The Eternal battle

Chapter 211: Unfilial Son

Chapter 211: Unfilial Son

" Miao "

Tang Zhong finished the cat food in front of him and asked for more like cats.

" That's enough, aren't you a proud Celestial Purple Wolf? Stop behaving like cats "

Arcana looked at Tang Zhong with disgust and her cold gaze had vanished, which means she was no longer angry.

" Yes! my queen "

Tang Zhong was really miserable, she asked him to act like cats previously, why criticize it now?

" Your face says, ' You asked me to act like cats before, so why are you criticizing me now? '"

Arcana was naturally able to guess Tang Zhong's thoughts and bring them out without giving him a face.

" Impossible! how dare I? "

Tang Zhong was really frightened and afraid of punishment.

" I don't remember telling you to act like a cat, you did it on your own. "

" Hahahahaha!! "

Tang Zhong was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Shi Tu interfered to change the subject and said, " Now tell us, how long has we been here? What happened? This planet appears to have become the great Huaxia Empire? "

" Yes, that's right. "

Then Tang Zhong told them everything he knew.

It looks that it has been exactly eighty years since Shi Tu's disappearance.

After Tang Zhong destroyed the finish line City, he immediately went to search for Shi Tu and Arcana, but he could never find them, so he gave up and decided to stay here and watch things happen.

According to Tang Zhong, it seems that a bloody war has occurred and that most of the population on this planet has been killed.

Under the strength of the Shadows Garden Army, with soldiers who took pills that didn't lead to their death and greatly improved their strength on one hand, and the West Alliance on the other hand, Huaxia was almost wiped out of existence.

The three families quickly collapsed due to a lack of trust between them and the fear that the Su family would betray at any moment.

But fortunately the Bull Army seized the leadership under Feng Xiaoxiao's hand, which seized the leadership of the bull Army from Mu Ruyan.

Under the leadership of Feng Xiaoxiao and using guerrilla warfare and the her wisdom, they were able to somehow defend but not for long.

Then, another party in the war appeared, Jean Fly, who somehow managed to steal the Pills from the Shadows Garden and form his own army, although they were much less numerous, but their efficiency was high and soon he took control of the armies of the West and killed Lawrence and the six ancestors who cooperated with him on the view of the world and thus The Assassins League completely collapsed, especially since the twelve elders or what was left of them appeared under the leadership of Jean Fly and after the disappearance of the Shadow Guards who didn't care after they had done their duty to defend the four towers.

After that Jean Fly swallowed Shadows Garden armies but Bao San has been back to the side of the bull's army carrying with him a large amount of Pills in exchange for preserving his life but Feng Xiaoxiao killed him after taking the pills.

After he swallowed the Shadows Garden, Jean Fly put his hand on the source of the Pills and became much stronger and the Bull Army could no longer do anything.

No matter how intelligent Feng Xiaoxiao is, all tricks are useless against the overwhelming difference in power and for some reason, didn't use the Pills obtained from Bao San.

But when disasters come, heroes appear.

It seems that the heirs of Sun and Lu had acquired a similar strength as Jean Fly.

There were also two mysterious people with a great power killing the leaders of the Shadows Garden, and there were incidents of freezing entire military bases without knowing.

Then Sun Chiwei and Lu Huang joined to Feng Xiaoxiao but they cannot pass their techniques to Feng Xiaoxiao but told her some of the basics. but this was enough for her to surpass them after few years.

It seems that she used the pills to create a high-level elite division rather than improving the general strength of the army, which proved to be the right choice.

Within a few years, and despite the fact that Huaxia forces almost gone, but the elite led by Feng Xiaoxiao, Mu Ruyan Lu Huang, Sun Chiwei, Ru Ru, Ouyang Mei Rui Feiyu, managed to crush Shadows Garden and completely defeated Jean Fly, who was combing the world searching Shi Tu's where about in direct battle but someone intervenes and rescues him.

After that, the unification of the world under the banner of Huaxia Great Empire with Feng Xiaoxiao as emperor without any problems because the mentality of the people began to change and become more inclined to report everything by power, so no one cares about being a woman as she was the strongest.

A few years later, many cultivators of the Heavenly Courtyard arrived and wanted to take possession of this planet, the force difference was so great that they immediately fled without a fight because it was hopeless, but the Heavenly Courtyard agent had liked some women from this planet and wanted to take them as concubines, but all of them including Mu Ruyan and Feng Xiaoxiao fled safely thanks to the sacrifice of Ouyang Mei but Rui Feiyue surrendered, which later became the official wife of the Heavenly Courtyard agent.

Shi Tu asked, " Who saved him? Do you know? "

Looking at Tang Zhong's eyes, Shi Tu concluded that he knew who saved him and he is not an ordinary person.

" It was Xie Li. "

Shi Tu's eyes narrowed badly upon hearing this name, throughout Shi Tu's life he didn't have any children, but Xie Li was the closest to being his son because Shi Tu created him and raised him.

" It seems that this unfilial son has evolved a lot during this period, and another one has been added to the list of those who were able to return to the first heaven."

Arcana remembered something and said to Shi Tu with a harmful expression.

" True, he is such a unfilial son that he pursues his father's wife after his death. "

Shi Tu asked with astonishment, " What!! My wife? What wife are you talking about? When did I get married in the first place? "

"The current head of the Yin-Yang bliss, Ye Chuxia "

" Hey?! That ice burg? That unfilial son has some guts! hahaha"

" Heh, why aren't you angry? "

" It seems that you have a misunderstanding here "

Shi Tu paused and said earnestly, " Although it was my deputy in the Yin-Yang bliss, but I never touch her ok? she's the daughter of Prometheus after all, even if the lust took me over, I will not put my hand on my niece "

" What?! "

" What?! "

Arcana and Tang Zhong shouted in shock at the same time.

" Prometheus's daughter? That man who has no interest in women? How is that? There have never been any rumors of his affair!! "

Shi Tu shook his head, " I have no idea either, but she is without a doubt Prometheus' daughter because she bears his aura and blood. "

Shi Tu didn't think much about Yi Chuxia and didn't care much, though it would be surprising if Xie Li could win her heart which would be unfortunate because she would have to become a widow soon.

Shi Tu stood up and said, " Ok let's go now. "

" Shi Tu, won't you ask about the girls? Don't you care? Their life and death are unknown "

Shi Tu indifferently replied, " Why do I care? I just gave them the opportunity to change their fate, because I am helping them doesn't mean that their future is guaranteed, but rather it's up to their effort and their choices. "

" Including Feng Xiaoxiao? "

" Absolutely, she can never die "

Shi Tu replied with an unusual confidence.

" Why all this confidence? "

" Because she has nine lives "

Arcana realized the meaning of Shi Tu and spat out.

" This is cruel "

Shi Tu wasn't embarrassed and said, " Thanks for the compliment. Now let's take a tour and go visit the Emperor's mother. "

"The Emperor's mother? How do you know that she came to visit? "

" Use your mind "

It looks like the playtime is over so Arcana didn't push things further and they walked out.

The suit was located deep underground, and as soon as they got out, it exploded and buried underground again.

Shi Tu looked around and the area was completely empty like a desert.

It seems that this planet has undergone a lot of changes.

" Little cat, where is the imperial capital? "

" In this direction where Songjiang was located. "

The three moved extremely quickly towards what was previously known as Songjiang which is now the imperial capital

Along the way, Shi Tu noticed the advanced civilization nearly disappeared, and this was not surprising because the Great Huaxia Empire of the Heavenly Courtyard which hated technology very much and focused only on cultivating Qi energy.

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