The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 22: Ugly...

One month passed. The stark halls of the castle became my temporary haven, The warmth of a home-cooked meal, the quiet companionship – it was a strange comfort in this fortress of shadows. But the real test loomed. Today was the day I was thrown into Mother's "garden."

The moment I stepped through the shimmering portal, the air grew thick and humid. Lush vegetation choked the landscape, sunlight filtering through a dense canopy of leaves. This wasn't a garden; it was a jungle teeming with life, but not the kind you'd find in a storybook. Here, life was a relentless predator.

Finally, the day arrived. I stood at the precipice of the "garden," not a verdant haven as the name suggested, but a sprawling expanse of twisted, gnarled trees and an unsettling silence. Mother's goodbye was curt, a simple, "Don't disappoint me," echoing in my ears as she disappeared with a blink.

Almost immediately, the silence shattered. A screech ripped through the air as a hulking monkey, easily twice my height, charged. It was a bizarre sight – a simian monster wielding a crudely fashioned spear, its fur crackling with fire. This wasn't your average forest primate. Over the years, Mother had drilled into me the importance of swift kills.

No time wasted on theatrics, only brutal efficiency.Mother had drilled this into me lately: no mercy for monsters. They didn't show it, so why should I?

The beast lunged, its spear a burning blur. I reacted instinctively, years of training culminating in a flawless defense. My ice shield materialized in a heartbeat, deflecting the attack with a clang. This creature, powerful as it was, was no match for my honed skills.

Years ago, a four-star beast would have been a daunting opponent. Now, a six-star monster was a mere obstacle. Its fiery attacks were impressive, but nowhere near strong enough to penetrate my ice defenses. The fight was one-sided.

Was he strong? Sure. But not enough.

Its fiery blows rained down, but my ice shield held firm.

It attacks rained down, but my ice shield held firm. Years of training had drilled a simple truth into my head: efficiency. Prolonged battles were a luxury I couldn't afford.Speed, precision, lethality – those were the cornerstones of my fighting style.No unnecessary theatrics, no lingering battles, only brutal efficiency.

So, as the monkey danced around me, searching for an opening, I conjured a flurry of ice spikes. Not slow, deliberate blasts – a blinding, icy storm. The spikes found their mark, piercing through the beast's chest and head, instantly shutting down its heart and brain.

I wasn't done. Memories of Mother's words flashed in my mind – " make sure your enemy is completely dead, there's no room for second chances and mistakes."

Instinct, honed by countless battles against Mother's ice soldiers, took over. A wave of freezing energy erupted from the slain monkey, encasing its entire body in a shimmering ice tomb. Then, with a flick of my wrist, I shattered the frozen corpse into a million glistening shards.

The warmth of a home-cooked meal, the quiet companionship – it was a strange comfort in this fortress of shadows. But the real test loomed. Today was the day I was thrown into Mother's "garden."

Water welled in my eyes as I followed the smell, my stomach churning in revolt.

The source led me to a gaping maw in the side of a towering tree, its entrance shrouded by thick vines. Just as I contemplated the best way to navigate the foliage, a grotesque figure emerged from the cave.

A goblin. Disgust instantly flooded me. Short, hunched, and grotesquely green, its skin was a canvas of warts and boils. Its oversized nose sniffed the air, and its yellow teeth, a haphazard patchwork of sizes, seemed permanently bared in a mocking grin.

To top it all off, the wretched creature was completely naked, its bony frame and grotesqueries on full display.Every grotesque detail of its form was laid bare for my unfortunate eyes to witness. The sight of its misshapen genitalia and shit stained ass.

Fury, hotter than any dragon's breath, ignited within me.

This wasn't just some animal. This creature reveled in its own filth, a walking embodiment of everything vile. In that moment, a cold, unwavering resolve settled in my gut. Every ounce of disgust morphed into a singular purpose – eradication. I can even make those cringe statements, "the two of us cannot live under the same sky." But thinking about it, that sounded so cringe.

In that moment, a decision solidified. This was personal. Yes. These creatures were a sin, a stain on the world. They deserved eradication. Every last goblin would feel my wrath.

The spike materialized in my hand in a flash of icy light, a chilling counterpoint to the burning fury within me. With a flick of my wrist, I sent it hurtling towards the goblin. It pierced its chest with a sickening thud, leaving a gaping hole where its heart used to be. But I wasn't done.

Memories of Mother's lessons flashed in my mind – "Leave no room for doubt." This wasn't a duel; it was an eradication.

Another spike materialized, this one aimed at the goblin's head. There was a sickening crunch as it connected, the creature's mocking grin replaced by a vacant emptiness. It crumpled to the ground, lifeless. It was a brutal display of efficiency, the years of training drilled into muscle memory.

My gaze flickered to the cave entrance. Yes, goblins lived in groups. More of those wretched creatures undoubtedly lurked within. A cold certainty settled over me – this cave wouldn't be home to goblins anymore. It would be their tomb.

But fire. My frustration flared. If only I could use fire! Melting their flesh, turning them to ash, that would truly be a fitting end. A flicker of an idea sparked in my mind – a reckless, dangerous idea. But then again, caution wasn't exactly a luxury in this kill-or-be-killed garden.

I closed my eyes, focusing on the heat emanating from my body, the residual energy from all the fighting. It was a meager ember, a pale imitation of true fire. Could I manipulate it? Could I channel it into something more?

Sweat beaded on my forehead as I wrestled with the unfamiliar element. My ice powers were honed, instinctive. This... this was a wild beast, trying to be tamed. But I wouldn't back down. Not today.

With a growl of exertion, I forced the heat outwards, towards the cave entrance. It wasn't a blazing inferno, not by a long shot. Just a flickering, almost pathetic wisp of flame. But it was a start. A tiny spark in the darkness.

So I entered the cave with spikes formed and spinning ready to attack. It was time to eradicate.

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