The Dungeon Conquerors: Journey to the Peak

Chapter 113: Ch 113: Rein's Regret

After Sanakya's soul went into a slumber immediately the dungeon started to consume the remaining portion of her soul. Rein immediately tried to stop it but he was unable to do anything as the dungeon really had an upper hand after taking control over the majority of her soul.

Just as the dungeon took over 90 percent of Sanakya's soul, Rein immediately took action and destroyed her soul. Rein bit grinded his teeth together in frustration. He was not given enough time to come up with a solution to Sanakya's corrupted soul and he was forced to kill her to grant her last wish.

Sanakya wanted to die before completely becoming a puppet of the dungeon. She had not expected that telling Rein about the information would be so taxing for her, so much so that she fell into a slumber and lost control over her soul. So Rein did not want Sanakya to go to rest with regrets. So he was basically forced to kill her before the dungeon took over her soul completely.

That was very frustrating for Rein and he was extremely sad. After listening to what Sanakya had to say, he had become quite fond of her. This girl had lived a tough life and even after her death she was getting tormented daily. That was extremely sad. So Rein wanted to do something for her in order to allow her to finally enjoy her life.

But before Rein could think about any solution, he was forced to kill the poor girl with his own hands. That left a very taste in his mouth and he was also feeling very sad.

With the death of Sanakya, all the soul form monsters also disappeared. They had already defeated the boss of this floor when they were searching for the mural fragments. Just like the boss of the desolate temple area, the boss of this area was also completely useless when the conquerors came to this floor with the intention of killing the transcendental rank God sleeping here.


With the clearing of the Land of Floating Platforms, the Conquerors were able to unlock the high level difficulty area called the Ominous Swamp of Alatea. With the unlocking of this area, now Rein's group had access to three among the four areas.

So to get access to the last remaining area, they immediately went to challenge the remaining three mid level difficulty areas. After Rein told Anna, Stella, Kagura and Tasha about what he had heard from Sanakya and how he was unable to help the poor girl, they also became sad.

So now they wanted to clear the dungeon as soon as possible to get rid of this regret. So all of them became more enthusiastic to clear it. Except for Anna, everyone else was giving their all to clear the dungeon as soon as possible.


Among the mid level difficulty area Rein's group challenged the Woods of Eternal Darkness next. As the name of this floor explained it was a forest which was dark all the time. The monsters that could be found here either had extremely good night vision or had a different way to identify things around it like the sound or smell.

There were quite a few teams of adventurers who liked to come to this area to hunt. Especially this area was extremely famous among the beastkins entering this dungeon as this powerful sense of smell or night vision gave them an advantageous position against the human adventurers. So most of the platinum and mithril rank beastkins of the city came to this mid level difficulty area.

That was also the case when the conquerors entered this floor. Normally they would bother with these adventurers and would try to avoid them as much as possible so as to not waste time in any kind of trouble but today was different. Now Rein and his lovers were unwilling to be so thoughtful about everyone. If they get in their way they would just kill them.

With that thought in mind the conquerors took a straight path to the area where the bosses of this area were.

This area had two bosses. One of them was a large dark tree type monster who was unable to move from its spot. And another one was a dark crawler which liked to roam around the whole floor without staying in any particular spots.

These two bosses were polar opposites of each other. One was always staying at the same spot and the other one was never staying in the same spot and always moving around. Just 20 or so years ago this area was used to be one of the most dangerous areas because of this moving boss.

But then a few adventurers were able to find a pattern to this boss' movement and then they were able to slightly guess where that boss would not be depending on that. This method had proven to be very effective and as those adventurers shared this method with the guild, the other adventurers also knew about it and were able to avoid that boss.

So, using that same method, Rein immediately found out about the location of that boss and attacked it. It was Tasha who assassinated this dark crawler while coming out from its own shadow. It had never expected to go down in the way in which it usually killed its opponents.

Then the second tree boss was also killed when Stella destroyed it with a rain of fire arrows. It was her demonstration of her mixed technique of magic and archery. It was something she was practicing after Anna told her about it.


After clearing the Woods of Eternal Darkness, the conquerors did not waste any time and immediately challenged the next mid level difficulty area called the Blood Soaked Plateau.

As the name indicated, this area was a rocky plateau and the rocks creating this area were all blood red in colour. It really looked as if this whole place was covered in a large amount of blood and it had contaminated the whole region.

After entering the area Rein immediately felt the presence of a god and the way to wake it up was by hitting the whole plateau with a super powerful attack that would be able to shake the whole area. Rein did just that by landing extra powerful lightning on the plateau and immediately the god woke up.

Blood started to gather in a specific spot and the red plateau soon turned brown. All the bloods came together to create a humanoid form and Anna told them that she had heard about an evil cult called the Blood sect and it was praying to a vampire as its god. So this new god was most likely to be that same one.

As the humanoid form became distinct, a status panel appeared before everyone just like before.

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