The Disabled Tyrant’s Pet Palm Fish [Transmigration]

Chapter 35

When the plum fish wakes up, he is sleeping on the white stone bed in the fish tank with a water grass quilt on his body. The plum fish rolled comfortably, and suddenly remembered what happened before he lost consciousness.

He became a man in order to eat green plum. The green plum was so delicious that he couldn't help eating more. Unconsciously, he even drank a lot of wine in the plum. At first, he didn't feel it. When his brain began to feel dizzy, then there was no more.

Plum fish is startled, from the white stone bed to bounce up, dizziness after he has no impression, then how does he recover the fish body?

Should not be seen by others - by King Jing?

However, the plum fish looked at the well covered quilt, and quickly denied the idea. He must have made it for himself after he became a fish. It can't be someone else.

If King Jing saw him change his body, he would be arrested. How could he lie comfortably in the fish tank?

Therefore, it must be that he changed back to the fish before King Jing came, and jumped back to the fish tank and fell asleep.

The plum fish swims, may be because drunk, the fish body is a little tired, swam for a while, then better.

Li Yu observes the movement of the room against the crystal cylinder wall. All the mess on the ground has been cleaned up. King Jing is quietly asleep on his bed. It seems that he has never been drunk after eating green plum.

Plum fish take a deep breath, OK, no news is good news, should not cause any disaster.

He's worried about the main line. When he wakes up, he wants to enter the system and check whether there are any other tips for "intimate contact". In fact, he can't choose his face. He can also choose throat or ears. According to King King King's favorite, fish can eat it first. He just hesitated about which to choose.

Who knows he just entered, the task completed the prompt then pours on the face!

Plum fish:???

Isn't it just the main line that's going on recently?

Li Yu points to open the "million fish pet" main line, surprised to find that the main task that tormented him for a long time is completed.

Li Yu's surprise is no less than when he wakes up. He quickly looks at the details at the bottom of the task to confirm that the last step of intimate contact is indeed completed.

When and how? The plum fish is dull.

System: "when you're drunk."

Li Yu:

Li Yu trembled a little: what did he do when he was drunk? Where did he bite King Jing?

It must have been bitten. Otherwise, this step will not be completed. I don't know whether it's throat or ear. I'm sure I'll understand it.

System: "you bit the tyrant's Adam's apple."

Li Yu:

Li Yu thinks that from now on, his face can not be called face.

As for whether it was bitten by a person or a fish, the system did not specifically mention it. Li Yu did not question, he thought it must be the fish body, otherwise he would not have life into the system.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

The system asks him whether or not to receive a reward. Intimate contact is the last step. The reward that can be collected at this step is actually the reward of the whole "million fish pet".

Plum fish from the depression, ready to accept, the main task reward is All attributes are doubled.

At first glance, the scope of "all" is a little vague, but before the plum fish has been strengthened in turn, tail strength, healing ability, and so on, are the attributes of his book piercing fish, and the plum fish speculates that it should be related to these.

Of course, he ordered to accept. He heard the system pause for a moment, and said mechanically: "congratulations to the host. At present, the carrying space capacity has increased to 4, the transformation time has doubled, the tail strength has doubled, and the healing ability has doubled..."

Plum fish big joy, the original carrying space capacity and transformation time can double?

With the increase of carrying space, it means that he can carry a lot of things with him. Is the transformation time doubled from half an hour to one hour?

Plum fish respectively check the space and transformation skills, it is true, plum fish excited, has completely forgotten just how embarrassed.

"Million fish pet" has been completed, but the next main line has not started.

The system said: "next, the adore system will adjust the next main task according to the relationship between the host and the tyrant. The new mainline will be released after the adjustment. "

Li Yu nodded, because there was a step in the past, which was also based on the relationship between him and king king king. Li Yu was not a stranger. He thought with relief that if the system did not refresh the main line for him for the time being, it would be equivalent to giving him a vacation, which was not bad.

System: "the branch line has reached the pre condition of" becoming a koi ". Is the main station open

Is this the meaning that we can do it by branch line first?

Li Yu became smart and asked: is this task limited?

System: "there is no time limit. The host only needs to complete the task. Like other branches, there is no penalty for failure. "

Usually the temptation of the branch line is always very big, just want to have a holiday plum fish, but immediately accepted: Well, please open the branch line for me!He had the majestic scales of black gold fish. He had been looking forward to being a koi for a long time.

In the system, the branch line of "becoming a koi" lights up for him to check.

This branch line is the same as most of the pit fish tasks he has done, and there are only one line of small characters.

-- to become a koi, you must have the characteristics of Koi.

Li Yu didn't understand the way of God for a while, but he was very experienced. He knew that he could take the task and put it first. There was no need to worry. There must be a time when he could do it.

Back to reality, he is still immersed in the joy of the completion of the main line, in the water, swimming happily.

There are a lot of things in the crystal fish tank now, except for the white stone bed, water plants, and piles of beads of various colors. King Jing set up rockeries for him, and there were rocking chairs. The plum fish swam on the rocking chair for a while. Maybe he was too excited. Now the rocking chair can't hold him any more. It's shaking badly.

Li Yu went into the fake cave again. I don't know why today's rockery is so beautiful. He couldn't help but drill several holes. The system strengthened him so much that he didn't remember much later. Instead, he played a little cleverness. However, he could realize the useful attributes in the future. For example, he could clearly perceive that his swimming speed was also speeding up.

Li Yu played more wantonly. He often drilled the rockery in the fish tank, so there was no danger. However, this time, he was extremely happy and sad. He went into a narrow hole that could pass through before, but he could not get out of it.

Li Yu: what's the matter? It was very flexible to drill a cave before??

He was stuck. He looked around carefully and was embarrassed to find that his body seemed to have doubled.

In the past, he was a small carp as big as a palm and could hold it in one hand. Now It's the size of two hands. No wonder the rocking chair couldn't hold him. The system doubled his length and width.

The plum fish twisted hard and failed to escape from the cave. It seems that not only the length and width, but also the height have been changed.

More than half of the body of the plum fish is stuck in the cave, and its tail is not strong. Even if it can, it can't throw the rockery down. The crystal fish tank is more than one person high. The rockery is not small in scale. If it collapses, it will hit the fish without saying anything, and it will make noise to the king.

The little carp did not dare to move. Thinking that someone would come to change the water, he would naturally find him. The little carp stuck and slept back to his cage.

After a while, King Jing got up to look at the fish and found that the fish was missing. He was surprised and immediately filled the fish tank to find the fish. Finally, he found the fish sleeping in the rockery cave.

King Jing took a puff from the corner of his lip and poked with his finger, for fear that the fish in the world would not be in disorder. How could he not sleep with a good white stone, but sleep in a cave?

King Jing was bitten by carp essence last night. He couldn't hold back the fire. He wanted to chew the drunk fish. However, after eating him, he fell down on his chest. A pile of clothes seemed to lose support and fell down one after another.

Jing Wang Rao has a lot of psychological preparation, but he is also shocked. The small fish here are already struggling because of lack of water. Thinking that this may be due to the drunkenness of carp essence, it shows its original shape. King Jing quickly puts the fish which is short of water back into the fish tank.

He still remembered that the little fish liked to lie on the bed covered with water grass quilts, so he carefully placed the fish on the white stone and wrapped the water grass leaves for the fish. If the fish woke up and remembered what happened last night, he could naturally have a showdown with him. Unexpectedly, the fish ran into the rockery.

King thought of the little drunken fish who called him rockery last night. He was very angry and funny.

Liyu is poked awake, see is the tyrant master, happily wagging his tail, the fish earned earned, can not break free, but can only look at the king, eyes for help.

King Jing had some expectations that the other party would remember last night's event, but looking at the fish or a series of fish reaction.

King sighs. Ye Qinghuan almost hit the pillar when he is drunk. What can he expect a fish to remember.

In this case, we can only look for opportunities later.

The little fish's fins rowed, but he couldn't swim. The king found that he was stuck. He couldn't laugh or cry. He ordered someone to move the rockery away.

After people moved a cup of tea for a long time, the playful little carp finally got out of danger and swam out with his tail. King Jing picked up the fish and patiently checked whether there was any wound on his body. The fish was very safe. He also found that the root cause of the fish being stuck was that his fish became bigger.

King Jing:.... "

This How did it change?

King Jing can even accept that a small fish is a carp essence, but it doesn't matter if it grows bigger. However, the fish has changed scales and become bigger recently, which has aroused his vigilance. Is it possible that the carp essence is in trouble, such as the ferry robbery mentioned in the storybook, which requires the fish to constantly change its shape?

It is said that the snake spirits and fox demons are very weak when crossing the robbery, and they need to take good care of them.

King Jing didn't know about the robbery, but he could take care of carp essence.

King king ordered the rockery to be restored. The original caves, rocking chairs and white stones were all adjusted according to the current body shape of Xiaoyu.The crystal fish tank is not crowded. The fish can still live for a while. When the new fish tank is completed, it can move to a new residence.

The crystal bottle and tea cup with fish are not suitable. They need to be selected and prepared again.

King Jing thought about it all and called Wang Xi. Wang Ximeng saw the little carp that had grown a circle and took a breath: "Your Highness, this How does it grow? "

It grew too fast overnight.

King Jing catches a handful of fish food for the fish. The wind is light and the clouds are slanting slightly.

Wang HSI second understands. His highness means --

I feed you. Do you have any comments?

It was his highness who fed it. Anyway, it was from the beginning. Wang Xi quickly closed his mouth and followed the king's advice.

Wait. King Jing shook the jade bell again, called Wang Xi back, and handed Wang Xi a list.

Wang Xi took a look and was surprised. The list was to order clothes, shoes and socks of various colors. It was nothing, but he saw that the size on the top was not his royal highness's.

Wang Xiliao slightly raised his eyes and looked at his royal highness in a puzzled way. King Jing's face was as normal as usual, with a faint red mark on his throat.

Wang Xi was terrified. As an internal servant, he knew exactly what the red mark here meant.

Your highness is afraid that he has a favorite person. He may even have been close to him However, he was in charge of the affairs of the palace, and he knew nothing about it. King Jing himself did not mention it. Were these clothes for this man who was in urgent need?

This is not impossible, and so mysterious, but it reminds Wang Xi of a person.

Since returning from the palace to the palace, Duke Wang has always had a doubt. Last time in Jingtai hall, he had seen a ragged goblin quarreling with his highness. Later, he asked his highness in private, and his highness told him that it was this man who helped him that his Highness's eyes were free. Wang Xi was grateful for most of them. Later, he remembered that the goblin seemed to be the fish thief and clothes Thief His Highness had been looking for. He didn't know who his concubine was.

Later, the concubine disappeared. Wang Xi did not see the man again. However, after returning to the mansion, his highness withdrew all the men who were looking for the concubine.

Wang Xi felt that it was right for the concubine to help his highness.

Last night, he sent the drunken Ye Shizi back to Chengen mansion. When he came back, he heard someone say that there seemed to be a young man in dishevelled clothes in his Highness's room.

Wang Xi immediately dismissed his servant, but the next day he saw a red mark on King King King's throat. Wang Xi intuitively thought of a concubine. After all, he only saw this man and his family. His highness asked him to go to work for the fish owner. Wang Xi was very happy. His highness asked him to buy clothes. Wang Xi doubted that the clothes should be for the concubine.

His royal highness is not only raising fish, but also hiding coquettes. I'm afraid he's hiding other's concubines. He doesn't want to tell the truth. Wang's heart is like a tangle, sour and cool. But his absolute obedience to King King King makes him blind and has to buy many clothes, which are put in the designated closet in the room.

As for where the concubine lived, Wang Xi never saw him. I believe his highness will make them meet one day.

When plum fish is eating fish food, he can see the red mark at King King King's throat. The little carp's face is hot. What is it that fish bites out?

The tyrant's master has a special constitution and some traces are very obvious. Although it may not be as serious as it seems, he knows that he is drunk, has no impression, and will not have discretion. Maybe he will bite hard.

King Jing was gnawed by him, and he could not let him come back.

Li Yu said in silence that he was sorry. He turned and took a piece of peach blossom cake to King Jing.

King Jing still did not move the fish's cake. He knocked the fish's head with a smile. The fish was tickled. Why didn't he know the meaning of knocking his head?

Plum fish grow up a circle, even the amount of food also doubled, after eating the fish, and secretly sent out to compensate for the peach blossom cake to drag back, no way, fish do not eat will be hungry.

King Jing also found that he could eat more than before. Not only did he not blame a plate of green plums for him, he also put a lot of delicious snacks and snacks in the room to amuse the fish. The plum fish could not stand the temptation, and he would think about what he had. King Jing seems to have something to do recently. He always goes out and comes back in a hurry at night. When he meets something special, he will eat it in human form.

He has enough time to become a person and change back. He doesn't have to worry at all. He thinks while eating. Anyway, he is on vacation.

Once, after changing his body, he found several new clothes, shoes and socks, which were quite different from those of King Jing's underwear. There was a note in the clothes, which said that the old clothes of King Jingwang were temporarily moved to this place because of the inventory of clothes in the mansion.

Li Yu didn't see where the old clothes were. But king Jing, as an ancient king, had to make many new clothes every season. He made more clothes than he had worn. It's hard to guarantee that these clothes were not worn by King Wang when he was a boy. He had already dried them and was clean. He looked very well. He chose a light gold embroidered green leaf to wear and put on snow-white shoes and socks Before the basic change is barefoot, rarely can wear shoes and socks, plum fish also happily put on.

After changing clothes, the plum fish will sit down and pick out his favorite snacks. Sometimes a pot of tea with suitable temperature will be prepared on the table. King Jing won't drink cold tea. If the tea is cold, he will be replaced by his servants. In line with the idea that not drinking is also a waste, plum fish secretly pour some tea to drink, so as not to eat too many snacks will be greasy.Next to the wardrobe, I don't know who put a bronze mirror. The first thing after plum fish's transformation is to change clothes. With this mirror, it's almost like. He often walks around in front of the mirror, making faces and smiling faces. Last time, a cook in King's residence was punished for helping him. He still remembers the aunt. People without identity should not go out and wander around at will. He will be satisfied with a tea.

Li Yu himself to his own relief, but did not know that the bronze mirror will be his every move and this room adjacent to another room.

In that room, King Jing and he separated by a thin wall, staring at him.

After seeing a man become a fish, King Jing also wants to see a fish become a man. Knowing that he will never change in a small fish, he comes up with a way to pretend to leave. However, he finds that once his eyes stick to the fish, he can't leave any more

Whenever the fish changed his clothes, King Jing had to bow his head very hard.

I want to have a look, but I don't think it's appropriate.

The fish bit him, and he wanted to eat the fish.

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