The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 36: Don't worry. I'm here

With the knife still clutched in my hand and my heart pounding from the rect counter, I knew I couldn't stay alone in my chambers. The fear and adraline were coursing through me, making every shadow seem alive with pottial danger. Anara's concern was evidt as she hurried to summon the guards.

Momts later, a small contingt of palace guards arrived, their presce both reassuring and unsettling. I knew they were there to protect me, but the need for their protection was a stark reminder of the danger I was in.

"We'll escort you back to your chambers, Your Majesty," one of the guards said, his tone respectful but firm.

"Thank you," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. The evts of the night had shak me deeply, and I longed for the safety of my room, ev if it now felt like a prison rather than a sanctuary.

The walk back to my chambers was tse. The guards were vigilant, their eyes scanning every corner and shadow as we moved through the dimly lit corridors. I felt a constant prickling at the back of my neck, as if unse eyes were watching us.

Wh we finally reached my chambers, I hesitated at the door. Despite the presce of the guards, the room now held an aura of unease. The memory of the attack was fresh, and I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability.

"Please, check the room," I said to the guards. They nodded and swiftly moved inside, their swords drawn as they inspected every nook and cranny. After a thorough search, they turned to me and nodded.

"It's safe, Your Majesty."

"Thank you," I said, stepping into the room. The guards took their positions outside the door, a silt but solid barrier betwe me and any pottial threats. I closed the door and leaned against it, my legs suddly weak.

"Que Elara," Anara opp the door rushing forward to take my hands. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," I replied, though the tremor in my voice betrayed my lingering fear. "Just... tired."

Anara nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "I'll stay with you tonight," she said softly. "You need rest."

I glanced at the guards, who took their positions outside my door. Ev with them standing vigil, I felt no real sse of security. The memory of the cloaked figure and the gleam of the knife haunted me.

I changed into my nightgown with Anara's help. The familiar comfort of my bed beckoned, but sleep seemed a distant possibility. I climbed under the covers, the weight of the blankets providing a small measure of solace. Anara sat nearby, her presce a calming influce.

"Try to rest, Que Elara," she murmured, her voice gtle. "I'll be right here."

Almost being killed was not part of something I ever wanted to experice. My hands were still trembling as I made my way to the bed, sinking onto the mattress with a heavy sigh. I lay down, staring at the ceiling, the evts of the night replaying in my mind.

It was a struggle to find any semblance of peace, but exhaustion evtually overtook me, pulling me into a fitful sleep.

Morning came too quickly, the first light of dawn creeping through the window. I woke with a start, my heart racing as the memories of the previous night rushed back. For a momt, I lay there, trying to gather my thoughts.

A soft knock on the door jolted me fully awake. "Que Elara, it's Anara. May I come in?"

"Yes, come in," I called, sitting up and brushing a hand through my hair.

Anara tered, her presce as soothing as ever. "Good morning, Que Elara. I've brought some tea to help you wake up."

"Thank you, Anara," I said, accepting the steaming cup gratefully. The warmth of the tea was a small comfort, its familiar taste ging me.

"I've also informed Seraphina about last night's evts. She's here and would like to speak with you," Anara continued, her tone gtle but serious.

I nodded, setting the cup aside. "Very well. Show her in."

A few momts later, Seraphina tered the room. Her presce was as commanding as ever, but there was a coldness in her eyes that made me uneasy. She stood by the door, her arms crossed, and regarded me with a mixture of concern and detachmt.

"Elara," she began, her voice cool. "I heard about the attack. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I replied, though the tremor in my voice betrayed my true feelings. "Just shak."

She nodded, her expression unreadable. "We need to talk about what happed. This wasn't a random act. Someone within the palace is working against us."

I swallowed hard, the gravity of her words sinking in. "Do you have any idea who it might be?"

"Not yet," she said, her tone sharp. "But we'll find out. Until th, you need to be vigilant. I'll be increasing the guard a you."

"Thank you," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Despite her cold demeanor, I was grateful for her protection.

Seraphina moved closer, her eyes searching mine. "Elara, I need you to be honest with me. Do you have any emies within the palace? Anyone who might want to harm you?"

I thought for a momt, shaking my head. "I don't think so. At least, not anyone I'm aware of."

She sighed, her frustration evidt. "We'll need to dig deeper. In the meantime, stay close to the guards and avoid being alone."

"I will," I promised, feeling a mixture of fear and determination. "But what about you? Where were you last night?"

Her gaze harded. "That's not your concern."

I flinched at the harshness of her words, but before I could respond, she softed slightly. "I had a mission. There are things I need to handle outside the palace, but I'll sure you're protected while I'm gone."

I nodded, feeling a pang of loneliness at her distance. "Be careful, Seraphina."

I looked away, the fear and uncertainty welling up inside me. "Why would someone want to kill me?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Seraphina sighed, her shoulders tse. "There are many reasons, Elara. Politics, power, personal vdettas. But that's not something you should worry about. I'll handle it."

Her words were meant to reassure me, but the coldness in her tone made it difficult to feel comforted. "It's hard not to worry," I admitted. "Everything feels so... uncertain."

Seraphina's gaze softed further, and she stepped closer, her hand reaching out to cup my cheek. "I understand," she said quietly. "But you must trust me. I won't let anything happ to you."

I nodded, wanting to believe her. The distance betwe us, both physical and emotional, felt like an insurmountable barrier. Yet, in that momt, her touch was a lifeline.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

She moved ev closer, her eyes locking onto mine with an intsity that made my heart race. "Elara," she said softly, "don't worry. I'm here."

Before I could respond, she leaned in and pressed a gtle kiss to my forehead. The warmth of her lips lingered, a stark contrast to her usual cold demeanor. It was a small gesture, but in it, I felt a promise—a promise of protection, of solidarity, and perhaps, something more.

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