The Extra Wants To Live

Chapter 127: Banquet

A banquet was held.

Carl sat next to Govan at the highest table, a somewhat significant choice of position compared to the previous meeting where Govan, the owner of the land, clearly sat at the highest table.

Another thing that was unusual was that it felt very differt from the banquets Carl knew.

Compared to the banquet halls of the most spldid imperial palaces in the empire, the banquet halls of the war fortress Davron Castle felt more like dark basemts.

Large, sturdy brick walls were clearly visible, and instead of ornate jewels and elegant gold decorations, there were only tables for sitting and joying food and drinks.

It wasn't the noisy and chaotic atmosphere that Carl saw at Hillfin. While they didn't really muffle the noise, everyone was joying themselves while maintaining a certain level of moderation.

Quite a few nobles came to see him in person and praised Carl's bravery.

Carl shook hands with them each day and had light conversations, never once refusing to empty his glass.

Thanks to his strong constitution, Carl did not get drunk easily, and everyone was very satisfied with the young prince's appearance, whose expression did not change ev once he drank heavily.

The ctral power did not reach the Marquis of Dabron.

Here, Carl could act with relative ease. Or perhaps it could be said that it was okay to happily eat the fish caught in the net.

As for politics and diplomacy, the credit would go to Govan, but everyone there knew that it was Carl's work. It was said that Carl, who led only 4 m into battle, personally killed the emy, so his martial arts were also extraordinary.

Only Govan and Philaine knew that Carl was manipulating mana. However, no one knew how he fought. Because Carl moved like an electric currt in the midst of such a hectic momt, ev Philaine could not see Carl's fight.

However, Philaine was not so stupid as to dy the power of mana ev after seeing the corpse of Darian with a brok neck as if he had be attacked by a bear.

In other words, Carl proved that he had the pottial to become a great monarch, possessing a deep mind, a good character, tactical insight, and ev a talt for martial arts.

The frontier, filled with military and rough m, and the sight of countless warriors desperately wanting to see Ias, was now being shown to Carl. How could Govan just ignore it?

"I'll try contacting Himmeln."

These were the words spok by Govan, who was drinking tea with Carl in a quiet reception room late at night after the banquet.

"Interesting. To whom are you talking?" Carl pretded not to know and said. Ev with that fox-like appearance, Govan wasn't very angry.

"There are some people in Himmeln who are acquainted with us. Our families have maintained contact for a long time, or we have greeted each other on somewhat personal matters, and we have also joined hands on imperial matters."

Dabron is the protector of change. If it is a family that has had long-term relations with Dabron, it would naturally be a family that gages in war and martial arts.

Also, who are the people that Govan joined hands with for imperial affairs? Of course, it would be a military personnel appointmt!

"I have a frid named Milione. About 30 years ago, we rode together and killed the pagans of Tumaria. We are both busy now and cannot meet oft, but we still keep in touch, so I am sure he will be happy to write back."

"Wh you say Milione, are you referring to Duke Hansval, the commander of the Imperial Ctral Army cavalry?"

"You knew that. Yes, that's right."

Govan nodded his head at Carl, who asked back pretding to be innoct.

Of course, if you are interested, you must have known about the cavalry captain Milione Hansval.

And did Carl, who knew that much, really not know about the relationship betwe Govan and Milione?

'Harmon, he may not be trustworthy, but he is still capable.'

The people who are exposed to all kinds of gossip within the palace and can obtain information whever they want are the imperial servants.

In principle, imperial attdants swear allegiance only to the Emperor and the Imperial Family.

Azgoth is the supreme ruler of the empire, so there is no need to be wary. And the currt succession structure is virtually Balos's monopoly, and the other princes appear to have no interest in the throne.

Therefore, there are not many nobles who are wary of the imperial servants and are careful with their words.

The structure of the royal succession is clearly focused on Balos. The same goes for the royal attdants. Wh they are together, they talk about a lot of things.

Harmon did a great job of providing Carl with important information in a short amount of time, just as he wanted.

"Why are you contacting me? If it's not urgt, I can pass it on to you."

Carl said with a smile. Of course, he had no inttion of passing Govan's letter to Carl. And neither did Govan.

"I can't leave it to prince Carl to just deliver a letter."

If he was going to do something so conspicuous, he wouldn't have gone through all this trouble. After Govan finished speaking, he closed his mouth for a momt.

"So, what can you give to Dabron?"

To be blunt. There were only Carl and Govan there, and they had decided to hold each other's hands, so there was no need to beat a the bush.

"You're so sure of yourself. I hav't ev said what I want yet."

Govan nodded heavily at Carl's words with a broad smile.

Yeah, he got past that. He already knew this, but he still had to hear it from Carl himself. Carl drank his tea, got up from his seat, and walked slowly.

Because it was a fortress built for war, the windows were small, so wh Carl stood in front of the window, everything was blocked.

As Carl slowly oped the window, a cold wind blew into the room but soon subsided. Carl's blonde hair, carelessly tied back, wavy and beautifully flowing. To Govan, who was looking at Carl's back, his back felt strangely large.

"I will be emperor."


"I will seize this great empire, rule it, and govern it."

He wanted it to be like that. No, he was saying with a confidt and firm declaration that it would happ.

It wasn't at a level where he was brimming with passion. He spoke as if he were a prophet who received revelations from God.

"Is this the answer you were looking for?"

"… That's the answer I wanted, but I don't understand it. What made you like this? Wealth? Fame? Power?"

Govan stood up and stood behind Carl, asking.

He forgot about Carl.

That he was a young boy, and that he was a weak and unfounded fourth prince.

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