The Damned Demon

Chapter 93 Let My 'Actions' Speak For Themselves

Everybody saw an ordinary-looking guy raising his hand and scoffed, thinking how a low-class man like him could possibly know how to interpret such a beautiful poem. This could probably be the first time he heard this. The noble who brought him in must have done it for fun, though now it was going to backfire.

Some booed at him for having no shame in raising his lowly hand before Madam Kira and spoiling her enchanting presence.

However, Kira subtly raised her brows and briefly raised her hand, making the other men hush themselves while wondering if she was going to have him thrown out or something.

"May I ask what your good name is, sir?" Kira asked with a certain allure to her tone, her smile captivating as ever, making the other men feel jealous that she was giving her attention to some low-class nobody!

Asher put his hands in his pockets and said, "People call me Lagoo, Madam Kira."

"Sir Lagoo, please…I would be happy to listen to your interpretation of my poem," Kira said as one of her golden tails gently rested on her shoulder.

The sound of men sighing in frustration echoed subtly as they couldn't stand the sight of Madam Kira talking to him so politely and entertaining the words of some Lagoo.

Darren held his breath and hoped Asher knew what he was doing by garnering so much attention.

Oberon and Edmund turned around and ignored him as they felt it was just some lowlife trying to get some attention. If not for Madam Kira, Edmund would have had him crippled and thrown out for making this place filthy with his feet.

Asher softly shrugged his shoulders and said aloud, "I feel your poem was a romantic and heartfelt expression of love and devotion. But I don't think it was towards a person or because you were seeking a soulmate. The sentences 'Where love is all around the sky' and 'And let us dance beneath the sky' made me feel that you were yearning for a magical and enchanting place filled with love…a place you feel a personal connection to which also includes the people in it. You love to watch the stars rise as you laugh and dance in that place just like anybody would feel like when thinking about the place …they were born….a place where 'dreams are born and never die'."

Kira's glimmering green eyes flickered momentarily as she heard his words. Her expression became glazed as if her mind was pulled elsewhere.

However, the men felt like laughing at his dumb interpretation as one of the nobles who told his interpretation first spoke up, "How rude of you. Did you even hear her poem from the beginning? Madam Kira clearly mentioned the sentences 'Come, my love, and take my hand' and 'Let me lead you to a land'. These sentences make it obvious that she was seeking a soulmate who would hold her hand and fulfill her dreams as her man. Your interpretation is just insulting her inspiration."

The other men also strongly nodded with annoyed looks, especially since this Lagoo guy openly said their interpretation of her wanting a soulmate was wrong. Oberon and Edmund had the same opinion, but they didn't want to lower themselves by paying attention to some low-class idiot.

Darren also didn't expect Asher to come up with such a different interpretation since he also felt that she was indirectly seeking a soulmate, especially since her 'story' was based on her finding a man. Of course, that didn't mean all her poems so far were about that but still…Darren couldn't think of any other reason.

Asher inwardly chuckled as he looked at the faces of these annoyed men and said, "Isn't it obvious? Those sentences meant that she was talking to herself, or perhaps her past self was talking to her…wanting to bring her back to the place they loved and cherished…a form of longing from the depths of her soul for a place where love is all around the sky," Asher said as he looked at Kira whose glimmering green eyes formed faint ripples.

The men couldn't believe he was spouting even more nonsense, but suddenly everyone became silent as they, especially Oberon and Edmund, noticed a shocking change on Kira's face.

Her eyes became shiny with unshed tears, making it quite obvious that she was truly moved by his interpretation!

They had never seen her make such an expression. In the past, whenever she said she felt moved by the interpretations of a few nobles, she never made such an expression except for being very charming. So did this mean that she never felt moved all those times? No, that can't be. Maybe this poem was closer to her heart.

Darren was astonished as well and was shocked since he knew the true identity of this Lagoo person. How would he know to interpret her poem's true meaning when he only woke up a month ago? Did the queen teach him arts like poetry and things other than combat skills? He couldn't put his finger on it.

Oberon and Edmund were the ones who were most baffled by this observation. They can't believe that the words of some dreg affected her heart. Since they were sitting closest to her, they could sense the drastic change in her aura, even if it only lingered for a short moment before returning to normal.

Kira calmly closed her eyes for a brief moment before opening them with clear eyes. She looked at Lagoo with a veiled glint in her eyes and smiled, "I have no words to express how I feel now...your interpretation of my poem touched my heart. I want to thank you by inviting you to spend some time in my chambers and let me entertain you for the rest of the night. It is the least I can do," She said with a sensual smile.

"What the fuck??"

"This can't be happening!"

"Did he really win her heart?"

"I can't believe that was the true meaning of her poem…It just…How was he able to come up with that…It just isn't possible…"

"Nooo…I don't want some dirty pig to lick her lovely feet. I can't even fathom the idea of him touching our Madam Kira."

"We may don't have to worry. The Temptress Supreme would never let herself get sullied by a lowly thing. She would just discreetly kick him out after inviting him in."

"Hehe, that is exactly what I thought too. It would be considered lucky if a toad kissed him."

The men in the hall were heatedly whispering among themselves, wanting to bash this Lagoo for getting ahead of them. They could only take relief by believing that nothing big would happen inside and that she was just humoring him to not be rude or go back on her words.

Oberon and Edmund felt as if they got spat on by a pig. That was the feeling they got when they saw the Temptress Supreme favoring some nobody over the two of them.

Even if, on the off chance, his interpretation was what she was looking for, how could she choose him over them? They were the ones who had been spending fortunes on her as "gifts" just to let her indirectly know that she won't find any better men than them.

This also meant that they expected her to at least pick them whenever she made an appearance, and she had never chosen anybody else other than them until now…all for some lowly worm.

"Madam Kira, I understand your choice but have you truly considered the capabilities of this Lagoo person? He may know some poetry, but I am afraid he would come short when it comes to everything else," Oberon said with a polite smile, though his eyes had a suppressed light of disappointment and anger after having his pride bruised. He was already thinking of ways to bring pain upon Lagoo for making her choose him and then make him feel like killing himself.

"Madam Kira, you always have good taste, though this time, I feel you are about to make a bad choice. As Brother Oberon said, he may have interpreted your poem to your taste, but it's obvious he isn't of the same caliber as us. Are you sure you want to spend time with someone beneath your grace?" Edmund asked with a charming smile, though his eyes were cold and filled with hidden anger. He was already thinking of ways to make this piece of shit Lagoo regret coming anywhere near this town. How dare this pig thirst for something that was his?

The two purposefully said these words aloud to openly put down this worm named Lagoo and make him realize his place. If he had even an inkling of shame, he would have already run out after hearing this.

The others also laughed and even began to call out insults at Lagoo, supporting Edmund and Oberon's words. They felt that Madam Kira didn't have to show such courtesy to a low-born.

Asher scoffed inwardly upon seeing Oberon and Edmund getting pissed upon witnessing the unexpected turn of events and even trying to dissuade Kira.

Darren swallowed his saliva as he was inwardly screaming at all of them to stop insulting the royal consort to his face. If only they knew who was behind this mask.

However, Asher's expression remained unfazed by their insults, and he said calmly and collected, "My lords, your words may carry weight, but your actions speak louder than words. True strength and capability are not necessarily measured by one's birthright or station but by one's actions and character. I may not possess the same privilege or status as you all, but I assure you, my actions will speak for themselves even though my words prevailed earlier," He then turned to Kira and politely greeted her, "Madam Kira, I humbly accept your favor and look forward to proving myself worthy of it. Perhaps then some people would change their minds about me."

"How dare he..." Most of the men's faces puffed up in anger and humiliation. This bastard just openly mocked them for losing to him and indirectly boasted about how superior his manliness was against theirs. Does he truly know no fear or shame? And the fact that he hinted about proving his 'manliness' to Madam Kira set off a lot of fuses inside them.

Darren had a blinking expression and couldn't help but feel great admiration for the royal consort. He put his words so eloquently it didn't seem as if he was directly insulting everyone yet hurt them where it mattered coupled with the fact that he boldly and confidently suggested to Madam Kira that she won't regret this night. He wished he had this kind of confidence before women like her.

How could these men not feel like their nerves were about to explode from anger and jealousy after hearing this?

Oberon and Edmund were the ones who got most pissed off since they knew this vermin meant these words for them, even if he didn't explicitly mention them. Not even once in their lives did they have to endure these words from someone like him.

All this time they didn't even look at him since they didn't want to lower their class by talking to someone like him. It would be no different than paying attention to a worm on the ground. But if that worm began to crawl all over their noble face then it was only right they crushed it right away.

Kira narrowed her eyes as she carefully looked at this Lagoo person. She had never met someone of his class who possessed such wit and guts yet was foolishly brave. But then she noticed the drastic change in the moods of Edmund and Oberon.

She revealed an enrapturing smile as she looked at Oberon and Edmund and whispered something to them, making their expressions relax, and within a few moments, no longer looking as if they ate shit. Some amount of bitterness still lingered in their eyes but they at least didn't look as if they were about to explode, especially Edmund while Oberon seemed to still have a hold over his bearings.

Even though Asher couldn't hear what she said, he didn't care since he almost got what he came here for.

Kira leaned back on her chair swing as it began to get pulled up slowly, "I will be waiting for you, Sir Lagoo. Please take your time," She said with a inviting smile as she looked at him while slowly disappearing into the darkness above.

Asher saw some top-notch succubi surrounding him as they all flashed beautiful smiles and said, "Please follow us, Sir Lagoo. We will show you to Madam Kira's personal chambers."

Darren gulped, hearing the sentence he had been dreaming of hearing just like every other man. Still, even if he was feeling envious of Asher, he had no ill feelings knowing that he deserved this. If he truly moved her heart just like she wanted, there couldn't be a better ending, though one thing that was concerning was if Madam Kira would learn his true identity or not. If she did…that could be quite troublesome.

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