The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 43: Neveah

Target Profile

Name: Neveah

Age: 16-18 years

Race: Noble Vampire

Gender: Male

Potential: A -> S

Type: Mage

Stars: 5 star

Elements (proficiency):

-Ice (Master): Exhibits exceptional control and power with ice-based abilities.

-Gravity (Apprentice):While less developed, Neveah possesses a rudimentary understanding of gravity manipulation.(Note: This proficiency level is suspected and might not be entirely accurate.)

Affiliation: Unknown


-Lethal: Neveah displays a ruthless efficiency in combat, prioritizing eliminating enemies quickly.

-Stoic: He exhibits muted emotions and a detached demeanor.

-Enigmatic: Neveah's past and motivations remain shrouded in mystery.

First Sighting:

Two years ago, Neveah was spotted fighting on the frontlines of the Beastman Continent against demons. This suggests potential military training or experience.

Additional Notes:

-Neveah's origins and reasons for attending the academy are unknown.

-His exceptional combat skills and mastery over ice magic make him a potentially valuable asset or a terrifying enemy, though his allegiances remain unclear.

-He is strong enough to push back the dragon blessed who is a 6 star knight.



[Dragon Continent]

Aethelred, his brow furrowed in concentration, leaned back in his throne. "So this is all you got about this vampire?" he sighed, tapping the report in his hand.

"Yes, sire," Ashburn, his advisor, bowed his head. "He's strong, that much is clear. But his background, his motivations, it's all a mystery."

"Indeed," Aethelred muttered. "Our usual sources yielded nothing, yet you found this… Null organization?" A hint of intrigue flickered in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Ashburn confirmed. "Apparently, a new group. But remarkably, they possessed this information."

"Null," Aethelred repeated, savouring the name. "Interesting. They even seem to know the details of the recent academy test. Sources within the academy itself, perhaps? Who are these Null? Where did you make contact?

A base, a meeting place?"

Ashburn grimaced. "Neither, sire. My men, while at a bar, were lamenting their lack of progress on Neveah when a stranger approached. He offered the information freely, claiming to be building an information network, a taste of their capabilities."

Aethelred's eyebrows shot up. "Freely? This is unexpected. If this is their 'free' offering, one can only imagine their paid services. It seems we aren't the only ones interested in Neveah." He tapped his finger on the armrest. "Find everything you can about Null.

How do they acquire intel beyond our reach? Who backs them?"

"I've already attempted that, my king," Ashburn admitted. "But it leads nowhere. The bar – supposedly abandoned for some time – was a staged performance. The bartender, the patrons… no trace. Untraceable communication, a vanishing act."

Aethelred leaned back further, a flicker of grudging respect in his gaze. "Cautious and clever. A formidable combination. For now, cultivate a good relationship with them. This Null… their information is valuable. We may need them again." He tossed the report onto the table.

"Cut off the useless sources. Null… I wonder who leads this enigmatic group?" He gazed thoughtfully at the moon, a single question hanging heavy in the air.


Queen Valeriana, a sheaf of parchment clutched tightly in her hand. The Queen, her face etched with worry lines that seemed deeper than usual, studied Eliana with an intensity that sent shivers down the princess's spine.

"Eliana," the Queen's voice rasped, a tremor of urgency betraying her usual regal composure. "Tell me, does this information confirm your suspicions?"

"He… he resembles him, doesn't he?" the Queen murmured, her voice almost a whisper. "Raven… but with red eyes not the vibrant grey- lavender of his and a few years older. "

Eliana leaned forward, her eyes widening. "You think so too? The resemblance is uncanny,and the age does match but... but…"

Eliana swallowed, her gaze flickering to the parchment. " There's very little information about him. No known lineage, no records. It's as if he materialized out of thin air."

"There can't be a coincidence," the Queen interjected, her voice laced with a newfound determination. "Find out everything you can about this Neveah. His past, his purpose at the academy… everything. He's older, his face bears the marks of experience. Yet, the similarities are undeniable. We need to know more."

"There's something else, Eliana. This organization, Null, who provided this information…"

"Yes, Mother?"

"I want you to find out everything about them too. They seem… efficient. The details about the academy test were accurate, and this was highly confidential. They must have sources within the institution itself."

Eliana recounted the encounter with the mysterious figure from Null, how she'd mistaken him for an enemy and attacked. He vanished like a shadow, leaving behind the envelope containing Neveah's information.

The Queen listened intently, a glint of intrigue in her eyes. "He vanished? No trace whatsoever? Interesting. They seem to operate in the dark, these Null."

"He left this behind," Eliana continued, handing the Queen the ornately sealed envelope. "Apparently, it's a token of goodwill, a glimpse of their capabilities for future collaboration. They offer their services in exchange…"

"Intriguing," the Queen muttered, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous glint as she examined the envelope. "Offering valuable intel freely… what is their game?"

"Their motives are shrouded in secrecy, Mother. They claim to be building an information network, but their ultimate goal remains a mystery."

A predatory smile stretched across the Queen's lips. "Intriguing. Perhaps, Eliana, this Null can be more than just a source of information. This Neveah… if he is indeed connected to Raven, and also be of use in our struggle against the Church's growing power."

She tapped the envelope thoughtfully. "We need to establish a line of communication with Null. Let them know we are open to… cooperation. Their resources, and perhaps even a find a connection to Raven, this could prove invaluable."

Eliana hesitated, a knot of unease forming in her stomach. "But Mother, can we trust them? Their sudden appearance, their methods…"

The Queen's gaze turned steely, silencing any further arguments. "Trust, my dear, is a luxury we cannot afford in this web of deceit. We will use them as much as they might use us. They may be the key to dismantling the Church's control and, perhaps, even finding Raven. But don't worry too much we will proceed cautiously."


"Oh seems people are really interested in me, aren't they?" I chuckled to myself, eyeing the number of successful envelopes handed on my phone. Yesterday's little information leak had clearly made waves.

Sure, a bunch of them used proxies and disguises to mask their identities – typical. But hey, it did the trick. Now, even the racial leaders were sniffing around, curious about the unknown punk who pushed back a Axl the dragon Blessed – a star stronger than me, no less – in the test.

Null wasn't ready for the spotlight yet. It was still a fledgling network, too vulnerable for a full-blown power struggle with established information giants.

My plan was simple – steal their customers. But that required expansion. I needed a web of strong pawns strategically placed across the territory, a network with its fingers in every kind of business. Null wouldn't be just information anymore; it would have its hands in every kind of deal and business, every whispered secret.

But before I could truly unleash the network, I needed to finish my tests and get my rank. This upcoming test was the key. Top ten. That was the magic number. The privileges that came with it – sure the independent living space was great but i needed the freedom to leave the island as I pleased. That way I can tend to Null as I please during my freetime.

With a sigh, I cast aside the reports and headed for the shower. The written test loomed, another hurdle to clear. But fear? Not on my agenda. I schooled myself on practically most basic stuff, if I fail then no one will pass plus I know some of the essay questions as they were mentioned in the novel.

Stepping out of the shower, a notification blinked on my phone. It was simple: "Test - Hall 206." No flowery greetings, just instructions. I smirked. Right to the point, as expected.

Hall 206 brimmed with nervous energy. A thousand students crammed into rows, chattering like caged birds. Ignoring the anxious whispers, I took a random seat in the middle column. The invigilator, a regal-looking elf, entered with a flourish. She sprouted a forest of miniature trees that promptly handed each of us a question paper. Then, the announcement came, her voice laced with amusement.

"You can cheat," she declared, her voice echoing in the silent hall. A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. "That is, if you're positive you won't get caught." A cruel smile played on her lips. "Those caught will receive a zero. Unfinished work will grant you a C+, at best. Yes, that applies even if you leave a question blank.

Now," she continued, the leaves around us rustling, "write your name and answer ALL questions. Good luck~"

With a final flourish, the elf conjured more vines that entwined around the walls and ceiling, their leaves rustling ominously. Surveillance magic, no doubt.

The test itself was nothing groundbreaking. Section A a mix of true/false. Like for example.

1. A full moon grants a magician additional magical power. Answer False. Why? Because magical power is the output of magic it solely depends on technique,proficiency or artifact. The moon has no effect on it.

Section B a multiple-choice.

26. Question: A witch accidentally spills a glowing blue potion on a rose. Moments later, the rose withers and crumbles to dust. What is the MOST LIKELY property of the potion?

A. Healing - Heals wounds and restores health. (unlikely to cause destruction)

B. Invisibility - Makes objects or people unseen. (wouldn't directly cause withering)

C. Strength - Enhances the physical power of the drinker. (irrelevant to the situation)

D. Decay - Causes rapid decomposition of organic matter. (most likely effect based on the description)

27.Question: An alchemist is brewing a truth serum. The key ingredient is a rare Nightshade flower, they have two options: a fresh, vibrant flower and a wilted one. Which flower will produce the most effective truth serum, and why?

A. Fresh Nightshade flower - Freshness guarantees potency in all potions.(Incorrect - Freshness is not always the best indicator for potions. Some ingredients may require aging or specific processing.)

B. Wilted Nightshade flower - The wilting process concentrates the flower's magical properties.(Correct - Wilting can sometimes concentrate an ingredient's magical properties as excess moisture evaporates, leaving behind a more potent essence.)

C. It doesn't matter - The Nightshade flower's magical properties are not affected by freshness.(C. Incorrect - The condition of the flower can affect its magical properties.)

D. Neither can be used - Nightshade flowers are not suitable for truth serums.( Bruh... The question said it's a key ingredient.)

Section C Arithmetic.(20 mks)

1.A farmer harvests 12 bushels of wheat in the first week, 18 bushels in the second week, and follows an arithmetic sequence thereafter. How many bushels will he harvest in the eighth week? (10 points)

2.A scout locates a hidden enemy encampment that is 30 miles due north and 40 miles due east. Calculate the shortest distance to the encampment. (10 points)

Section D: Choose one question (30mks)

1.You are presented with a vial containing an unknown potion. Describe a safe and methodical approach to identify its properties and potential effects. (30 points)

2.You attempt to cast a simple levitation spell, but the object refuses to budge. Explain three possible reasons for this failure and potential solutions for each. (30 points)

3.A magical barrier blocks your path. Without directly dispelling the barrier, describe two creative methods you could employ to bypass it. (30 points)

4.You and your partner are tasked with retrieving a sacred artifact from a crumbling watchtower overrun by hostile creatures. Develop a strategic plan outlining your approach, considering factors like reconnaissance, combat tactics, and potential magical applications. (30 points)

Answer question 2.

1.Flawed Incantation: The most common reason for a spell failing is a mistake during casting.Possibility is;

-Incomplete Ritual

Solution: Ensure you've performed all the necessary steps before uttering the final words. Carefully review the spell description and meticulously complete each component.

2.Insufficient Power: Even the simplest spells require a minimum magical aptitude to function. Here are two potential causes:

-Drained Reserves: If you've recently cast multiple spells or exerted yourself magically, your reserves might be depleted, leaving you unable to muster the necessary power for levitation.

Solution: Replenish your magic. This might involve meditation, consuming specific foods or potions, or resting in a place with strong ambient magic.

-Reaching Beyond Your Limits: Perhaps this levitation spell is simply beyond your current skill level. It might be designed for more experienced casters.

Solution: Attempt an easier levitation spell to get a feel for the magic or consider practicing alternative levitation techniques that don't rely on spells, such as enchanted tools or rituals.

3.Enchanted Object: The object itself might be the culprit. Here's a possibility:

-Counter-Enchantment: The object could be imbued with an opposing enchantment that cancels out your levitation attempt.

Solution: Try casting a dispel magic spell on the object first. If unsure about the object's magical properties, consult a more experienced magic user for assistance.


The test itself was nothing extraordinary. Section A was a breeze, filled with true-or-false questions. Section B offered multiple choice on magic theory, Section C tested basic calculations, and Section D was the essay section, offering a choice of questions.

Ninety minutes. Easy. I could have done it faster but what's the rush?

Around me, students sweated, scribbled furiously, or stared blankly at the leafy ceiling.

I finished with a flourish, my answers carefully calculated to raise eyebrows without provoking suspicion. No point in showing off too much.

But unlike the people rushing to submit their papers, I lingered. Why? To observe, of course. It was fascinating to watch the elven invigilator, her movements swift and silent as she caught cheaters mid-act, their protests morphing into dejected sighs as they were escorted out. I want to know how her detection worked so I stayed and looked.

Time passed. The nervous energy that had hung thick in the air before the test had morphed into a suffocating silence as the last student, a shaky-handed gnome, finally turned in his paper. With a final rustle, the elf invigilator, whose name tag identified her as Liana, banished the leafy surveillance network.

We were ushered into a colossal amphitheater – its sheer size easily accommodated the entire student body. Anticipation hung heavy, punctuated only by the nervous fidgeting and hushed whispers around me.

Then, a collective buzz rippled through the crowd. Phones chimed simultaneously, and a holographic display flickered to life in the center of the stadium. The results.

A list of names scrolled down, each accompanied by a rank and a corresponding badge for their classes and residential areas. Names I recognized, some I didn't, all displayed.

Combat evaluation

Name. Point Proficient Element

1 Azrael Mor - 7509. Fire

2 Axl Magnus- 6900. Lightning

3 Astrid Smidt - 6589. Water

4 Kim SherKhan- 6478 Wind

5 Lara Evermore- 6387 Wind

6 Neveah- 6184 Ice

7 Draven- 5324 Fire


999 | Zehn - 1208. Fire


Written test

1 Neveah 100%

2 Lara 97%

3 Vera 96%

4 Astrid 94%

4 Azrael 94%

6Topaz 92%

7 Kim 89%

8 Axl 87%

18 Draven. 63%

10878. Zehn. 47%


Final ranking

1.Azrael Mor

2.Axl Magnus


4. Astrid Smidt

5.Kim SherKhan

6.Lara Evermore

7. Vera Orion


9. Draven


5557. Zehn

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