The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 16: Transformation...2

I gazed upon him, my son, a glimpse into his very soul. The transformation I'd initiated wasn't supposed to unfold this way. Perhaps it was my own power, the dominion I wielded over souls, that caused the unexpected merging. It happened earlier. I wanted to see the result.

He lay still, a cocoon of energy enveloping him. But already, I sensed a shift, a stirring within. The transformation was nearing completion, and with it, the awakening of my… creation.

The wait stretched taut, each passing moment brimming with a strange cocktail of emotions. A fierce feeling possessiveness washed over me. He was mine now, not just flesh and blood, but a being bound to me on a soul-deep level. Marked by me. My child. My everything.

Everything I have and everything I am is yours and in return you'll be mine for eternity.

Excitement bubbled beneath the surface. Finally. I wouldn't just have a son, an heir, but a companion, imbued with my power and purpose. A dark chuckle escaped my lips, the sound echoing eerily in the silence.

My eyes fixated on the pulsating cocoon. "Wake up, my child," I murmured, the words laced with a power that resonated through the chamber. "Open your eyes and greet the world anew. We have much to accomplish together."

As if summoned, a crimson pillar of energy erupted from the cocoon. It shot upwards, piercing every floor of the castle like a crimson drill. Bursting through the roof, it tore a hole in the night sky, a beacon that drew a swirling vortex of bats, their dark wings propelling them to this light.

With a shuddering crack, the cocoon split open. A pale hand emerged, followed by another, finally tearing the shell completely apart. Before them stood not the chubby boy, but a child reborn. His crimson eyes glowed with an unearthly light, framing his still-black hair. The playful handsomeness of his human form had evolved into an ethereal beauty, a creature carved from moonlight and shadow.

The last vestiges of his former chubbiness had vanished, replaced by the lean physique of the royal vampire.

Nude and magnificent, he gazed at the woman. "Mother," he rasped, his voice a husky whisper still raw from transformation.

A smile, wide and bordering on manic, spread across Verona's face. It was a smile laced with a hint of madness, a mother welcoming her child. "Yes," she crooned, her voice dripping with possessive pride. "You are my son, my creation. Heir of the Night."

Taking a dramatic pause, she continued, "They call us vampires, creatures cursed by the heavens, nature's worst regret. But you, my child, born from the ruler of the night, are not cursed, but blessed.

"From now on you will no longer be Raven, you are Nevaeh Isolde Nox, the heir of darkness."the name rolled off her tongue like a dark prophecy.

"We are predators of every living thing alive, so they call us monsters," Verona continued, her voice taking on a dangerous edge. "So they must tremble in fear like the prey they are when they see us, their hunters."

Her words hung heavy in the air, a promise of power and dominion. But for Nevaeh, still reeling from the transformation, only one primal instinct remained. Hunger.

Verona, with a knowing smirk, offered him the ultimate nourishment. Bending gracefully at the waist, she exposed her alabaster neck. Nevaeh, his crimson eyes blazing, leaned forward, drawn by an irresistible pull. He sank his fangs into his mother's flesh, and the sweet, intoxicating blood of his queen flooded his senses.

As the first taste filled him with power, a wave of exhaustion washed over him. Nevaeh sank back into Verona's embrace, his eyelids fluttering closed. He slept, in the embrace of his mother, darkness now shrouded the castle.


Darkness. That was the first, and for a while, the only sensation. Not a suffocating darkness, but a comforting one, like being swaddled in warm shadows. I didn't feel fear or panic, just a strange sense of calm.

Memories flickered – clips of lives lived, experiences both harsh and hopeful. Rei, weathered and weary, and Raven, young and bright. Their struggles, their hardships, all woven together to form me. I knew, instinctively, that these weren't just borrowed memories, but the very fabric of my being.

Parts of them might have been shed – Raven's youthful naivete tempered by Rei's experience of betrayal and manipulation– but the core remained.

I was the product of their experiences, their joys, sorrows, anger, hatred, despair and hopes, their triumphs and failures.

I opened my eyes, not to blinding light, but to a soothing blackness that felt strangely natural. My body, though undeniably that of a child, felt comfortable, familiar. I don't feel out of place, the awkward burden I once carried. Here, in this cocoon of darkness, I was Nevaeh.

Unlike the most transmigrated idiots, the idea of a grand purpose, of saving the world or bringing world peace, held no appeal.

My goals hadn't changed. Strength, power – that was the driving force. Not some grand crusade to save the world, not some naive dream of peace. This was for me, for my own desires, my own interests.This time, I wouldn't be a pawn driven by someone else's ideals. My strength, my power, would be for myself.

My own goals, my own desires – those would be my compass.

Force? If necessary. Morality was a luxury I couldn't afford. This world wouldn't hesitate to trample me if I showed weakness. It wouldn't hesitate to turn me into another pawn.I would carve my own path. Even if it meant forceful domination.

No. This time, the game would be played on my terms. I would bend the world to my will, carve my own path, and become something no one had ever anticipated. A smile, cold and predatory, played on my lips, invisible in the darkness. This world held dangers, challenges unknown, but a thrilling anticipation bubbled within me.

So world are you ready for Nevaeh Isolde Nox? Cause if you're not... you'll regret it. Hahahahaha!

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