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7 months ago
Mo Ke, a middle-aged good-for-nothing-loli-loving shut-in virgin found himself in the unlikely role... Read more Mo Ke, a middle-aged good-for-nothing-loli-loving shut-in virgin found himself in the unlikely role of a hero one day when he decided to take an uncharacteristic stroll outside of his lair on Valentine’s Day. Under the glaring headlights of an oncoming truck, he dove into the middle of the road to save the love of his life, a random loli, and his nemesis, a random pretty boy, in the process heroically sacrificing himself for the two brats.With the knowledge that he did something productive for once, he passed away into the darkness only to find himself reincarnated into a different world. A world of swords, magic, devils, elves, a host of other fantastical races and of course, humans.Join Mo Ke as he embarks on a journey born of jealousy, desperation, determination and s*upidity, to evolve, find his lost pee pee, finally return home and destroy the world with an army of devils??? Collapse Androgynous Characters, Army, Army Building, Betrayal, Caring Protagonist, Demi-Humans, Demon Lord, Demons, Depictions of Cruelty, Determined Protagonist, Dragons, Dwarfs, Elemental Magic, Elves, Evolution, Fallen Angels, Fantasy World, Genderless Protagonist, Gore, Humanoid Protagonist, Loli, Loyal Subordinates, Monsters, Multiple POV, Personality Changes, Perverted Protagonist, Race Change, Reincarnated as a Monster, Reincarnated in Another World, Romantic Subplot, R*pe, Seven Deadly Sins, Succubus, Sword And Magic, Weak Protagonist Bro literally wtf is that description of MC in the synopsis Pedo die, pedo reincarnate After ch5 i lost interest in this novel It's entertaining, mc doesn't get any action since his pp is on vacation tho so don't put any merit on the harem tag if you're looking for psudo erotica. Is it completed or dropped? only around 700(?) chapters (I haven't read it) and the COO says it is 1100 + Chappy The novel plot and world-building is very interesting, with some decent~good developments of the characters around the MC, including the disposable ones.The only problem... is the traditional beta-sism of horny/pervert MC never ever doing anything H because they are beta (or the author virgin). The MC is a pervert in the body of a genderless succubus, with both females and males looking at him in that way (with most wanting just for fun, no special meaning), and yet, he shoves them away while repeating his 'I want f*ck' bs again and again. Title could be Impotent, like Omnipotent but not similar Could you elaborate on that cause you lost me at the impotent part I dont even remember reading this mate i read a lot of novels it's been almost 3 months It’s ok but did you at least like it? The MC doesn't have his pp so he is impotent I don’t know how I misunderstood that he lost his pp but that’s just sad man