The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 26: mommy lessons

Neveah flinched under his mother's icy stare. "You fought well," Verona conceded, the words laced with a coldness that sent shivers down his spine, "but your execution was… lacking."

"That situation with the chieftain," she continued, her voice a low growl, "you were barely clinging to your mana reserves after the fight. Then, those three… those weak pseudo seven-stars managed to stall you? And to top it all off, you let your guard down – in an unknown environment! You needed rest, you said? Rest in a place teeming with unknown threats?

That nearly cost you your life to a single seven-star."

Nevaeh hung his head, shame burning in his chest. "But Mother, I've never faced an aura user before..."

Verona's voice rose, each word a hammer blow. "Don't even try the excuse that you've never faced an aura user. Perhaps I've… sheltered you too much. You seem to have forgotten the harsh realities of the world. Your opponent will always have something up their sleeve – an unknown power, a secret trick. It's your job to be vigilant, to identify and neutralize these threats on the fly.

There's no such thing as a predictable battle, Nevaeh. Understand?"

"I'm not asking you to pull your punches," she continued, her tone softening slightly. "I want you to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies. But don't be reckless. Always be wary of a second wave, a hidden technique. Don't let your newfound strength blind you to the dangers that still lurk in the shadows. Do you understand?"

Neveah, humbled and chastened, could only manage a small, defeated, "Yes." The lesson, though harsh, was necessary. He had underestimated his foes and nearly paid the ultimate price. He wouldn't make that mistake again. The garden's secrets were far deeper, far more dangerous than he ever imagined. He would return, but next time, he would be ready.

A flicker of relief softened Neveah's features at his mother's single, curt "Good." The weight of her earlier reprimand still hung heavy, but her words held a truth he couldn't deny. He had been arrogant, and arrogance nearly cost him his life.

Verona's next question, however, arched an eyebrow on his face. "Regarding aura usage," she began, her tone measured, "Do you wish to learn how to manipulate it?"

Neveah's surprise crackled in the air. "Huh? I can choose both paths? Not just one?"

A hint of a smile played on Verona's lips. "Indeed. The path will be open to you at seven stars, but be warned, it will be a demanding journey. Embracing both mana and aura will significantly slow your progress compared to focusing on a single path. However, that decision will come later, when your body reaches its peak optimization at seven stars.

Since you've already begun with the mana path, your initial training will focus on refining your mana manipulation alongside your existing skills."

Verona's voice hardened again. "We'll be relentless in honing your combat abilities, your proficiency in your vampiric talents, and your elemental control. You'll face a gauntlet of simulated battles against aura users with diverse fighting styles.

And lastly," she added, her gaze turning steely, "we'll be getting those impetuous emotions of yours under control, why do you always get flustered over small things?."

" Hmmm...has he not gotten used to the extreme vampiric emotions? Well nothing a little beating can't fix. But I'll need more to get him to control his emotions... It'll be dangerous if he doesn't." Thought Verona.

Neveah swallowed, the weight of the upcoming training settling on his shoulders. It would be grueling, a crucible to forge him into a weapon capable of handling the unknown threats that lurked within the garden. But a spark of determination ignited within him. He wouldn't let his mother down. He wouldn't let himself down.

He would master both paths, become a warrior unlike any other, and unravel the mysteries that plagued this twisted garden (he really just wants to kill those goblins).

"Yes, mother," he said, his voice firm. "I'm ready."

"This time," she declared, a hint of a challenge in her voice, "I'll be your training partner."

His jaw clenched. "What…?" Confusion and apprehension warred within him.

A sly smile played on Verona's lips. "Consider this a lesson in the true unpredictability of combat," she explained. "I'll use everything in my arsenal – aura, mana, most of my abilities. But fear not, I'll restrain myself. My power will be reduced to a mere four-star level, enough to challenge you without risking your life. Shall we begin?"

Neveah stammered, a hesitant "Huh..." escaping his lips.

Neveah remained speechless, his mind struggling to process her unorthodox training methods. Before he could voice his doubts, the world blurred. Verona materialized right in front of him, her hand a blur as it pierced straight through his chest.

A choked gasp escaped Neveah's lips, not from pain – his Isolde regeneration ensured that – but from sheer shock. Blood welled up from the wound, spilling onto Verona's face, painting a macabre picture on her otherwise serene features. Yet, she didn't flinch.

With movements that spoke of practiced efficiency, she drew in a mouthful of his blood, her crimson-stained lips a stark contrast to her pale skin.

The message was clear. This wasn't a gentle sparring session; this was a brutal baptism by fire. Fear, raw and primal, surged through Neveah. His mother, the very being who nurtured him, was now his tormentor, his teacher in the harsh realities of combat. He gritted his teeth, a fierce determination replacing the initial shock. This was different, unconventional, but undeniably effective.

He wouldn't let her down. He wouldn't let himself down. This unorthodox training would forge him into a warrior unlike any other.

"Huh…" was all he managed to utter before his mother, with a predator's glint in her eyes, launched her attack. The class fight had begun and mommy was teaching.

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