The Extra Wants To Live

Chapter 133: Controversial Issue

Milione invited Carl.

This was quite a controversial issue.

It was not an easy thing to overlook, as it involved other than the cavalry captain Milione, the most powerful figure in the military during peacetime.

Milione, who usually took a somewhat lukewarm stance within the military that strongly supported Nero, approaching Carl was big news.

However, because the invitation was delivered so carefully, it didn't feel unnatural.

"Parties hosted by Hansval are rare, but they're not bad. He mtioned you, so I thought it would be a good idea to meet up this time," Nero said to Carl, who was looking out the window.

Carl looked as if he had be struck by the first sight of him. "If you say the party wasn't bad, what on earth did that old soldier do to you?"

Unlike his fixed eyes at first glance, his snout moved a well, suggesting that his head was turning well.

"You still joy speaking in an unpleasant manner. I don't know if we can let a politely rude person like you loose in this palace," Nero remarked.

"Don't worry. I'm only rude to you, brother."

"On the other hand, shouldn't you respect your brother ev if you don't respect other people?"

"You don't intd to kill me or use me as a tool, do you?"

"… … ."

Nero froze at Carl's calm words.

He oped his lips to say something, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Nero was well aware that Carl was taking somewhat… political action.

It wasn't that Carl saw through Nero's acting, but rather that Carl was showing it to Nero.

Carl was trying to get the military's support to replace Nero.

Whether he was after the throne or simply seeking to seize power, Nero couldn't tell.

But there was no other way to avoid Carl being swayed helplessly.

unlike Nero, who had the strong financial power of Count Beria's family behind him, Carl, who had no foundation, would d up being sold as a political tool if he continued on his way.

If it was a political marriage, it was better, and he might be tak away as a hostage to another country.

And it couldn't be died that Nero was using these circumstances as an excuse to pass the burd on to Carl.

"It's a joke," Carl smiled broadly in the tse atmosphere and drank his tea in an elegant manner.

Nero felt that Carl's appearance was very unfamiliar.

Just a few months ago, he was acting like a savage in a mess, but now it was like…

'… I ded up like Adrian.'

Carl had a beautiful appearance like Adrian, acted noble like Adrian, and gave off a slightly creepy vibe like Adrian.

Since wh did he become like this?

"So why did you fall for that old man's party?"

"You son of a bitch."


Nero threw a cushion at Carl, hitting him for his unpleasant choice of words. Carl hit Nero's head with a cushion that he hadn't thrown very hard, th carefully smoothed his messy hair.

Ev that appearance was beautiful and sad like a painting, as if Nero had done something very wrong.

"The party hosted by Hansval is just a party in name only. People gather to do various games and such," Nero explained, determined not to be swayed any further by the mean and sly Carl.

"We race horses, play strategy games, and if we feel like it, we ev have jousting matches or sparring matches."

"It's like a playg for grown adults."

"You could say that. And while it's not that Prince Hansval is ignorant of politics or uninterested in it, it's certainly true that he doesn't get involved in it much. At least no one will talk about politics during a party. If they respect the host, Prince Hansval."

"That's fortunate." Carl answered with a leisurely smile, and Nero looked at him quietly.

"Carl, Brother Aric will be returning to the palace soon."

"Yes, of course the crown prince should be Brother Aric."

"… … ."

"Oh, brother. Really. Don't do that." Carl waved his hand as if he was tired of Nero staring at him.

"Th, would you like Adrian, who loves to play, to become the crown prince? Or would you rather be the one?"

"Carl." Nero cut Carl off sharply. With his narrowed eyes like the sun, Nero looked at Carl.

"Brother, look at me. If I become crown prince, there will be a rebellion."

Carl burst into laughter and spoke to reassure Nero.

If Carl, who had no power or foundation, became crown prince, the empire could really be divided.

However, to Nero, who knew Carl's true nature to some extt, Carl seemed to have the pottial to be a great monarch, comparable to Balos.

Carl was completely flawless, except for his backg. If he were to reveal himself completely, the succession structure would be thrown into disarray.

"Okay. Since my brother doesn't trust me at all, let's do this. Wh Brother Balos returns, I will go and greet him and make sure that Brother Aric becomes the crown prince."

"… Is that true?"

"Yes, of course. How much do you doubt this little brother of yours?"

Carl was making a fuss.

He really intded to do so.

Wh Aric came, he would immediately greet him and draw the line by saying, 'You should be the emperor!' Of course, it would be difficult to fool those who were holding hands and pushing Carl.

He needed to give them a little hint.

"… … Th, I understand." Nero nodded heavily. And he gave his younger brother some sincere advice.

"But, Carl, don't forget. Ev if you don't want to, there will be those who will force you to do it. That's politics. Be careful not to fall for their sweet talk. If the succession structure becomes chaotic, the imperial family will be divided, the nobles will take sides, the empire's territories will be torn apart, and the empire's subjects will suffer."

"Yes, brother. I will keep that in mind."

Carl listed inttly to Nero's advice and nodded in response.

'It's fate that it will be like this anyway. In that case, I'd rather break everything with my own hands and seize it.'

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