The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 48: Ch 48: Clearing Ninth and the Tenth Floor

Just as it was mentioned in the book, the Deep Sea Palace did not have any monsters inside it. This place actually looked like a palace and was extremely beautiful. Expensive looking chandelier and lavish carpet decorated it and it truly looked like a palace where a royal would be living.

But Rein and his lovers were unable to enjoy this luxurious place at all because this place was filled with traps. And it was not well hidden one or two traps either. Every step they took had traps. It was impossible to move forward without triggering them.

The person who designed this place was definitely not right in the head. The amount of resources he wasted was insane. The dungeon master of this place definitely had some screws loose in its head.

Normally in this case Rein should have tried to go through this place while trying to activate the least numbers of traps but he had better ideas than that. He told Tasha and Stella about his plan in their network and all of them got ready to execute his plans.

Rein cast a powerful barrier spell on everyone and Tasha and Stella also used some of their own barrier spells. Then Stella used her spirit armament to create the strongest possible armour for herself, Tasha Transformed into her Primal Beast form but with a small size and Rein did nothing.

He was very confident that his regeneration would be able to take care of everything.

Then they started to run through the whole palace to activate all the traps. If the dungeon master had so much resources to waste Rein was going to make sure that he got an use out of all of them.

After crossing two halls that way, suddenly traps stopped appearing at all. Either the dungeon master ran out of resources or he was trying to conserve them after seeing that the traps were clearly useless against the conquerors.

Even though traps disappeared, in its place many annoying puzzles started to appear. If Rein and Tasha were here alone then they would have been very pissed off by this as even though they were extremely intelligent, they did not like to use their brains too much inside a dungeon.

Rein still would have been fine Tasha would definitely be extremely irritated.

But at least for the time being it was not a problem for them as they had Stella with them. Stella was a curious person and she was always very interested in solving various puzzles. She was the honorary president of the Intellectual Guild for a reason.

So for this part of the expedition Rein and Tasha just stayed behind Stella and flirted with each other while Stella was busy running around the palace like an excited child solving all the puzzles and mazes it had to offer.

Just like that, with Stella's help, they were able to easily cross the annoying puzzles section and came across a large door. This was probably the gate to the central part of the Deep Sea Palace where they would be able to find the way to get to the tenth floor.

After Stella was done solving all the puzzles she quickly came to Rein and pushed Tasha away. She had enjoyed quite a lot of time with Rein and now it was Stella's turn. She had done a very good job and now she was expecting a lot of praise and love from her beloved.

So, for the next few hours, Rein and Stella cuddled together while Tasha went to scout the central room. Rein was very proud of Stella and her amazing intelligence and he praised her to high heaven from the bottom of his heart.

So much so that even Stella got embarrassed after getting so much praise even though she was the one who asked for it.

After coming back from the scouting, Tasha told them that the central room also did not have any monsters and they had already cleared this floor.

Inside the Deep Sea Palace they were unable to find much treasure which was a bit disappointing, but Tasha said that the central room had a decent amount inside.

Then all three of them entered the central room together and got their permission for entering the tenth floor from a large pillar in the middle of the room. Then they put away all the treasures and decided to take a break in this room before entering the tenth floor.

So Rein took out a whole house and set it up. They were unable to use it on the last floor because of the weird dark environment, but here it was fine. They cooked some sea food for the girls and they had a luxurious seafood dinner.

Then soon afterwards the house started to shake and got filled with the sound of moaning.


After taking a little bit of rest for a day, the conquerors were finally ready to go to the next floor. They used their tokens to teleport to the tenth floor.

Upon entering the floor the three of them found themselves inside a small room and chess board in front of them. Immediately they got a mental message explaining the process of clearing this floor.

To clear the tenth floor, one did not need any combat prowess but instead needed war strategy and planning. They needed to lead an army on the chess board to fight against an opposite army control by the dungeon master himself.

Both sides had the same number of soldiers with equivalent combat capability.

After seeing how powerful Rein's group was, the dungeon master was not confident that his monsters would be able to defeat them, so he decided to target the conquerors himself in a field he was very confident, which was war strategy.

As Rein, Tasha and Stella were overwhelmingly powerful, the dungeon master assumed that they would not be very good at war and strategy as it was something useless for them. They could just always end any war with their immense power, so strategy was useless to them.

For that reason, to stop the continuous progression of the conquerors the dungeon master was using such a tactic. Actually all the dungeons had many restrictions imposed on them. So even the dungeon master was unable to do anything they wanted and they needed to be within the limit.

And the current strategy it took was at the borderline of what was permissible for a dungeon master to do.

It was actually a very good strategy and it was also true that among Rein, Stella and Tasha none of them were very good at war and stuff. They had actually participated in a war but in that war they just used their overwhelming power to completely destroy the enemy's army and hope.

Rein was well aware of this fact and he quickly came up with a countermeasure. It was quite a simple countermeasure and only Rein's group was capable of utilising it.

He just simply added Utrena to their group and showed her the situation of the war. Then they just followed her instructions and did whatever Utrena told them to do like a machine.

Even though the dungeon master was quite good at war strategizing, he was nowhere near good enough to be a match against a natural born genius like Utrena who had also studied about war and strategy since her young childhood.

So, the result was as expected and the dungeon master was defeated quite easily without putting up much effort. Actually it was not even a battle but a massacre and it was over in just a few hours.

Rein was extremely impressed and praised Utrena with his all. Utrena who was currently sitting on her throne overseeing an important discussion suddenly started blushing like a young maiden in love.

But she was also a very calculating person and asked Rein for a lone date for a whole day Rein happily agreed.

If Rein could he would take Utrena on a date every single day, but she was extremely busy for that. Now that she was able to make a request, she would somehow free herself for a whole day and would join Rein for the date.

While thinking about the upcoming date, Rein and his lovers teleported to the next eleventh floor.

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