Adrian, and Karl would be better than Aric.

But Carl has no power or foundation. It would be best for him to push Aric.

The reason why Nero is so worried about the right to succeed to the throne is because Azgoth has not yet been installed as crown prince.

It doesn't matter because the 5th prince is too young, but the 4th prince is already an adult, and the age difference is not that big.

When a fight for the throne occurs, the power of the imperial family weakens.

Therefore, it is right to install the crown prince as soon as possible and give him power, but Azgoth is still silent as to what he is thinking.

Nero, and most other nobles, believe that 1st Prince Aric should become emperor.

Adrian is known to the outside world as being lazy and playful, Nero is recognized by everyone for his ability but has no interest in power or politics, and Carl is sickly and has no foundation.

In fact, Aric is already taking care of state affairs as Azgoth's' agent and making patrols to distant borders to solidify the influence of the imperial family.

"So, you too, don't do anything stupid. okay? When brother Aric returns, you will go straight to him and make it clear that he should become emperor, Not you."

Nero was worried that Carl might do something foolish and cause trouble, so he came to him first and warned him.

"Your Majesty will take a look. Never, ever make eye contact. Just keep your mouth shut and just say that you can't do it and that you want to go out and live freely. Oh, be careful about women. If you have children, the succession rights to the throne will continue, so I don't know how things will turn out."

Nero warned repeatedly.

Although Nero was doing this for his own benefit, he was fundamentally a good-natured and cheerful man, so his concern for Carl was evident.

But he could only say that because he didn't know that Carl had already opened his eyes and endured Azgoth's' gaze.

Azgoth's planned everything to make the princes compete.

In order to sway Adrian, who is by far the best among the princes but has no interest in power, he assassinates Empress Emma and even goes so far as to trick Adrian into revealing the truth.

Azgoth may have seen potential in Carl. If that's the case, he'll try to keep Carl from falling like this.

Just as he held Nero' mother Bella as hostage and eventually prevented Nero from leaving the imperial palace.

"Yes, brother. Thank you for the advice."

Carl smiled politely and expressed his gratitude for Nero's' words.

If Carl tries to run away, what terrible trick will Azgoth's pull to create a web?

Carl glanced at Lilly, who was looking at him warmly with reddened eyes from a little distance away.

Just seeing Carl wake up alone in the morning made her cry. It was only during the morning that she started to cry, so he was worry that she was dehydrated.

Carl strengthened his resolve.

Before Azgoth's moves directly, Carl must move first and show his will.

However, before Carl could do anything, Azgoth, the great emperor of the Thousand Year Empire, struck first.

Azgoth was overjoyed at Carl recovery from a long illness, and decided to throw a party to commemorate the occasion. Officially.

Azgoth is not the type of person to feel paternal feelings.

Azgoth remembered the look in Carol's eyes that day.

Those hungry animal-like eyes. A passionate desire for life. Unwavering will.

And, like Adrian, Azgoth also saw the writings Carl wrote while researching information for an alibi.

An article written by an ignorant and incompetent child who could not have learned anything, and runs logically and in one direction.

Azgoth also already knows.

Even if he doesn't do anything, Carl will jump into the fight for the throne.

However, if he are going to do it, it would be better to be sure.

The Emperor of the Thousand Year Morgan Empire is looking down on everything from his throne and keeping an eye on Carl.

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