The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 49: I'm going to handle this personally

I woke up first, the early morning light filtering through the curtains casting a soft glow over Elara's sleeping form. She looked so peaceful, her chest rising and falling with each breath, her face sere.

It was a sight I never tired of, one that filled me with a warmth I couldn't quite explain. I leaned over and placed a gtle kiss on her forehead before slipping out of bed, careful not to wake her.

The evts of the previous day weighed heavily on my mind. The attack on Elara had shak me to my core, and I knew I couldn't rest until I found out who was behind it. I dressed quickly, opting for my more practical attire: dark pants, a fitted tunic, and my boots. I fasted my belt, where a dagger rested, and headed out to meet with my spies.

The corridors of the palace were quiet at this hour, the servants just beginning their daily routines. I made my way to the hidd chamber where my most trusted spies gathered. It was a secluded room, tucked away behind a false wall in the library, known only to a select few.

As I tered, the three spies I trusted most – Liora, Kael, and Thorne – were already there, waiting. They were a diverse group, each with their own unique set of skills and expertise.

Liora, with her sharp mind and unparalleled skills in gathering information; Kael, the silt shadow who could move unse and unheard; and Thorne, whose brute strgth and loyalty were unmatched.

"Morning, Seraphina," Liora greeted, her piercing eyes meeting mine. "We've found something."

"Tell me," I commanded, my voice firm. I couldn't afford to waste any time.

Kael stepped forward, his expression grim. "The person who attacked Elara is known as Varis. He's a rogue mercary, skilled in both combat and dark magic. We tracked him to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city."

A wave of anger washed over me, but I kept my composure. "Varis," I repeated, the name leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. "What else do you know about him?"

Thorne spoke up, his deep voice steady. "He's be hired by someone, though we don't know who yet. He's be se meeting with shady figures in the underg market. It's clear he's a professional, but he's not invincible."

I nodded, absorbing the information. "I'm going to handle this personally," I declared, my tone leaving no room for argumt.

Liora raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that's wise? It could be a trap."

I met her gaze, my expression resolute. "Elara's safety is my priority. I won't let anyone threat her again."

The three spies exchanged glances but ultimately nodded in agreemt. They knew better than to question my resolve.

"I'll take care of this," I said, turning to leave. "Keep an eye on the palace and sure Elara's safety in my absce."

"Of course," Kael replied. "Be careful, Seraphina."

With that, I made my way to the stables. The palace guards gave me questioning looks, but I ignored them. This was a personal mission, one I couldn't delegate to anyone else. I saddled my horse, a black stallion named Shadow, and rode out of the palace gs, the cool morning air filling my lungs.

The journey to the outskirts of the city was quick, my mind focused on the task at hand. The streets were starting to come alive with merchants setting up their stalls and people going about their daily business. I navigated through the bustling market, avoiding the main roads to keep a low profile.

The warehouse came into view, a dilapidated structure that looked like it hadn't se use in years. I dismounted, tying Shadow to a post a safe distance away. Drawing my dagger, I approached the building cautiously, every sse on high alert.

The trance was unguarded, which struck me as odd. Varis must be confidt in his abilities to leave his hideout so exposed. I pushed the door op, stepping into the dimly lit interior. The air was thick with dust, and the faint smell of decay lingered.

I moved siltly, my eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of movemt. The warehouse was filled with old crates and brok furniture, offering plty of places to hide. I listed inttly, catching the faint sound of footsteps.

"Varis," I called out, my voice echoing through the empty space. "Show yourself."

There was a momt of silce before a figure emerged from the shadows. Varis was tall and lean, with a macing presce. His dark eyes glinted with malice, and a wicked smile played on his lips.

"Well, well, if it isn't Seraphina," he drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"You know why I'm here," I replied, my grip tighting on the dagger. "You attacked Elara. I'm here to d this."

Varis chuckled, a sound that grated on my nerves. "Ah, yes. The lovely que. She was an easy target, almost too easy."

Rage boiled within me, but I forced myself to stay calm. "Who hired you?" I demanded. "Who wants her dead?"

Varis's smile wided. "Now, why would I tell you that? It's bad business to reveal my clits."

I took a step forward, my eyes locked on his. "Because if you don't, you won't live to see another sunrise."

He laughed again, a cold, mocking sound. "You think you can threat me? I've faced worse than you, Seraphina."

Without warning, he lunged at me, a dagger flashing in his hand. I sidestepped his attack, countering with a swift strike of my own. Our blades clashed, the sound ringing through the warehouse. He was fast, but I was faster.

We circled each other, our movemts a deadly dance. Varis struck again, aiming for my throat, but I parried the blow, driving my dagger towards his chest. He twisted away, narrowly avoiding the strike.

"You're good," he admitted, a hint of admiration in his voice. "But not good ough."

He cast a spell, dark tdrils of magic snaking towards me. I dodged, feeling the sinister ergy brush past me. Varis was skilled, but he underestimated my determination.

I closed the distance betwe us, my dagger slicing through the air. Varis blocked the attack, his eyes narrowing. "You're persistt, I'll give you that."

"And you're dead," I retorted, my voice cold as ice.

With a swift, decisive move, I disarmed him, his dagger clattering to the g. I pressed my blade to his throat, my eyes burning with fury.

"Who hired you?" I demanded again, my voice low and dangerous.

He sneered, his defiance unwavering. "You'll never know."

I pressed the blade harder, drawing a thin line of blood. "Last chance, Varis."

He laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "Elara is nothing but a cowardly que," he spat, his voice dripping with vom. "She's weak, and so are you. You'll never—"

Before he could finish his insult, I felt a surge of rage that blinded me momtarily. My hand tighted on the dagger, and with a swift, brutal motion, I slit his throat. Blood spurted from the wound, and he gurgled, trying to speak but only managing a wet, choking sound. His eyes wided in shock and pain as he sank to his knees, clutching at his neck.

I stepped back, watching him collapse to the g, his life ebbing away in a pool of crimson. My breathing was heavy, my heart pounding in my chest. There was no mercy in my eyes, only the cold satisfaction of justice served.

As his last breath rattled out, I knelt down beside him, staring into his lifeless eyes. "You should have known better," I whispered, my voice devoid of emotion. "Elara is not weak, and neither am I."

I stood, wiping the blood from my dagger on his cloak. The warehouse was silt once more, the only sound my own steady breathing. I turned and walked out, leaving Varis's body behind, my mind already focused on the next step.

The journey had only just begun.

I left the warehouse, mounting my horse and spurring him into a gallop back towards the castle. The streets blurred as my fury intsified, every thought consumed by Varis's defiance and the unanswered questions that still loomed.

Reaching the castle, I stormed through the gates, my presce radiating anger. Servants and guards stepped aside, ssing the storm within me. I barely acknowledged them, my focus solely on finding my spies.

In the dimly lit war room, my trusted spies awaited, ssing my urgcy. Their eyes followed me as I slammed the door shut behind me.

"We were wrong," I snapped, my voice sharp. "Varis gave us nothing. Someone powerful wants Elara dead, and we're still blind to who."

Silce hung heavy in the room as my words sank in. My chief spy, stepped forward, his expression serious. "What are your orders, Lady Seraphina?"

"Search again," I commanded, my tone brooking no argumt. "Comb through every lead, every whisper. I want names, connections, anything. We cannot afford another failure."

They nodded, their determination mirroring my own. As they dispersed, I felt a grim resolve settle over me. This was far from over. The shadows still held too many secrets, and I was determined to drag them all into the light.

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