The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 23: Ch 23: Seventh Floor

After entering the seventh floor, Rein and his team found themselves in a hallway. After walking for some time in that hallway, they came across two passageways. After choosing one at random they found more and more passages as they went deeper inside.

Rein then suddenly stopped after encountering his second dead end and said -

"So the seventh floor is an annoying maze, huh."

Yes, the seventh floor was a large maze with thousands, no tens of thousands of different paths. Taking just a single wrong turn could send you away from the entrance to the next floor.

Not only that, but there were some areas in the passages where monsters spawned when someone came to that area. Those were only violet or indigo grade transcendental monsters so killing them was not too hard, by doing that again took quite some time.

So to properly take care of this floor, three of them decided to explore this place separately. They had their own mental network, where all three of them could update the map at the same time. If anyone was in serious danger then they could also follow each other through it.

So after making that plan, three of them started to run at full speed in order to cover as much area as possible in the shortest amount of time. Rein clad his body in lightning and cut every monster that he encountered in half. He was definitely the fastest among all the conquerors.

Next to him Tasha was a close second, she used her teleportation ability to move quickly and also disposed of the monsters in a quick and easy fashion. She was also using her experience and heightened senses as a beastkin to search for hidden treasures or something like that.

As for Stella, she was the slowest among everyone. Instead of rushing through the whole place quickly, she took a methodical approach to search this maze. But with her Eye of Clairvoyance, she was still able to map out quite a lot of places, so she was not too far behind Rein and Tasha.


Just like that, three of them spent a few days exploring the maze. They decided to meet up after completing about 50 percent of the whole floor.

Actually Rein had somewhat luckily already found the way to the boss room, from where they would be able to go to the eighth floor. But Rein only wanted to enter that room after searching the whole floor properly.

After meeting up with one another, both of the girls started complaining. This was just way too boring. They were just going to different passageways and were just killing a few monsters that they encountered. They were doing the same thing continuously for the last few days.

In those days, they had also discovered a different type of monster present here. They were roaming ones who could be encountered in any part of the dungeon except the safe area. They were stronger than the normal monsters here at the blue grade but were not a match for the conquerors.

They were more worried about the monotonous situation than those monsters.

After seeing how irritated his lovers were about this situation, he decided to do something about this. So, he said to Stella and Tasha -

"So girls, if you two are so irritated about it, then you two do not need to go for the exploration again."

"What are you saying Rein ? Yes I'm a bit frustrated but that does not mean I'm not going to do the exploration again. I need a little break and also need to fill my reinium supply and I will be full of energy once again." Stella said so while coming to Risk and hugging him tightly.

Tasha also said while hugging Rein from behind -

"Stella is right. Let's just take a little break and we will be fine again. Don't worry, it's not like this work is dangerous or anything."

Hearing their replies, Rein patted the girls head and said -

"No no, I do not mean to give up on perfectly clearing this floor. For the last few days, I was actually trying to develop a new spell. As you all know, even though I'm quite good at creating inanimate objects with my light magic, I struggle a little bit with living ones."

Stella and Tasha knew about it. Even though Rein's Golden Light element was specialised in creation, Rein himself was more comfortable with creating inanimate objects. He could obviously create living beings made of that element too, but those living beings were unable to last for too long.

"So, the magic I was developing allowed me to create a lot of insects like butterflies, mayflies and dragonflies in very large numbers. Then all of them are going to explore this floor for us.

With their high numbers, it will be very fast and I can link my mind with them so the map will also get updated in real time. I'm still not fully confident about this spell, which was the reason I did not use it previously but currently I'm 90 percent sure I will be able to pull it off."

Stella then suddenly asked -

"Hey Rein, are those insects strong ? They needed to be quite strong to clean up the monsters on many pathways."

Hearing that question, Rein scratched his head with some embarrassment and said -

"Actually, that's one of the major flaws of this spell. Those insects are completely powerless. Probably even a rank 4 monster would be able to defeat one."

"Oh, then his are planning to go through a spawn zone ?"

"Actually the insects who are in charge of gathering information are very very small ones. The other big and flashy ones were going to distract the monsters and the little ones were going to pass through using that chance. That's my plan for now.

If this plan doesn't work, I am just going to teleport before the insects and kill the monsters and repeat it over and over again until we get a full map. But that way I will not be able to spend my time with my lovely ladies, so I want to avoid that if possible."

Hearing Rein praising them Tasha and Stella became happy and then they started flirting.

Rein activated the new magic that he created and a large golden magic circle appeared before him. From that magic circle millions of insects came out and surged toward the remaining unknown areas. With how beautiful golden light magic looked, this whole spectacle looked amazing.

Fortunately Rein's plan was a great success and the insects were able to overwhelm the monsters with their numbers. They were not capable of hurting the monsters, but getting away from the monsters while they were busy killing others of their kind was very easy.

Soom in just two days, the remaining 50 percent of this floor got mapped.

Then the conquerors spent another day clearing all the spawn zones and roaming monsters and then finally they entered the boss room.

They had to spend quite a few days on the previous sixth floor and again they spent even more time here. So the date of the adventure ascension test was just around the corner. So the conquerors were not in the mood to waste any time on this boss.

And they were still quite irritated by this floor including Rein.

The boss of this floor was a fox with spider like feature. It looked quite creepy. That in turn made the conquerors' desire get rid of it as soon as possible even more intense.

So both Rein, Tasha and Stella started to bombard this poor monster with high power magic without break and soon it was able to not take them anymore and died a very tragic death by getting blown up.

Just like that the seventh floor was cleared and they again got the balls of white light that gave them the authority to teleport straight to the eighth floor next time.

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