The Duke’s Imposter Sister

Chapter 71 - Green-Eyed Monster (2)

The young woman didnt even have enough strength to appreciate the droplets running down the windowpane. She kept recalling the time she spent with Duke Vianut, wondering to herself why he pierced her ears, and repeated this train of thought over and over.

But it was improper for her to think about him so often. Sooner or later, he would marry the Princess of Britin. She pitied the princess.


A stinging pain pierced her heart. So preoccupied was she with the aching that she didnt notice the rain had finally stopped and the skies were growing clearer.

At some point, Adele and Dirk visited Gris and invited her to join them in the parlor. Adele announced that she intended to draw a portrait of Gris, but in actuality, both siblings just wanted to spend more time in her company.

Adele instructed Gris to sit on the red sofa and set up her easel in front of the silver-haired girl. Dirk, who had been lurking in the background throughout the preparation, seemed quite bored.

Please draw me a portrait too.

He carefully seated himself on the cushion next to Gris. Adele, who had been arranging her brushes, smiled slyly. This recent turn of events seemed to have inspired a change in her plans.

I can draw it, Adele mused, but I want you to be closer to Yuli. Like her lover.

Dirk shuffled restlessly as if he had just received a very difficult request. He slowly inched nearer to Gris so that they were now only separated by one palm width. Gris timidly tucked her head as his cozy scent wafted toward her.

Countless emotions crossed her mind. She had always had some difficulty becoming close with people, especially those whom she was meeting for the first time. On one hand, she felt guilty and apologetic for unintentionally deceiving them. On the other, she still wanted to befriend them for the sake of having someone to share her worries with.

But the girl that Dirk and Adele wished to give their love to was Yuliana Byrenhag, not a fallen princess from another country who had been relegated to the bottom rungs of society.

Lets not be greedy, she told herself.Everything in moderation. She just needed to get close enough to earn their favor yet maintain enough of a boundary to not unravel the facade.

Gris hesitated and focused her attention on counting the patterns on the carpet while Adele teased Dirk. Interspersed between the siblings back and forth was the sound of footsteps approaching the parlor.

They were heavy footsteps, like those of a hunter chasing a deer. She had come to recognize the sound of those steps very well.

A man with an impeccable appearance arrived at the entryway. Vianut van Byrenhag scanned the room with his persistently icy irises.

Gris looked up, feeling the heat rising in the back of her neck.

Adele confusedly glanced at how serious Gris face had become before turning to see who had just entered the room. The maids who had been helping Adele with her preparations bowed in unison. Adele and Dirk also lowered their heads.

Your Highness, we didnt know you were here, Adele stammered. Im afraid we have been very rude.

Adele, whose back was turned to Gris, flushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, Duke Vianut didnt care about the apparent lapse in etiquette. Was he simply satisfied by the fact that Gris, alone, recognized him?

The Grand Duke smiled, exposing a dimple on his left cheek as he took a seat at a small table situated by the window. Mr. Bram poured him a fresh cup of tea. Adele rose to greet Vianut with a cursty.

Your Majesty, I really wanted to meet you! Thank you for joining us.

Vianut looked at Adeles outfit, which was decorated with yellow accessories like the sun.

I hope you are enjoying your time here? he asked while taking a sip of his tea.

Adele once again pulled her skirt with her fingertips and daintily bent her knees.

Yes, thank you for your concern. Everyone is healthy.

Gris fidgeted with uneasiness. She didnt expect that the Grand Duke would willingly appear before her again, especially during her time with Dirk and Adele. A few days ago, he even bade farewell to her as if he hoped to never see her again. Or was his coming here, of all places, a formality of diplomacy between their families?

Gris complexion noticeably paled right after the Grand Dukes appearance. When Dirk looked puzzled at her change in expression, Gris only smiled as if there was nothing to be concerned about. He leaned his torso toward Gris and let her in on a little secret.

Adeles first love is Duke Vianut, he whispered. Since yesterday, she has been asking Mr. Bram when she could see him. I think the duke came because of that.


At that moment, Duke Vianuts eyes fixated on Gris face. His intense gaze didnt stop there, wandering over to the man by Gris side and wavering strangely at the sight.

Dirk was too busy whispering to Gris, unaware of Duke Vianuts scrutiny.

But now, Adele likes another person, he continued, and its a great relief. Im sure that she is going to bless Duke Vianuts marriage. I can tell.

Gris only nodded her head. Dirks warm breath blew over her cheeks and heat rose from where his blue eyes touched her face. The room seemed to have become too hot.

She repositioned herself several times to ease her discomfort, but even during those moments, the Grand Dukes eyes did not leave Gris face. His facial expression indicated he was interested in what she was doing. It was not until the fine hairs on the back of his neck stood up that his attention shifted to Adele.

Keep on drawing, he motioned towards her unattended easel.

His tone was light and detached, like he had come to observe a comedy about a prostitute masquerading as a noble and how she deigned to spend her time.

Yes, Your Majesty, Adele agreed readily and went back to her easel.

Adele sat down with a smile and resumed her work. For a short while, she was engrossed in her sketching but then burst out with a laugh.

This seems better than it looks, Yuli and Dirk!

The young noblewoman praised Gris white complexion and red eyes, and she remarked that they complimented Dirks tanned skin and green eyes. Their features were surprisingly harmonious with one another. Adele could not stop admiring the pair and sought confirmation from the Grand Duke.

Your Highness, dont you think the same?

Vianut rested his elbow on his chair and touched his chin. As usual, his demeanor was relaxed, but his eyes somehow subtly trembled.

Well, do my thoughts matter?

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