The Demon Queen's Contract

Chapter 13: They forgot me

The world a us shimmered and settled into an unfamiliar, but beautiful, gard. It was unlike the lush, structured gard at the demon que's castle. Here, wildflowers bloomed in a riot of colors, and tall, ancit trees provided cool shade.

Birds chirped merrily, and a gtle breeze rustled through the leaves. Lily beamed at me, clearly proud of her handiwork.

"Where are we?" I asked, still holding her close.

"This is one of my favorite hideouts," Lily replied, her purple eyes twinkling with mischief. "It's a secret place where Seraphina can't find us easily."

I looked a, taking in the sere beauty of our surings. "It's lovely," I said, trying to keep my anxiety at bay. "But won't Seraphina be angry?"

Lily shrugged, unconcerned. "She's always angry about something. Let's joy our time here!"

Just as I was starting to relax, a sudd, cold breeze swept through the gard, causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up. The temperature seemed to drop, and a familiar, imposing presce filled the air.

"Lily," came Seraphina's icy voice, cutting through the tranquility like a knife. "Come out now."

Lily's eyes wided, and she grabbed my hand. "We need to go. She found us too quickly."

Before I could protest, Lily teleported us again. The world blurred and reformed, and we found ourselves in what looked like an old library, filled with towering shelves of dusty books and ancit scrolls.

"This should buy us some time," Lily said, her voice hushed with excitemt. "Look at all these books! We can read something fun while we hide."

I was about to respond wh the temperature dropped again. Seraphina's voice echoed through the library, sounding closer and more macing. "Lily, you can't hide forever."

Panic surged through me. "Lily, we can't keep running like this. She's going to catch us evtually."

Lily pouted but nodded, realizing the inevitability of our situation. "Okay, one last try." She squeezed my hand tightly, and we teleported once more.

This time, we ded up in a bustling marketplace filled with demons of all shapes and sizes. Stalls selling exotic goods lined the streets, and the air was thick with the sct of spices and cooked meats. The noise and activity were a stark contrast to our previous locations.

"Maybe she won't find us here," Lily whispered, tugging me along as we weaved through the crowd.

We ducked into a narrow alleyway, hoping the chaos of the marketplace would hide us. For a few momts, it seemed to work. We caught our breath, leaning against the cool stone wall.

But th, the shadows at the d of the alleyway shifted, and Seraphina stepped into view. Her eyes were cold and unforgiving, her presce commanding immediate atttion.

"Enough, Lily," Seraphina said, her voice dripping with frustration. "This game ds now."

Lily's grip on my hand tighted, and she looked up at me with a mix of defiance and fear. "I don't want to go back," she whispered.

"I know, but we can't keep running," I replied softly.

Seraphina approached us, her expression stern. "Lily, you've caused ough trouble for one day. It's time to go."

"No!" Lily cried, her small body trembling. "I want to stay with Elara."

"This isn't up for debate," Seraphina said coldly. "You're coming with me."

Lily's eyes filled with tears, but she stood her g. "I won't go!" she shouted, and with a burst of ergy, she teleported us again.

We landed in a forest clearing this time, sured by towering trees and the sound of rustling leaves. I was starting to feel dizzy from the repeated teleportations, and it was clear Lily was getting tired too.

"Lily, we can't keep doing this," I said gtly. "Seraphina will always find us."

"I know," Lily admitted, her voice small and weary. "But I just wanted to spd more time with you."

I knelt down, pulling her into a hug. "We've had a lot of fun today, hav't we?"

She nodded, sniffling. "Yes, we did."

Before I could say anything more, the familiar cold presce washed over us again. Seraphina stepped into the clearing, her patice clearly worn thin.

"Lily, this is the last time," she said, her voice like ice. "Come here now."

Lily looked up at me, her eyes pleading. "Can't you come with us?"

I sighed, wishing I could give her the answer she wanted. "I don't think Seraphina will allow that."

Seraphina's eyes narrowed. "Lily, ough. We're going home."

Lily hesitated, but evtually, she let go of my hand and walked over to her sister. Seraphina reached out and grabbed her arm, her expression softing just a fraction as she looked at her.

"We're going back to Mom's castle," Seraphina said firmly. "No more running."

Lily nodded reluctantly, casting one last longing glance at me. "I'll miss you, Elara."

"I'll miss you too," I replied, my heart aching. "Be good, okay?"

Before Seraphina could teleport them away, Lily suddly broke free and ran back to me, throwing her arms a my waist. "I'll come back to see you, I promise," she whispered.

And with that, she teleported us both again. This time, we ded up on the edge of a cliff overlooking a vast, sparkling ocean. The wind whipped a us, carrying the sct of salt and freedom.

Seraphina appeared almost immediately, her face a mask of fury. "Lily, this has to stop!" she yelled over the wind. "You're putting us all at risk!"

Lily clung to me, tears streaming down her face. "I just want to be with Elara!"

Seraphina's expression softed for a brief momt as she looked at her sister's tear-streaked face, but th she steeled herself. "Lily, it's time to go. Now."

Lily nodded, her small body shaking with sobs. "Okay," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the wind.

Seraphina stepped forward and took Lily's hand firmly. She glanced at me, her eyes still cold but with a hint of something else—perhaps regret or understanding. "I'm teleporting you back to Mom's castle," she said to Lily.

But before Seraphina could complete the teleportation spell, Lily gave me one last tight hug and whispered, "I'll see you soon, Elara." Th, with a quick motion, she teleported herself into my arms and, with a flash of magic, took us away again.

We landed in a quiet, secluded glade. The tall grass swayed gtly in the breeze, and the air was filled with the sweet sct of wildflowers. Lily looked up at me, her eyes wide and innoct.

"I just wanted to say goodbye properly," she said softly.

Before I could respond, Seraphina materialized in front of us, her patice clearly at its limit. "Lily," she said, her voice dangerously calm. "No more games. It's time to go."

Lily nodded, finally resigned. "Okay, Seraphina."

Seraphina took Lily's hand once more, and without another word, she teleported them both away. I stood there alone, the sudd silce almost deafing.

"They forgot me," I murmured to myself, sighing heavily. I looked a the peaceful glade, feeling a mix of relief and suprise. Today had be an advture, but now I was left alone to find my way back.

The tranquility of the glade offered a brief respite, but I knew I couldn't stay here forever. I took a deep breath.

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