The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 99: No questions.

[Nev POV]

I still had a million questions, but for now, I focused on the immediate concern.

"Did the other people notice I was cursed and that I'm weak?" I blurted out, worry gnawing at me. "I mean, it'd be a major pain if they knew. The churches could make me public villain number one! That, and things would just be annoying in the future."

Verona scoffed, a sound that somehow managed to be both elegant and dismissive. "Why should you care if they make you the villain? There was a time when I was the public enemy, a terror. And unlike those bullshit fantasy stories," she added, flexing "and at the end , I won."

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "Oh, and about you being cursed or weakened…You shouldn't worry about that.I made it look as if you were fine. That you had all your stars and didn't bear the stigma curse of the gods."

Relief washed over me. "So, they didn't suspect anything?" The thought of facing down 'holy warriors' every mow and then seemed annoying and tiresome.

"Since no one noticed you were away for a while while you were getting cursed," she said, amusement dancing in her eyes, "then maybe unless you or the gods decide to announce it to the world, no one will ever know."

"Does that mean you noticed while I was gone? A 12 star can perceive divine intervention." I asked curiously.

Verona smirked, a glint of something dangerous flashing in her purple eyes. "Of course I knew," she said, her voice low and powerful. "I always keep an eye on you."

A silence descended again, heavier this time. Verona turned my body now I was looking at her. " And you think I'm 12 star?" she asked casually, the earlier tension seemingly forgotten.

But things clicked in. She remembered the display of her stars earlier. "Ohh, you mean earlier?" she said with a grin. "No, I'm not that weak."

"Weak? 12 star is weak?" I gave a hollow chuckle.

"There are still things you are not aware of. I'm 'officially' 12 star, but I'm stronger than that. My true strength is hidden."

Curiosity flickered in Neveah's eyes. "By what? And why?" he pressed.

Verona's smile vanished, replaced by a fleeting flicker of darkness in her eyes. "Darkness, as for why you don't have to know yet" she declared and then continued, " part of how will get you strong, but now just rest drink blood and eat these." She made purple crystals and handed them to Neveah.

"What are..." Before he could ask Verona stuffed them in his mouth. " Just eat."

As Neveah crushed the crystals with his teeth he then began thinking, " I'm not going to start from 0 again, wil I?"

" Well that depends on your body and you. But you'll definitely be stronger than 4 star. Though we won't be going the traditional method of training so accurately gauging your strength will be a bit difficult as many factors will come in play. Now no more questions... Drink." She said as she showed her nape yo Neveah.


The dawn after the trials in the Tomb of the broke much like any other. Birds chirped, students grumbled through morning routines, and teachers prepared for another day of lessons. They woke up but membered school is out.

Kim, was being punished for her insolent behavior and was being made to read. On her desk, nestled amongst her training manuals, lay a small, intricately carved box. Curiosity piqued, she opened it to find a pouch of shimmering ring in it gold coins and a delicate bracelet adorned with an emerald depicting a leaping fawn.

As she slipped it on, a surge of energy coursed through her, invigorating and familiar. It felt like a connection, a deepening of her Beast heritage.

" What's that?" Suddenly Kali appeared and asked

" I don't know." Kim replied still not looking at her aunt.

" Maybe the tomb gave out rewards. And they seem pretty decent. Enough of that let's get to training si that you won't be outdone easily." Said Kali.

Across the world, Astrid woke to find a similar package on her doorstep. Inside, a golden pendant engraved with a flowing stream symbol adorned her necklace. Putting it on, a warmth spread through her, a tingle that whispered of enhanced agility and mastery over the Wayfinding magic unique to her kind.

Meanwhile, in a dungeon, a pair of gauntlets appeared. He didn't even have the strength to look at it.

" What's this a reward? Well you won't be needing it." Said the woman holding a whip.

Lara, however, received a reward of a different nature. Her eyes fell upon a thick, leather-bound journal that hadn't been there before. Its worn cover and the strange, swirling script on its pages sent a thrill down her spine. Hurrying downstairs, she showed it to her mother. Her mother's eyes widened in recognition. "Ancient Elven," she breathed, tracing the symbols with a trembling finger.

"This could be a fragment of a lost legacy, Lara. A key to uncovering powerful knowledge, this is pretty good."

Azrael, still burdened by the events within the tomb, was practicing his swordsmanship in a quiet corner of the church grounds. As he swung his blade. Two books appeared before him he opened them and a series of intricate movements and unintelligible whispers seemed to solidify in his mind. Confused, he stopped and tried to recall where he'd seen them. Then, it hit him. Were these techniques?

His heart pounded as he practiced the gestures, feeling a subtle resonance with his blade. As he continued, a faint bluish aura shimmered around him, hinting at the hidden potential within.

The rewards, delivered anonymously and unceremoniously, were a testament to the students' accomplishments. Though scattered and unique, they served as a reminder of their trials and the profound impact they'd unknowingly set in motion.

Zehn also got rewards. As he reached for his training boots, a hefty pouch clinked against the floor. Inside, a ring with a decent amount of gold coins gleamed, a welcome reward for his bravery and strength during the trials. But nestled amongst the coins was a worn leather scroll, its edges singed from what could have been a close call with a fire spell.

Unfurling it with calloused fingers, he recognized a series of combat maneuvers – a sequence designed to exploit openings in an opponent's defense. This technique could make all the difference in his upcoming sparring session, " hehe... I'm finally taking off." He said triumphantly.

Across the school, Topaz stirred. Ever the scholar, her mind buzzed with unanswered questions about the trials she felt something was wrong and something very important was missing. As she sat up, a book materialized on her bed, its cover an earthy brown adorned with swirling symbols that seemed to vibrate with a subtle power.

Cracking it open, she found a detailed journal on Earth Manipulation, filled with intricate diagrams and forgotten lore. One section, titled "Variations and Applications," sent a thrill down her spine. This would be another step on gaining true freedom.

The other participants found their rewards scattered around their rooms – pouches of gold, sturdy weapons, and in a few rare cases, scrolls outlining basic combat techniques. These rewards, though practical, paled in comparison to the journals received by Zehn and Topaz.

Journals, it seemed, were reserved for exceptional performances or those who unlocked a deeper connection with their lineage during the trials.

Neveah, however, received something entirely different. He received two rewards which he didn't check and just stuffed them in his ring. One was a letter addressed to "My Descendant," the other was a journal, with Vampire Progenitor written on it. But since he didn't look at them he didn't know what they were. Right now he was preparing for his 'reboot'.


Excitement crackled in the air like static electricity the morning after the tomb trials. Students bustled through the hallways, their rewards clutched in eager hands. Zehn, his ring full of gold jumped merrily.

Around Babel, whispers of extravagant purchases and happy students were heard. They were here to party.

Deep within her dorm room, Topaz carefully traced the symbols in her earth manipulation journal. A nervous hum vibrated through her, the feeling of untapped potential simmering just beneath the surface. Suddenly, a shimmer of light startled her. Before she could react, Bianca materialized in the room, her sharp features etched with purpose.

"Topaz," Bianca announced, her voice flat and authoritative. "Orders from my master. You are to come with me."

Topaz blinked, a furrow creasing her brow. "Your master? Who is he... Who are you?... I don't understand. Why?" Confusion swirled within her, anxieties pricking at the edges of her mind.

Then she started to suspect this woman was from her previous organization. And she immediately started releasing killing intent. She would protect herself.

Bianca, oblivious to Topaz's internal storm and unbothered by her killing intent, frowned. This wasn't how she'd anticipated this going. The girl was supposed to expect someone to come for her, her master had told her so. Instead, she was met with blank confusion. She narrowed her eyes, suspicion creeping in.

Is she faking or... Memories? Had something happened? A quick scan with her own power confirmed the suspicion. Topaz's memories were gone, wiped clean.

A frustrated sigh escaped Bianca's lips. This was a complication. "What a pain," she muttered, more to herself than Topaz. "This will inconvenience Young Master. Guess I'll just take her. Someone will deal with it." With a shrug of dismissal, Bianca disappeared in a blink, then reappeared directly behind Topaz.

Before the young girl could react, Bianca plunged a syringe into her neck. Topaz's eyes widened in surprise, then they fluttered shut. She crumpled to the floor, unconscious.

In the blink of an eye, the room was silent once more. Bianca, a ghost in the fading morning light, vanished as quickly as she appeared. Gone with her was Topaz and the journal Topaz had, leaving only the echoing silence.

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