The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 106: A MONSTER!

A triumphant smirk twisted Neveah's lips as the ice shard materialized in his hand. He did it! But before he could unleash his creation, a surge of raw, chaotic flames erupted from his palm instead.

Instead of a shard of ice, a miniature inferno roared to life, a swirling vortex of flame that crackled with an unnatural blue hue.

Neveah panicked. He hadn't aimed for fire; he'd envisioned ice, not the raging flames before him. But the chaotic energy, unpredictable, had twisted his will.

His mind raced as he forced the inferno to recede, but it didn't.

The flames grew, licking at his fingers, searing pain igniting across his hands. He gritted his teeth, channeling all his focus on halting the chaotic output.

Suddenly, a colossal object came hurtling through the air – a massive tree trunk, dislodged by one of the orc's desperate kicks. It slammed into Neveah's side with a bone-jarring impact, the force of the blow mercifully severing the connection between him and the chaotic energy.

The inferno from his hand sputtered and died, leaving behind a swirling vortex of smoldering smoke. But the damage was done. The entire area around the cave entrance was now ablaze. The orcs, caught off guard by the sudden eruption of flame, scrambled in panic. Flaming debris of the already falling trunks and bolders rained down upon them, ignited by the rogue inferno Neveah had unleashed.

The twin-headed orc, momentarily stunned, roared in fury as its domain became an inferno. The forest floor, littered with dry leaves and fallen branches, became a raging flame pit. Flaming logs tumbled down the hillside, setting the surrounding undergrowth ablaze.

Neveah, slumped against a nearby rock, his vision blurred by pain, watched the scene unfold in horror. His arms were singed a deep red, the flesh around his hands blackened and charred. Two fingers on his left hand dangled precariously, burnt to the point of disintegration, falling away like grotesque cigarette buds.

But the flame caused pain was a mere joke compared to the agony coursing through his very being. The chaotic energy, used offensively for the first time, had taken a brutal toll. His entire body throbbed with a deep, bone-chilling ache, a stark contrast to the mere circulation he'd been using previously.

This was a different beast altogether – a powerful weapon, yes, but one that wielded a double-edged sword.

As the flames danced and roared around him, Neveah realized the gravity of his mistake. He craved power, but in his arrogance, he'd underestimated the chaotic energy's volatile nature.

The forest, once a stage for his sadistic humt, was now a raging inferno. The orcs, were now victims caught in the crossfire. And Neveah, watched it burn.

From the heart of the inferno, a figure emerged, a grotesque silhouette roaring in a primal mix of fury and grief. It was the twin-headed orc, its monstrous form a testament to its resilience. The flames writhed around it, licking at its exposed flesh, but the beast fought on. Its massive clubs swung with a destructive rhythm, clearing a path through the storm of fire.

The orc wasn't unscathed. One of its four arms hung limp, pierced clean through by a flaming tree trunk. Its roar, once a thunderous challenge, was now raspy and choked, smoke billowing from its burning head. In a display of raw decisiveness, the beast tore at its singed flesh, ripping away smoldering skin to expose raw, bleeding muscle fibers.

Its remaining head, now stripped bare, revealed a network of snarling veins and gnashing yellow teeth, a horrifying visage devoid of any semblance of reason.

Its remaining foot, crushed by a dislodged stone, dragged behind it, leaving a bloody trail on the scorched earth. The other, blackened and raw from its fiery trek, threatened to give way at any moment. Yet, the beast pressed on, its single remaining eye burning with a feral determination.

Neveah, back against a tree, watched the horrifying monster's spectacle unfold.

With a grunt, he reached into his spatial ring, a shimmering portal etched onto his finger. A blur of silver materialized in his hand – a sleek, enchanted spear, its surface thrumming with a faint magical energy. The flames danced around him, casting grotesque shadows as he propelled himself upwards in a burst of unexpected agility.

He then realized that he jumped too high.

" Oh come on..." He grumbled as he stabilized himself mid air, fighting through the pain.

Below, the twin-headed orc, a grotesque parody of resilience, roared a challenge. It combined its three remaining clubs into a makeshift weapon, its remaining eye fixed on Neveah. A faint, pulsating aura crackled around the crude weapon, a testament to the orc's own primal power.

Neveah, suspended mid-air, gritted his teeth. He knew his reserves were almost depleted. But desperation fueled him. He channeled everything he had left, pouring the chaotic energy into the spear and his own right hand. The spear pulsed with an unstable red-black light, mirroring the burning tendrils of chaos that danced around his scorched fingers.

A primal yell ripped from his throat as he position himself to throw the spear downwards to the orc. The orc, sensing the impending attack, swung its makeshift weapon with a ferocious arc, its guttural roar echoing in a strange, speaking in a language Neveah didn't understand.

As the spear shot forward his hand went with it as it snapped from Neveah's body.

"BRING IT ON!!!!!" The orc shouted.

The impact was a horrifying symphony of destruction. The orc's clubs, imbued with traces of aura, met the chaotic spear head-on. But the clash was a one-sided affair. The clubs shattered on contact, wood splintering into a million pieces as the chaotic energy within the spear surged forward, unstoppable.

The spear, a red-black streak of destruction, ripped through the orc's body with sickening ease. There was a burst of blood that extinguished most of the flame, a sickening tear sound, a grotesque gaping hole that separated the orc's upper body from its lower half. Leaving only the head attached to the shoulders, and the feet attached to the waist.

The arms were almost in pieces some were completely obliterated.

The orcs, its remaining heads still locked in a silent roar, as it fell to the ground. Neveah won!

But the victory, if it could be called that, was short-lived. The last vestiges of chaotic energy drained from Neveah, leaving him a hollow shell. His vision swam, his body a canvas of searing pain. The world blurred into a nightmarish kaleidoscope of fire and smoke as his grip on consciousness loosened.

Then, a flash of violet light ripped through the inferno. Verona materialized beside him, a look devoid of emotion etched on her face. With a flick of her wrist, she telekinetically stopped the runaway spear, its chaotic energy finally sputtering out. Even stopped the flames.

The other hand reached out, catching Neveah's unconscious form just before he could plummet to the earth below.

Silence descended, broken only by the crackling of the inferno. The forest, once a playground, now lay ravaged, a testament to the destructive power of chaos and the folly of those who dared to wield it.

Verona held Neveah's limp form, the inferno's dying embers casting an orange glow on the scene of devastation he'd wrought. She gazed upon the scene with a cold stare. With a focused concentration, she channeled healing energy into him, mending the charring burns and mending shattered bones. The pain on Neveah's face eased, replaced by a peaceful unconsciousness.

Verona's violet eyes flickered towards the discarded spear, its chaotic energy now fading into nothingness.

A silent conversation played out within her – two sides of the same coin.

"This child," one side, the one with violet eyes, mused, "He's a monster, he surprises me every time, sis."

"Looks like the plan for a making him into another me, won't happen," countered the other side, with crimson eyes as she said in relief.

"I never intended to simply recreate myself," the violet eyes countered. "I wanted him to forge his own path."

"He did," the red eyes conceded, "but not in the way we thought. He let the chaos run wild and free, unlike us who imposed order on the chaotic energy."

"Indeed," the violet eyes sighed. "It's worrisome, considering the laws and his domains well when he reaches that level… But imposing order doesn't make the energy chaotic anymore, right sis?"

But the violet eyes were interrupted. "We'll deal with that when the time comes," she declared. "Right now, his body needs serious fortification. If only he had a 7-star body – he might have handled the chaotic energy much better."

"A fair point," the other agreed. "We have a long road ahead. This is just the beginning."

" So how are we going to teach someone who weilds chaos?"

" That's for him to decide qnd navigate through... But like those invaders we could make him give it a nature... "

" Should we kidnap a demon... For some experimenting?" Asked the Violet eyed Verona.

" It may help us... Cause I feel they also use the same energy as us but it is way different... With case study on how they use it and how we use it Nev could have the better of the two" said red eyed Verona

" So we are making him even more monstrous." Said Violet Verona.

" We don't compromise?" Declared Red eyed Verona.

With a final, synchronized look at the scene of destruction, Verona's form shimmered and vanished. Neveah, still unconscious but safe within her care, disappeared alongside her. The forest fell silent once more, the only remaining evidence of the night's events the ashy remains and the chilling bloody site.

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