The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 12: Ch 12: Leaving Hetharna

After hugging and kissing all three of his lovers, Rein finally completely relaxed and greeted the other four girls. Four of them also greeted him back nervously. They had never seen such an amazing man before in their life. So they were obviously a bit tense.

Rein also noticed that the girls were on edge, so he purposefully joked around a bit and made small talks to make the girls more comfortable. His efforts paid off and soon the girls became used to his presence. Then he finally started to listen to their problems in order to find a solution to it.

Meanwhile three of his lovers went to the kitchen to cook something for Rein. As soon as his three girls said that they were going to cook for him, Rein immediately put up a barrier around the kitchen. Stella and Tasha had actually blown up kitchens before, so they could not complain about it.

Rein still kept an eye on his lovers while listening to the four girls. But soon he was relieved as Lulu was quite a good cook and was managing everything well. It was not like Stella and Tasha could not cook at all, but the process was quite hectic.

As strong individuals, even a simple action from them could be devastating and that was the only reason they ended up destroying some kitchens. Now they had improved their control over their powers quite a bit, so the chance of any accidents happening was relatively low.


After hearing about the girls worries and what they wanted to do in their future, Rein thought about it seriously for a moment. Then he asked -

"Hmm, I understand your situation but allow me to ask a few questions before I can give you good advice."

Seeing all the girls nodding, he asked -

"So, Katty wants to be an adventurer again, Hyaka wants to continue her research just like she was doing previously. As for Clara and Becky, both of you do not have any plans and just want to be together to support each other, right ?"

All the girls nodded their pretty heads once again. Rein then continued with his questions -

"Hyaka, what do you do when you venture into dangerous areas for your research material ?"

Hyaka replied -

"Normally I would make a request to the adventurer guild for an escort and if the area is not too dangerous I usually go alone as I can use some magic to defend myself from normal threats."

"Hmm, then I have a suggestion. Why don't all of you become adventurers and make a team together. All of you have faced a bad situation together, so your trust in each other should be higher than normal. In that case, making a team together should be fine."

All the girls looked at each other then Clara timidly spoke up -

"B-but I have never fought before and I'm also physically very weak."

Rein patted her head kindly and said -

"That's not a problem at all. Let me explain. An adventurer team has many roles. I think both Katty and Hyaka have the combat prowess of an iron rank adventurer and Becky had the power to be a copper rank easily as she is physically quite capable.

Even tho Clara did not have much to offer in the fighting department, you're quite smart and can act as the teams manager or negotiator. You could also train a bit to make yourself stronger that will allow you to even go on quests together with them.

This is also advantageous for Katty and Hyaka. Katty will be able to get partners she could trust and Hyaka will not need to face dangers alone. So what do you all think ?"

The four girls thought about what Rein said seriously and were unable to find any reason why they should reject this idea. It was a perfect solution to all their problems. So all of them agreed to create an adventurer team together to grow stronger and to support each other.

As their little discussion came to an end Tasha asked them to come to the table as the breakfast was ready. All eight of them enjoyed breakfast together while chatting with each other happily.

After breakfast it was time for Rein and his group to leave. Rein promised Lulu that he would visit her tonight with his teleportation magic and only then she smiled a bit. As they did not want to keep the captive girls in this city for any longer so all of them left the city immediately afterwards.

After coming a bit farther away from the city, Rein, Stella and Tasha took out a magic item shaped like a carriage. It was actually a time that they found inside one of the dungeons that they had conquered before.

Normally they did not use this when travelling with just the three of them as their speed was faster. But now as they have others with them who could not keep us with their speed so they decided to use this magic item.

The space inside the carriage was quite large and there was more than enough space for even 10 people. This surprised the girls as the carriage did not look as large from outside.

Seeing their confusion Rein explained that the inside of the carriage had a larger space because of some kind of space expansion magic.

This carriage did not need any animals to pull it and could move automatically with mana. Rein, Stella and Tasha all had insanely high amounts of mana inside them so it was not a problem to move the carriage very fast.

Even though the carriage was moving very fast, they did not feel any tremors inside. So their journey was quite comfortable. They did face some monsters on the road, but Stella was able to find them insanely fast and immediately sniped them from a far. So the journey was also unobstructed.

Stella was not a normal elf. That was the reason Hyaka was feeling bloodline suppression from her. She thought that Stella might be a mighty high elf, but she was mistaken.

Elves can be divided into 3 main categories depending on the purity of their bloodline. Those categories would be regular elf, high elf and ancient elf. The better the bloodline the stronger an elf was.

A regular elf could make contract with at most three spirits and that could only happen if that elf had an elemental affinity. Spirits were natural beings with no intelligence and the representation of the nature itself.

Most of the spirits are related to one of the eight elements except some exceptions.

A high elf was capable of making a contract with at least 3 spirits and at most 6. But they were also unable to make contact with any type of spirit outside their elemental affinities.

But having more spirits allowed them to boost their powers insanely which made them quite a lot stronger than regular elves.

As for Ancient elves, they were capable of making contracts with at least 7 and at most 9 spirits. They can also make contracts with one extra spirit type that was outside their affinity which was quite broken.

But Stella was even better than those types. She was a half step origin elf. She was not completely an origin elf but had some qualities of one. For example she could make contracts with any type of spirits without the restriction of elemental affinities.

So she was capable of using all eight elements.

Other than that she also had two inherent special abilities. One could be called Spirit Armament, which allowed her to turn her contracted spirits into any kind of armament she wanted. And her second ability could be named Eye of Clairvoyance.

It made her the best possible scout and allowed her to see super long distance with perfect clarity. Her archery was god-like partially for this ability too.

So with such powerful Stella on board, the carriage did not face any trouble along the way and was able to cross the border of this nation quite easily. Now a new nation, new places and especially new dungeons were waiting for them to explore.

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