The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 38: Battle Royale 2

A stiff wind whipped at my hair as I clung to the edge of a cliff, peering down at a dizzying drop. This academy was nothing like the one in the novel. There, grand, ivy-covered buildings sprawled across the human continent. Here, a city defied gravity, shimmering like a jewel against the endless blue sky.

Apparently, funding went a long way, especially if the woman who built this place single-handedly was any indication. My future sugar momma, I mused playfully.

I was late. Dead last, in fact. Unlike most students, eager and wide-eyed, I'd hesitated. Why come to an academy when I had my mother's tutelage? The answer was simple: the main cast. This virtual reality exam, this entrance test… it was the first step in their journey.

And I, Neveah, intended to be there every step of the way.

Sure, the academy might not offer much in terms of pure power. My mother, after all, was strong. But the academy offered something far more valuable – proximity. Proximity to the heroes, the villains, the ones who would shape the world. I planned to leverage that proximity, to forge connections, to become indispensable.

This world maybe headed to ruin cause why would the demons leave a perfectly good world and come to ours?

With a deep breath, I pushed myself off the cliff. No point hanging around; the show was about to begin. Maybe I'd find Zehn, the ambitious human alliance leader the novel mentioned. Or perhaps I'd catch a glimpse of the elusive blessed – the supposed heroes destined for greatness.

A glance around the sun-drenched grassland revealed a scene of predictable chaos. Students cowered behind makeshift barriers, haphazard attempts at strategy crumbling under the pressure of the moment. Idiots.

My eyes scanned the terrain. Heat signatures flickered beneath the surface – amateurs hiding, hoping for an easy advantage. Pathetic. Further out, the lumbering forms of virtual beasts grazed. A quick scan of the test parameters confirmed my suspicion: beast kills were worth less than eliminating another contestant. Numbers would be the key.

Blend in, achieve competency, and secure a decent position. Or, I just fight with everything I have and see how I rank among these people.

Holding back entirely was foolish. The weak were trampled, ignored, tossed aside. I wouldn't be another forgotten face in the crowd. But revealing everything was equally unwise. My abilities were a carefully guarded secret, a weapon to be wielded in the shadows.

My objective: a high ranking, resources, and minimal hassle. A delicate balance.

A chilling smile played on my lips. Efficiency, that was the answer. No elaborate displays of power, just a ruthless cull. I wouldn't waste time toying with prey. A swift, silent execution for every creature, human or beast, unfortunate enough to cross my path.

A low growl echoed from beneath my feet. Pathetic. A subterranean beast, likely drawn by the commotion, was burrowing towards me with all the subtlety of a drunken man. A flick of my wrist channeled a surge of energy, a silent spell igniting the ground beneath the creature. Its panicked screech was cut short as the earth erupted, spitting molten rock and scorched hide.

The decision was swift, a firm resolve churning within my mind. Holding back was a gamble I wouldn't take. I wouldn't settle for mediocrity, surrounded by these bumbling fools. I craved a position of authority, a vantage point from which to truly observe and manipulate. Today, I would carve my own path.

With a whisper and a mental flick, the temperature plummeted. An invisible wave of frost rolled outwards, transforming the lush grassland into a desolate wasteland. The screams of the unprepared were cut short as a shimmering film of ice encased them, their struggles echoing like trapped insects.

Panic turned to a chilling stillness, broken only by the rasping wind whipping across the newly formed ice sheet.

Those burrowed beneath the earth weren't spared. My will delved into the ground, manipulating gravity's pull. The earth itself became their prison, crushing their fragile forms in a silent, merciless squeeze. Beasts, both terrestrial and airborne, met a similar fate.

Gravity became a crushing fist, slamming them into the ground or flinging them skyward, only to plummet back down like broken marionettes.

The cacophony of battle had been reduced to an eerie silence. In the center of the desolate plain, I stood, a lone figure amidst the frozen carnage. My movements were balletic, a whirlwind of efficiency as I weaved ice magic and gravity manipulation into a deadly dance. No wasted gestures, no unnecessary theatrics.

It was a chilling display of absolute power, a calculated demonstration that left no room for doubt.

From the corner of my eye, I spotted a flicker of movement – a single human, hidden behind a particularly thick patch of ice. They emerged cautiously, their eyes wide with a mix of awe and begrudging respect. Perfect.

Although " I'm still limited by range. I thought I could cover the entire grassland. And also that took more mana than expected." Thought Neveah with a frown.

"Impressive," he rasped, his voice barely audible above the chilling wind.

A hint of a smile played on my lips. "Efficient," I corrected, my voice a low purr. "One doesn't need theatrics to illustrate dominance."

The message was clear. This wasn't a plea for recognition amongst these ants. This was a declaration. I was a force to be reckoned with, a predator amongst prey. The true game, the one that mattered, lay within the walls of Arcana Mysteria. These students, these pawns, were merely the first domino to tip.

And with a final, chilling glance at the frozen landscape, I vanished, leaving behind only whispers of awe and a stark reminder of the power that dwelled within and appeared closer to them, the two observers.

Suddenly, a voice, cool and collected, cut through the silence. "So, will the two of you face me?" Neveah tilted his head, his icy gaze settling on a figure emerging from the shimmering heat haze above the distant plains and the cold from below.

It was a girl, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, a playful glint in her emerald eyes.

"So you noticed me, huh," she said, amusement dancing in her voice. Beside her stood the young man, his features obscured by the shimmering air, his posture radiating a quiet power.

"Unfortunately not yet, dear sir," the girl continued, her voice laced with a hint of mock apology. "We still have to collect points, but maybe we'll fight in the latter stages of the test." She reached out, placing a hand on the young man's shoulder. In a blink, both figures vanished, leaving behind a faint shimmer that betrayed their movement at blinding speed.

"Teleportation? No, it had direction, Teleportation is more of a scalar while lightspeed is more of a vector. So maybe lightspeed? A fraction of it, a blur exceeding even the limitations of sound. And the invisibility… a clever manipulation of light refraction, perhaps? Recognition dawned on him.

The Human Holy Daughter, rumored to be a prodigy with the rare light element. I must say, her control over her element is impressive. And the boy beside her… that had to be him. Azrael, the human chosen one, the protagonist."Thought Neveah.

A slow smile spread across his face, devoid of warmth but brimming with anticipation. "This is going to be interesting," he whispered, his gaze fixed on the distant lake region. The initial skirmish had been a mere tremor. The true test, the clash against the key players, was yet to come.


Vera watched Neveah with a furrowed brow. "He's strong," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of unease. "Maybe even stronger than some six-stars I've encountered."

Azrael, his brow furrowed in concentration, scanned the battlefield. "Is he a blessed?"

Vera shook her head. "No, blessed have a… signature. A specific energy around them. He doesn't have that."

Intrigue flickered in Azrael's eyes. "Then what is he? Five-stars with that kind of mana pool and control... he can't be some nobody. There have to be rumors or gossips, anything about him ..."

Vera sighed. "His identity remains a mystery," she admitted. "His strength, however, is undeniable. Though gauging his true power is difficult. And let's not forget his senses. Even with my light manipulation for invisibility, and presence dampened, he somehow detected me.Usually, anything below seven-stars wouldn't be able to detect me."

A thoughtful expression settled on Azrael's face. "It doesn't matter who he is," he finally declared, his voice firm. "He's just another hurdle, another competitor. And like all others, I'll overcome him."

Vera offered him a sweet smile. "Of course. But for now, let's focus on gathering points and securing a high ranking. There's plenty of time to worry about him later."

A silent agreement passed between them. The enigma of that person, Neveah, could wait. Now, they had a game to win, a leaderboard to dominate. But the encounter had left a mark. Neveah, the unknown five-star with chilling power, had become a flicker on their radar, a potential threat.


A collective gasp echoed through the observation chamber as the magical feed flickered back to life, revealing the aftermath of Neveah's chilling display.

The once vibrant grassland lay in ruins, a testament to the devastating power wielded by the lone figure standing amidst the wreckage.Gone were the makeshift barricades, replaced by a graveyard of shattered beasts and students encased in a deadly embrace of ice.

Instructors and council members alike sat stunned from wherever they were watching, the silence broken only by the nervous coughs and hushed whispers.

"What in the Nine Hells was that?" A grizzled dwarf instructor slammed his fist on the table, his beard bristling with indignation.

"That... that was a 5 star mage?" rasped an elderly elf instructor, disbelief lacing his voice. "He decimated the entire grassland section with such control!"

"Who is he?" boomed a dwarven instructor, his voice thick with suspicion. "A five-star strength with such control? Unheard of!"

"Ice magic and… gravity manipulation?" An elven instructor murmured, tracing intricate patterns on the holographic interface before him. "Most unusual combo for a human."

Whispers and murmurs rippled through the chamber. Theories flew like sparks. Disbelief rippled through the crowd. A single student, wielding two powerful and complex magic systems with such proficiency? It defied logic, rewrote expectations.

" He is not human! A Vampire!That's what it is!" a young human instructor spat, his face contorted in a mix of fear and disgust.

"Nonsense," scoffed a centaur instructor, her hooves clicking impatiently on the marble floor. "Vampires have a unique energy signature. This… this is something else entirely. It's something darker, more refined. Clearly different from the common Vampires. He may be one of them, a noble vampire."

A portly dwarf instructor, known for his cynicism, chuckled dryly. "Well, that's not suspicious at all. A nobody with the power of a prodigy. Maybe even rivaling a blessed."

"Regardless," a wizened elven instructor piped up, his voice raspy with age, "he's a threat. Unpredictable, powerful… we need to keep a close eye on him."

Devious plans began to hatch within the chamber. Some instructors made coded gestures, signaling their intentions to investigate this enigmatic newcomer. Others, their eyes gleaming with greed, plotted ways to exploit or eliminate him.

" We need to eliminate him before he becomes a bigger problem." Some thought.

Amidst the cacophony, Eliana, a young woman with fiery red hair and eyes to match, remained eerily silent. Her gaze stayed glued to Neveah's figure on the screen. A flicker of recognition crossed her features, a faint whisper escaping her lips, barely audible.

"Raven…" she breathed, the single word laced with a mixture of surprise and something deeper, a connection yet to be understood.Her expression remained unreadable, a mask of calm concealing a storm of emotions. No one understood the significance of that single word, not even Eliana herself. It was a flicker of recognition.

Eliana's quiet utterance went unnoticed by the others, lost in their own machinations. But in that single word hung a thread, a potential link to the mysterious figure who had single-handedly reshaped the landscape of the entrance exam.

The game had just begun, and Neveah, the enigmatic wildcard, had become the center of attention, his every move watched with a mix of fear, fascination, and a dawning sense of something far more sinister.

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