The Extra Wants To Live

Chapter 137: Jousting Competition

If Carl kept him in his hands, he couldn't entrust him with important work, but if he gave him to someone else, it felt like a shame since he was the master.

If he wanted to use him, he would have to throw him into enemy territory as if he were throwing a defective grenade.

It would be better if it didn't explode, but if it exploded the moment Carl pulled out the pin, there was really no answer.

'Let's just leave it for now. I can think about how to use him later after we become emperor. He won't be involved in the succession to the throne anyway,' Carl thought.

Carl, who was trying to ignore Jaren, stopped when he felt his hot gaze.

He slowly turned his head to see Jaren staring at Carl, as if his sharp intuition was working better than necessary and his anxiety was proven right.

"... ... ."

"... ... ."

Carl smiled and nodded to him in greeting, and Jaren hesitated a little, looking a bit embarrassed, then smiled and nodded in return.

He probably thought Carl would roll over and come running to greet him.

Officially, it is known that '4th Prince Carl' must act like that.

Carl realized why Jaren was here.

It must have been to enjoy the sight of Carl, newly popular in the military, running up to him and clinging to him, wagging his tail like a dog smelling a snack.

It wouldn't have been so bad in the past, but now, showing that kind of attitude does more harm than good.

Carl just passed Jaren by.

And, following the rules that guests invited to the party must follow, he went to find the host, Milione, who was in the large tent in the center.

The nobles who followed Carl also headed towards Milione, and the nobles who were distracted by the Master's presence hurriedly followed.

Jaren's mouth twitched as the nobles who had gathered around him receded like the tide.

Carl got off his horse and went into the tent. The other nobles waited outside out of respect for Carl and Milione, while only Catherine, Billford, and Harmon, who belonged to Carl, followed him in.

"Hansval Ball."

An old man who was examining the model battlefield and horses spread out on a very large table in the center of the tent turned his head and looked at Carl. Gray hair and beard, wrinkled skin.

Although his face was a bit long, it still looked very plump. In the two blue eyes looking at Carl, an intense light flashed as if to prove what kind of being he was.

"Your Majesty Carl. Nice to meet you."

Milione stood up straight, turned to Carl, and bowed his head slightly as a courtesy.

He spoke without moving his mouth much, his stylishly curled beard not moving at all. It seemed as if he was practicing ventriloquism.

"I'm sorry for coming here so suddenly when I wasn't formally invited."

"This traditional party is always open to talented young people."

"Well, that's good."

Carl smiled leisurely. Milione had just warned, "If you can't prove your abilities, it would be rude to come without an invitation."

Carl smiled coolly and replied, "That won't happen."

Carl lifted his chin and rested his left arm on the hilt of the sword at his left waist.

Deep-set eyes were revealed through the blond hair that flowed slightly down. They were so hot and so frozen, with the blue color of green foliage.

"Do you plan on participating in the competition, Lord Carl?"

Milione looked at Carl with his blue eyes without moving a muscle and said, "This time, the movement of his mouth was hidden by his unmoving beard."

"I'm thinking of going to the jousting competition."

"Jousting is dangerous."

"Do you really think I'll die?"

"You could die. There are so many desperate young people."

"Oh, I'm pretty desperate, so I guess I can put up a decent match."

"As long as you don't die instantly, you'll be fine, as long as you have a therapist."

"Do some people die instantly?"

"Since I'm not wearing full plate armor, things like that happen by accident."

"Oh, like that."

Carl spoke without any emotion.

Throughout Earth's history, jousting competitions were fought wearing heavy and sturdy armor.

However, it is said that there were always deaths. But in this place where magic exists, dying during a match is very rare.

And Carl had been through too much to be trembling over something as simple as a match.

"Would you like to try a strategy game?"

"I'll try it when I have time."

"Then, enjoy the party to your heart's content."

"Yes, Hansval."

Carl smiled and extended his hand to Milione, but Milione, not feeling like he could hold Carl's hand while standing upright, bent down slightly and took his hand.

"... ... ."

"... ... ."

There was no need to waste mana.

Milione could feel Carl's skinny hand gripping his own with a strength he clearly did not have.

And this palm. His hands appeared thin and elegant, but his palms were rough and tough, like those of a warrior.

It was only two months ago that Carl had shaken off his illness and picked up a sword for the first time. It was a hand that had been made in two months.

These hands were not easy to obtain.

If treated with magic, muscle growth would be slowed and calluses would not form. To create a hand like this in just two months, you would probably have to keep swinging your weapon while your palms were tattered and bleeding.

But for that to be the case, Carl's hands looked too clean on the outside. In other words, it was a hand that Carl should not have now.

Carl looked up at Milione coldly from close range, then narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Your hands are a bit rougher than I thought?"

Only then did Milione let go. But he couldn't hide the suspicion that was flickering in his blue eyes.

"… Yes, I recommend you wear gloves."

This suspicion arose from the lack of knowledge about Carl's strangely robust constitution and powerful resilience.

And Carl was a man who knew how to use these points to greatly exaggerate his extraordinary abilities.

"It's not really necessary. Well, I'll see you later."

Carl turned around with a smile, and those who followed him followed him out, giving Milione a quick greeting. Milione carefully observed Carl's back and gait.

"... He's very thin, but he's very well-proportioned. He's already a complete body."

Milione felt a little creeped out when he saw Carl's body.

The process of human body growth is fixed. No matter how outstanding one may be, one cannot deviate greatly from this.

But Carl was growing as if he was 'expanding' rather than 'growing.' The skeleton's shape was perfectly maintained, and all parts grew evenly while maintaining a certain proportion.

Just as 'little people' grow up, not 'children.' Milione shook his head as he pictured the back of Carl, who had already disappeared.

He can't just focus on Carl right now. Because as a host, He have to welcome guests.

"You've drawn the attention that was focused on Master Jaren to me. Is this what you were aiming for?"

But as he listened to the voices of those waiting to meet Milione in front of the tent, he couldn't help but think about Carl.

Seriously, it's extraordinary.


Carl was already conversing separately with the nobles who had greeted Milione. We talked about the match and the achievements Carl had made.

"Will Master Jaren join too?"

"It's a place that gives young people a chance to make a name for themselves, so it's rare for people with status and fame to participate in competitions other than strategy games… ."

There is no need for old people who have everything to run around covered in dirt.

If they go into the game, they will only hear bad things. And what use is force to them? If there's a war, they'll just be commanding, so it's better to focus on strategy games.

"Master Jaren, you've only recently become a Master, so maybe you can join? You'll have to let us know your name."

An officer spoke in a boastful tone.

No, actually, it's true that I'm complaining.

Jaren came from a humble family but rose to fame by becoming a Master.

That's fine, but the problem is that it's too cocky.

On the outside, he pretended to be polite, but on the inside, he looked down on others and showed many unpleasant words and actions.

The experienced ones quickly sensed this and realized his sordid nature hidden behind the Master's radiance.

"Hahaha, did you hear that? Lady Catherine, if you're lucky, you might even be able to compete with the Master."

"You have to be careful. Jousting is really dangerous."

Catherine gave serious advice.

Of course, she knew how careful Carl was, and also how skillfully he had become at jousting in a short time.

If she were to objectively assess Carl's current skill level, it would be fair to say that he is on par with the country knights even without mana.

"I know. Oh, and by the way, you can't use mana in matches, right?"


Carl narrowed his eyes and smiled at Catherine's answer.

"Then, it means that the Wonder Master Jaren can be defeated. And Billford as well."

"... ... ."

Everyone was silent at such absurd words.

Even if you can't use mana, a master is a master.

His body, strengthened by mana, had surpassed human limitations, and his honed martial arts had also reached a high level.

"If you are significantly ahead in martial arts, then yes, you can."

Catherine said confidently.

Of course, she knew very well that Jaren was also excellent in martial arts. Still, she couldn't just act like a dog with its tail tied behind its back here.

"I see. Then I'll be looking forward to it."

"Yes, Lord Carl."

Catherine responded heavily to Carl's words.

This short conversation spread like wildfire, and of course, it reached Jaren's ears.

It's really horrible; Jaren will be talked about whether he participates in the match or not.

If you get involved, you're a fool who's robbing young people of their opportunities. If you don't participate, you're a coward who avoids challenges.

Jaren originally only wanted to enjoy the power of the 4th Prince Carl by dragging him around. But he shouldn't have been here in the first place.

Jaren secretly struggled with his decision, but eventually decided to participate in the competition.

He figured Jaren secretly struggled with his decision, but eventually decided to participate in the competition. He figured it was better to be a little reckless than a coward.

'You've got some good companions. It's a win-win, whether you win or lose,'

Carl thought with a calm smile.

If he wins, it's great, and if he loses, it's enough to have attracted a lot of attention. Is his relationship with Jaren strained? Rather, it is good.

People don't admire Jaren; they admire 'Master' Jaren. There are few people who like Jaren as a person.

Even the fact that he has a falling out with him can be used politically. It is definitely beneficial.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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