The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 108: Demons 2: We are winning... but where are they?

A primal roar echoed across the savanna, a rallying cry that st shivers down ev the hardiest demon's spine. Alyssa, a towering tiger-woman clad in gleaming obsidian armor, led the charge of her Beastm army. Her three sisters, tigresses each with unique stripes and a fierce glint in their eyes, flanked her.

Together, they were a whirlwind of claws, fangs, and sheer ferocity, tearing through the demonic hordes like a hurricane through a field of reeds.

On the dwarv front, the rhythmic boom of cannons echoed through the caverns. Golems, hulking automatons of steel and stone, stood stoic as automated turrets lining the defsive towers unleashed a torrt of fire and chanted projectiles. The demonic horde, once a raging tide, found itself decimated by the reltless rain of dwarv firepower.

Across the Elv Glade, arrows rained down from the emerald canopy, silt harbingers of death. The nimble Elv archers, infused with the magic of the forest, weaved through the battlefield, their movemts blurring as they unleashed deadly volleys. The remaining demon forces, their ranks thinned and morale crumbling, were mere targets for elv precision.

Ev the human battlefields, a chaotic mix of sword clashes and guttural roars, felt a shift in momtum. Soldiers, weary but determined, pressed their advantage, cutting down the remaining demonic stragglers.

Th, in an instant, the battlefield fell silt. The demonic Barons and Viscounts, those once-terrifying figures who commanded the demon armies, vanished. One by one, they blinked out of existce, leaving behind bewildered silce. Confusion rippled through the ranks of both demons and defders.

A hulking Orc warrior, mid-swing of his massive axe, blinked in disbelief. A winged Imp, claws poised for a deadly strike, hovered in the air, its tiny head swiveling in confusion. The human Captain, his voice hoarse from shouting commands, looked a with an uncertainty he hadn't felt all day.

The silce stretched on for a beat, th two, th abruptly erupted into action. The remaining demon hordes, bereft of leadership and facing newfound defiance, crumbled. The human soldiers, seizing the opportunity, charged with rewed vigor. The elves, their whispers turning into battle cries, unleashed a final volley of arrows.

The Beastm roared in triumph, their claws finding purchase on fleeing demons.

The tide turned in a heartbeat. What was once a desperate struggle became a rout. The battlefield, once a sce of carnage, was now a graveyard of defeated demons. The question lingered in the air, hanging heavy with an unsettling mystery – where had the demon leaders gone?

But for now, the victorious races savored the taste of victory, a bittersweet triumph tinged with the unsettling silce of their vanished emy.

Disbelief crackled through the air like static across a battlefield radio. The last demon, a lumbering brute with glowing red eyes, crumpled to the g, dispatched by a well-placed arrow. A human soldier, chest heaving, looked a, his eyes widing in the sudd silce. The battlefield, a brutal tapestry of blood and bodies momts ago, now held an unsettling stillness.

"Where'd they go?" a young mage sputtered, her voice echoing the collective thought.

The news had spread like wildfire across every contint. From the scorched plains of the Beastm territory to the emerald depths of the Elv Glade, the demonic Barons and Viscounts, those harbingers of chaos, had vanished in a blink. The confusion was palpable. Expericed warriors scratched their heads, perplexed by the sudd absce of the emy's leadership.

"Magic?" a grizzled Dwarv geral rumbled, his voice heavy with suspicion. "Some infernal trickery, no doubt."

Heads nodded in agreemt. The idea of a mass demonic teleport felt outlandish, a plot point for bards' tales. The possibility that someone, or something, else was responsible never tered the conversation. The thought was simply too fantastical, too outlandish.

In the war council chambers, however, a differt kind of silce reigned. The air crackled with a tsion that had nothing to do with the rect victory. Leaders, their faces etched with a mix of curiosity and unease, exchanged glances.

"There are no reports of any unusual magical activity," a human advisor stated, her voice clipped. "It wasn't a mass teleport."

A weighty pause hung in the air.

"Th who?" an Elv ambassador finally breathed, the unspok question hanging heavy in the room.

The answer, for now, remained shrouded in the same mystery that had swallowed the demon leaders. But in the quiet corners of their minds, a seed of doubt had be planted. The races, so focused on their immediate emy, had failed to consider a truth more unsettling - perhaps their emy hadn't vanished at all. Perhaps, they had simply be tak.

A sickly gre glow emanated from the runes etched into the obsidian floor, casting an unsettling pallor on the captured demons. Verona, her violet eyes gleaming with a predatory intsity, surveyed her unwilling guests – 70 Barons and 6 Viscounts, all radiating a simmering frustration.

"Hello," she drawled, her voice laced with a hint of amusemt, "Ready for two?"

A chorus of snarls and growls erupted from the demon horde. One Baron, a hulking brute with horns like twisted iron, stepped forward his hoof hit the floor. "What is this farce? Are you trying to torture information from us?"

Verona's smile wided, devoid of warmth. "Information? Why would I need that...No, I have something planned, much more interesting than that." She swept her gaze across them, lingering on the lone figure who hadn't joined the chorus of defiance. A Viscount, radiating an aura of power that dwarfed the others, his expression calculating.

"Fighting wouldn't accomplish much," the Viscount finally spoke, his voice a guttural rasp. "You've clearly outmatched us. Proceeding will be suicide."

A ripple of agreemt coursed through the demon ranks, replacing bravado with a cold pragmatism.

"But you were already on a suicide mission, wer't you?" Verona scoffed. "Did you truly believe a ragtag group of Barons and Viscounts could conquer these lands? Perhaps your superiors might pose a challge, but only you?"

" Screw this." A low growl rumbled through a Baron at the back. Before it could escalate further, he looked for an exit amd started flying, a desperate bid for freedom. But an invisible barrier crackled to life, sding him crashing back down. He scrambled to his feet, frustration twisting his features.

"We can come to an agreemt," the Viscount interjected, his voice carrying a hint of desperation. "Release us, and we'll sure the demon realm leaves 'you' alone for a ctury. My father, is the…"

His stce was cut short as a throwing star, shimmering with glacial cold ergy, materialized from thin air and embedded itself in his collarbone, spinning with a malevolt hum. The Viscount flinched, a flicker of morbid surprise momtarily replacing his steely resolve.

"Deals?" Verona said, her smile turning chilling. "I'm not interested in deals." Her violet eyes scanned the captive demons, a hunger flickering within them. "I'm interested in something else."

A hush fell over the chamber. The demons, their bravado shattered, finally grasped the true danger they were in.

Without further warning, the Viscount snarled and pressed a hidd button on his his clothes an armour formed a him. A surge of demonic ergy crackled a him, a desperate act of defiance. The other demons, realizing their predicamt, followed suit, unleashing a cacophony of dark magic.

The chamber thrummed with chaotic ergy, a cacophony of fire, brimstone, and shadow. Yet, Verona stood unfazed, a predator savoring the hunt. A cruel smile stretched across her face. "Finally," she whispered, her eyes glowing with a terrifying excitemt.

The chamber became a chaotic maelstrom of demonic fury. Viscounts and Barons alike unleashed torrts of fire, summoned writhing tdrils of shadow, and launched themselves at Verona with a feral desperation. But their defiance was a guttering candle against a hurricane. Verona danced through the onslaught, her movemts fluid and precise.

However, while avoiding their attacks, her true focus lay elsewhere. Her gaze darted betwe the demons, not with fear, but with a great curiosity, scholarly curiosity. She watched as they channeled the chaotic ergy of the demon realm, how it flowed through their veins, how they molded it into destructive spells. A cruel smile played on her lips.

"Hmm," she thought, "Just as I thought. They filter the chaotic ergy give it a… direction? No they give it a nature. Shape it to their own dark desires, a twisted, cynical and malevolt."

The realization sparked a new question in her mind. "If their ergy leans towards the cynical and destructive, th…"she trailed off. Her gaze th drifted mana, searching for it's source of the mana – the ergy fueling Elnova – what she met was a dimsion closed off. She couldn't pry further no matter how much she tried.

A wry smile spread across her face. "So, mana," she thought, upper cutting a demon baron. "What lies beyond that veil? What nature does it hold?"

Frustration flickered momtarily within her. She attempted to peer through the shimmering barrier, to glimpse the source, but it remained stubbornly opaque. "Too weak," she muttered. "Not yet strong ough to unravel its secrets."

Verona's contemplations were cut short by a searing blast of fire that singed the tip of a tdril of violet ergy she used to deflect it. Her study of the demons continued on, but within the storm, a new seed of knowledge had be planted. Now, not only did she want to understand the demons' power, but a desire to understand the nature of mana.

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