The Eldrim Cards Legacy

Chapter 160: Lockdown

With the artefacts collected, a subtle mental pressure appeared in the group's mind. No one said it aloud, but they all felt it. They were worried that they would be attacked and would lose it. Or more berserkers would come. Or something else unexpected would go wrong.

They tried to focus on their surroundings, but after all the hassle they went through to get the artefacts, it made sense that they were worried about it.

Even Nero felt that subtle urge to just rush back to the ground floor and give in the artefacts as quickly as possible. But feeling it did not mean that is what he did.

There were still many corridors on the third level they had not personally explored, which meant that there was a chance more artefacts could be hidden there. Nero had no intention to steal other things, but it was for this reason specifically that he also went through Arter's and everyone else's backpack. He did not mean to invade their privacy, but what if they had artefacts?

As it turned out they did not have any, so he took nothing from them. Fortunately, going through the remaining hallways did not take much time either, because they had been recently cleared of all curses.

The only thing that disappointed Nero was that besides corpses, human and otherwise, they discovered nothing significant. That also dampened the slight elation they felt upon getting the artefacts.

Nero too took a moment to remember the fact that many had died for this mission. He didn't know its significance. He was also not the one who killed the others, and in fact he probably saved a lot of lives. But that didn't change the fact that a lot of people died for those two, tiny objects in his backpack.

Once Nero was certain that there was nothing left, they began their journey back to the cathedral ground level. It was odd. Climbing back up to the top didn't even take ten minutes, yet it felt like they had travelled between worlds emerging from the basement.

The first thing they saw when they came back up was Pipo and his team, sitting together in a circle on the floor, with Aloe and the other Harold consoling them.

The sound of their arrival attracted everyone's attention, and upon noticing them everyone showed an expression of relief. Pipo, especially, had been really worried about them. Even though he was in a different team, he had actually fought more with Nero than his own team.

"You guys made it," Aloe said softly. After hearing the horror stories of Pipo's team, she and her partners who had been stuck in this building for six months were greatly shaken.

They couldn't believe they had been stuck above such monsters for so many months.

"Yeah, we made it. Why are they still here? Shouldn't they have been sent back?"

"There's been a lockdown," Aloe said with a troubled expression. "You guys in the basement might not have felt it. There was a fight between some very high levelled card masters. The whole city was shaking. That caused a few of the city's defence systems to activate, so until they shut down, travelling through the city is not safe."

"Between card masters? Did someone attack us?"

Aloe shook her head.

"I don't know the details. They won't tell us. But you're also stuck here for now."

Nero frowned.

"Can we step out of the cathedral?" he asked.

Aloe shrugged.

"Go ahead. But there are soldiers outside who'll stop you."

Nero nodded and led his team outside. They had to see if there was someone they could submit the artefacts to. He knew that technically no one was supposed to fight them for it once they returned to the ground floor, but it would still be best if they handed it over.

As soon as Nero stepped through the door the first thing that surprised him was the darkness! It was already dark outside! How long had they been in the basement?

Nero felt like it had only been a few hours, but clearly he had underestimated how long it took.

After the dark sky, the next thing Nero noticed were the lights. Lumina, as a city, was very much still operational, and once night fell various lights automatically turned on around the city, illuminating the darkness.

But unlike the harsh, white flood lights that were used to light up cities in Kolar at light, Lumina was lit up in a cosy yellow light. Nero could imagine how, seen from a distance, the city would look like a firefly against the dark backdrop of the mountain.

"The city is under lockdown," a soldier interrupted Nero's imagination, bringing his attention back to reality. "You must stay within this building until the lockdown ends. It's too dangerous to travel right now."

"What should I do about my mission?" Nero asked. "I have to make a report and submit certain items."

"Who assigned your mission?" the soldier asked.

"Major Liam Carver."

"Oh yes, the major has someone on standby. Hey Ford," the soldier yelled to the escort who had brought Nero to the cathedral. Ford had been napping in a sitting position so the sudden yell startled him and made him nearly drop.

"Yes? Yes! I'm up! I'm awake!" he yelled, looking all around for trouble or a superior officer.

"Contact HQ and ask about major Ford's standby team. Can they come in for an extraction?"

Ford nodded, and pulled out a card as well as some device and walked to a distant corner to get better reception.

"Can you tell me why we're on lockdown?" Nero asked, looking back at the unfamiliar soldier. "We have orders to proceed to another mission after this. I don't know if waiting will affect the mission."

"Nothing we can do about it," the soldier said with an exasperated look. "I'm just as troubled as you, but the city is no joke. A few hours ago a bunch of buildings blared about activating some kind of protocol, and since then all kinds of defences have been put up. Trying to cross through the city right now is like signing your death certificate.

Until HQ finds a way to shut it down, or it goes down on its own, very few can pass through. Even Spectres can't get around the city's defences. Only those with a very high authority given by the city itself can move around."

"A protocol? One of the researchers told me the defences were activated after some big fight."

"Well, the lockdown was declared after the fight, but the city started acting up early in the morning. We don't know what's happening. And the fight…"

The soldier looked really troubled as he thought about it.

"Don't let anyone know you heard this from me, but the defences around Lumina right now are even higher than the border at normal times. I don't know how… or why, but I think the higher ups expect a battle. I mean a real battle, like, a proper war scale battle.

I don't know who was fighting when the city shook, but the way I see it, the city's defences are actually keeping us safe rather than trapping us in."

Nero's eyes gleamed. This soldier… Nero read his name on his badge. Ryan, the soldier in front of him, was insinuating that enemy forces might try to forcefully enter the city. Whether that would really happen or not he had no idea, but all he could do was hope that the 'higher ups' actually had the situation handled.

Before their conversation could continue, Ford walked back up.

"Major Liam is coming himself," Ford said, though he looked troubled rather than happy about it. "Also, everyone here has new orders. We need to rest and recover, for when the major arrives, he will be taking us all deeper into the city for a new mission."

"Did he say how long it will take for him to arrive?" Nero asked.

"It would take at least four hours," Ford responded.

"I'll go share the news inside," Nero said, as he turned around.

There were a few thoughts running through his mind. He himself had encountered a few protocols throughout the day, and he could not help but wonder if the protocol that put the city under lockdown… had started in front of him.

Regardless, he and his team had been fighting all day it seemed. They needed to eat and sleep, for it looked like they were about to have another long day tomorrow.

"Guys, we all have new orders," Nero said grimly. Although he knew his team would be glad for the chance to get some rest, the researchers, and especially Pipo's team, would not be happy that they were being included in the new orders.

"Get as much rest as possible. The major is going to be leading us deeper into the city in a few hours."

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