The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 128: Ch 128: Alexandria (1)

The place where Alexandria was going to meet with Rein was inside a large fortress-like structure and it was not inside the dungeon anymore. After Lucia took over the Deity's Resting G dungeon, all the trapped gods were freed from it. Most of them decided to join Alexandria in her undead legions and only a few decided to accept the destruction of their souls. Rein fulfilled their wishes.

Now the Deity's Resting G was a brand new dungeon under a brand new leader, but the advturers who regularly tered the dungeon had no idea about it. Lucia also did not bother to make any drastic changes so no one ev noticed that something had changed with the dungeon.

After coming out of the dungeon, Alexandria took Stella and Tasha's help to understand the currt era. She had absolutely no contact with the outside world for millions of years, so she was very surprised to see how many things had changed and how many things still remained the same after such a long time.

So just a bit further away from the city of Ktau, inside a dangerous forest she set up her undead castle. Not only Alexandria but her intelligt undeads were also busy studying about various things about this new era. That undead castle or fortress was the structure where Rein was invited.

Every work related to the dungeon was almost done so Alexandria wanted to speak with Rein before that in private.


Alexandria met Rein in her own room. Most of the places inside this undead castle looked eerie and scary but her room was decorated very luxuriously. After Rein tered the room, he was made to sit on the bed as there was no chair or table in this room.

Th Alexandria herself served him a special kind of fragrance tea that Alexandria had with her from millions of years ago. It was still in the perfect condition because of her own invtory. There were also many fruits beside the bed.

After that Alexandria sat beside Rein and pressed her body against his in a very intimate gesture. Rein did not reject her advances and ev shifted his position a little bit to make it more comfortable for Alexandria. After both of them were comfortably snuggled up with one another, Alexandria started to tell Rein about her history.


Alexandria was born in a differt contint. There was a large Desert covering a large area of the contint and she was born in one of the small nations of that great desert.

She was born in the royal family ruling that nation and she had three elder brothers. Just after she became able to understand speech, she was made to understand that her only value was in being a good princess and to create important connections with neighbouring nations with her marriage.

But it turned out that there was something else fate had in store for her. Just a month after her birthday, she suddly awaked to a special inhert ability and it turned out that she ev had a chromatic affinity called "Ebony Dark".

Ebony Dark was an extremely powerful dark elemtal affinity that increased her connection to anything related to death and it also allowed her to see and manipulate souls to a very high degree. Other than that, this chromatic affinity also made her control over the gravity law to be very high.

That was not all. The inhert special ability that she awaked was also insanely powerful and perfectly matched her other powers. She named this ability of hers "Underworld" which allowed her to create an indepdt subspace where she could store her undead army and that subspace could also allow her to impose very kinds of rules inside it which was beficial to her army.

So, Alexandria started to use this ability to see and converse with the dead souls to talk with lots of people. The intelligce of a wandering physical body less soul was very low but it was a treasure trove of information. Alexandria used that fact to learn about many things from various wandering souls in secret.

That was the reason why she did not turn out to have the personality that her family wanted from her. They needed a willing and a coward lady who would not go against any orders that her family had for her. Alexandria's childhood atmosphere was maintained in such a way that normally it was inevitable that she would turn out to just be the way that her family wanted.

It was also a form of brainwashing.

But that did not happ because Alexandria was gaining a lot of knowledge from the souls that were invisible to anyone else. She was a very intelligt girl so she was able to learn many things in a very short amount of time.

That way she was also able to understand the fact that her "family" did not really love her. Without the knowledge from the dead souls, it would have be impossible for her to understand this on her own. But ev after knowing that Alexandria did not do anything special as she was just a child at that time and there was not much she was able to do. That was how her childhood was spt.


After Alexandria turned 5, she turned out to be a world shaking beauty. Seeing that her father and brothers were extremely happy as that way her value became very high and they would be able to use her more effectively.

So the very first thing they did was to invite a big shot from a powerful neighbouring nation and th they happily offered him to take Alexandria's virginity away in exchange for some favours. That was the king and the princes master plan.

They wanted Alexandria to spread her legs for any and all m including her brother and father before they find someone who would take her away as a bride with the highest possible price.

Alexandria found this to be absolutely disgusting and with this action tak from her family, the last straw that was stopping her from harming them broke. She had already mastered powerful magic with her insane talts and had ev managed to gather a powerful force consisting of undeads. With her currt strgth, there was no one in this area who had the power to stop her.

That night wh her father and brothers brought that man to take her virginity away, she ded up killing all of them. Not only that but she also trapped their soul to not allow them reincarnation. Alexandria was unable to destroy a soul but she had various means to manipulate it.

Wh her mother and other people of the palace saw this started blaming her for this act. So in her anger and sadness she also ded up killing them all. That night the royal family from that nation disappeared from the world.


While Alexandria was telling Rein about this part, she became extremely sad. So Rein hugged her tightly and started to pat her back and her head to comfort her. That helped Alexandria quite a bit and after some time she continued with her story.

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