The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 50: Ch 50: Eleventh Floor (2)

For the third fight, Rein was chosen once again. This was the worst possible outcome of the dungeon master as with the random chosen system, he was trying to get the other girls on the stage more and not Rein.

But he was unwilling to throw another match without trying. So he decided to go all and took out the strongest opponent he could choose for this floor.

Even though he was the dungeon master, the dungeon itself had various restrictions. So he was unable to use just any boss in any stage. So he decided to use the strongest boss he had available for this round to test Rein.


After Rein entered the arena, three figures appeared before him.

At first Rein thought that the dungeon master was somehow bending the rule to allow three opponents to fight him, but after a quick analysis he saw that the three figures in front of him were part of just a single monster and not three different ones.

They all were dressed in warrior attire of the region from where kimono originated. All the figures did not have a distinct facial feature and all of them looked like a blob of darkness.

The figure in the middle was holding a sword called katana on its waist. It was a long sharp sword but at the same time it was very light and brittle. Having proper technique to handle it was very important and this figure looked like a very experienced swordsman from his stance.

Among the other two figures, one was holding a bow and the last figure was a naginata. Their formation was also perfect and it looked like the three figures were very used to working with each other.

Most importantly two of them were peak tier green grade transcendental beings and the katana user was an initial stage yellow grade one. This was for the first time in this dungeon that Rein had seen a yellow grade transcendental monster.

This monster was named, three ultima undead warriors and it showed very quickly why they could get that title. The bow art and the naginata art of the two green grade warriors were on par with Rein and the yellow grade katana user was better than Rein in the field of sword art.

Rein could have forcefully ended this battle if he just overpowered the warriors with his magic but he did not take this approach and instead tried to fight them with just his sword skills.

This approach did not go well and Rein was at a massive disadvantage throughout the whole fight. Actually he got so many cuts and injuries that anyone other than him would already be dead, but with Rein's regeneration he was able to stay alive.

But it was not completely useless as Rein was able to improve his sword skill from this fight. It was not like he suddenly reached a new height with his sword but his techniques definitely became more refined.

He was still not as good as the katana user but now he was definitely better than the other two.

After a non stop fight for over 7 hours, Rein finally managed to find a major gap in the stance of the bow user and took him out with a light elemental magical hidden weapon shot. After the long ranger archer was gone, the battle became easier for Rein.

In just 3 hours after the archer's death, Rein killed the naginata user and started to have a one on one fight with the katana wielder. Even though the katana wielder had better skills than Rein, he had better stats.

So after just an hour of fighting, Rein was able to impale the katana user with his sword after getting stubbed in the heart by the katana user. Even though his heart was impaled, it also regenerated very quickly and Rein got the victory after a very long battle.

After Rein's long bout, the next one to go on the stage was Tasha once again and this time she was fighting against a monster called the Shadow larker. This monster was not even a green grade but its hiding ability was top tier. Even Tasha would not be able to find this monster easily.

The Shadow Larker's stats were very weak, probably just equivalent to an indigo grade except for the agility stat, but its special ability which allowed it to hide in the shadows was extremely useful.

If Rein or Stella were fighting this monster then it would be a very easy win for them, as even this amazing hiding capability was useless in front of the eyes but as Tasha had no eye related skills, she did not have this advantage.

The dungeon master had also thought that the conquerors might have some means of remote long distance communication, so he did not allow Rein and Stella to watch the fight.

But Tasha managed to find a very simple solution to this problem. As the area of the arena was limited, she just filled the whole arena with a dangerous gas that she created with her Black Dark magic. For that reason it was extremely fatal.

Very soon, the Shadow Larker was forced to come out as it was unable to withstand the dark gas at all. It tried to make a do or die attack on Tasha but she easily brushed it off and killed the Shadow Larker.

Now the conquerors had a total of four battle fragments and they needed just one more. The next one to go to the arena was finally Stella. She had thought that she might not even get a chance to fight because of this random system but her luck was good and she was able to get a chance to show off.

So she went to the arena with a lot of excitement.

The dungeon master was unable to give any serious challenge for Rein and Tasha and so he went all out and even took a huge risk to employ another yellow grade transcendental monster against Stella that was the perfect counter for her in the dungeon master's opinion.

After taking this risk he would not be able to use any yellow grade monsters for the next few floors, but he was willing to take this sacrifice if he could kill Stella here.

So, the yellow grade monster that came to the arena was a golden gorilla. It was about 20 meters tall and had violet crystal mountains on its back. It was also wearing various equipment and was one of the rare few monsters who were able to use items and equipment to enhance themselves.

After checking this monster with his Eye of Truth, Rein became extremely serious. But after both of the fighters appeared in the arena, the dungeon master again hid the arena to stop Rein and Tasha from giving any advice to Stella.

Seeing Rein's grave expression Tasha asked about this monster. In answer Rein said -

"This monster is a legendary monster called Azarath or in simpler terms Arcane Crystal Golden Ape. Both Stella and this ape are at the yellow grade so she doesn't have a solid advantage over it. And this monster is really a very hard counter Stella. Actually not only for her and for most of the mages."

Hearing the name of the monster, Tasha's eyes widened in surprise. Azarath was a very famous monster who rampaged around the Tang-Arcon continent one thousand years ago. It had destroyed several nations and almost half of the Tang-Arcon continent was destroyed by it.

Then one of the famous heroes of that time, the dragonkin warrior Felf was able to defeat it and became a legend there. And now Stella was fighting this legendary monster.

The only reason Felf was able to defeat the Azarath was because he was not a mage and was a pure warrior. This monster had a very troublesome ability that allowed it to absorb all kinds of magic spells inside the crystal on its back.

So mages were unable to hurt it at all and even made it more powerful by supplying it with spells. And as Stalla mostly used spells to fight, she was a very bad matchup for it. The Azarath that Felf destroyed was only Indigo grade, so a yellow grade one might have more stronger abilities.

Rein and Tasha were getting worried.

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