The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 27: Ch 27: The Ascension Test (2)

The crowd was dumbfounded for quite a while after seeing something so absurd like killing a lightning bull with lightning in just one shot. But they just could not spend all day being surprised as the most exciting part of the whole ascension test was about to begin.

Yes, now it was finally time for the mithril rank ascension test.

Normally it was very lucky if 2 people are taking the mithril rank ascension test together. But this time, it was not 2 or 3 but a total of 5 people would be taking the mithril rank ascension test. It was insane.

Seeing so many future greats was definitely one of the best things anyone could experience.

Not only but the people taking this mithril rank ascension test were all extremely talented and famous. We have Jack who was the scout and thief for one of the strongest adventurer team of this city.

After miss Trista, who was a mithril ranker and was also currently working as an expert commentator for this test, he was definitely the strongest in her party of "Golden Reverie" after her.

Then there was the human adventure Hans. He was actually very weak himself. Probably only as strong as a beginner silver rank adventurer which was not bad but not amazing either.

But he had an inherent special ability to summon various kinds of familiars and just recently he had unlocked a familiar which was as strong as a rank 3 monster. So he was taking the mithril rank ascension test.

Goul was a very famous dwarf knight. He had even worked for the royal knight order. But he had failed the mithril rank ascension test 3 times in a row and this time he was very determined to reach the rank of his dreams.

So everyone else was also excited to see if he could finally fulfill his dreams or not.

Then there were two extraordinary geniuses. One was a mage who was able to get the qualification of taking the mithril rank ascension test at a ripe young age of only 23. Even if she wasn't the youngest mithril rank test taker she would still definitely be one of the youngest.

But the last participant completely overshadowed her.

He was probably the second youngest person to take the mithril rank ascension test in the history of the adventurer guild and guess what, if he could clear the test he would become the youngest person to reach the mithril rank because the person who was younger than him failed his first test.

So all in all everyone was extremely excited for what was to come.


Now this time it was Rein's turn to leave the room. He got good luck kisses from his lovers and left the room. On the field all the test takers gathered together. As they had conversed before all of them knew each other at least a little bit.

As soon as Rein reached the battle arena, Lauren immediately came to talk with him. He was the only person Lauren knew who could keep up with her and they could talk about various topics.

Not only that but Rein was also telling her politely how she could become better at conversing with others in general which even her teachers had given up on. So she was truly very fond of him.

The other adventurers did not act as excited but still nodded their heads toward him as a greeting. Rein greeted them back the same way. Then he started to talk with Lauren while waiting for the test to start.

At first, the guild brought out five magic cages. Inside those cages five peak rank 4 monsters were looking at everyone with ferocious eyes. They were going to be the opponent of the test takers. The guild then gave a brief introduction to those monsters for the audience.

"Here you can see this 20 meter long monster is called Hudropyra (Snake necked Great Turtle). It has a very strong defence and could even shoot out powerful water jets that can destroy the hardest of metals with ease.

And then you have this fluffy looking one called Clemensopek. But don't fall for its innocent appearance. It is a flesh eating monster with the capability to reflect physical attacks with its fluffy far. It is also quite fast so running away from it is very difficult.

But this one here is different and looks very scary. It is a Asperogas. It is a plant type monster with hundreds of vines with thorns which can secrete poison and dozens of mouths.

Next we have a rank 4 minotaur. This one is quite proficient in using an axe so it can be very challenging to defeat. With its thick and resistant hide, this monster is quite troublesome.

Then finally we have the strongest monster of this batch, a Tyroductel. This monster is capable of flying and not only that but it had many long distance attack methods like its feathers, beam from its eyes and breath attacks from its snake-like head. So it is definitely the most problematic one.

The person who had to face it will be very unlucky. And please everyone give a round of applause for master Grandam our city's only adamantine rank adventurer, who captured this monster for us."

All the audience stood up and clapped. Grandam was an old looking dude with impressive muscles and figure. He was actually a dwarf-bearkin hybrid. He definitely had the strength and charisma of an adamantine rank powerhouse.

He came out of the commentary box and waved at everyone. Even though he was old, he was still a lady killer. Then finally the actual test started.

After a lottery, the first one to go on the stage was chosen to be Rein. And after a second lottery his opponent was also chosen and it was none other than the Tyroductel. The whole arena cheered after seeing this matchup.

Rein calmly walked to the arena and faced off against this monster. As soon as it was taken out of the cage it tried to fly very high to the sky. But a barrier that was protecting the audience stopped it from flying too high.

But still it tried to maintain as much distance as possible from Rein where his attacks could reach him and readied his feathers to kill him.

Just as it was going to throw its sharp feathers, suddenly Rein's body lit up with red lightning and he disappeared from his spot. As the monster was confused and was trying to find where he went, Rein appeared behind it and then decapitated its head with a swing of his sword. It died immediately.

The audience were able to only see Rein's body glowing red and then the monster dropping from the sky with a decapitated head. It was instantaneous and even the guild staff were confused and looked at Trista and Grandam for an explanation.

Trista and Grandam were also as surprised as everyone. After the guild staff looked at them with inquiring eyes they came back to their senses and replied with a serious look on their faces.

"From what I was able to observe, young Rein most probably had a chromatic affinity with specialisation in speed. He clad his body in scarlet lightning, immediately went behind the Tyroductel's head and cut it off in a single swing.

I think he is stronger than even me." Said Grandam, the strongest person present in this city which made everyone have widened eyes. Trista also said -

"Yes, I also think the same. I was unable to see it as clearly as master Grandam but that's what he did. Now I can understand. If he had a chromatic affinity then it was possible for him to have insane power.

Normally it is harder for someone to master a chromatic element in a short amount of time, but I think master Rein is a genius and was able to master it very fast and that's why he is so strong."

Hearing their words everyone in the audience was very surprised but understanding at the same time. That just looked at Rein with an amazed and respectful expression who returned back to the standing area calmly.

Immediately a very excited Lauren came and hugged Rein to congratulate him. Rein also hugged her back a little and then let go. Then they once again started talking while waiting for the next participant to go on the stage.

After the lotteries, it was decided that, in the next round Jack would be fighting against the Asperogas. Everyone looked on with anticipation as Jack went to the stage.

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