The Curse of Desire

Chapter 74. Teacher (28) Teacher-student romance is not allowed in school

Chapter 74. Teacher (28) Teacher-student romance is not allowed in school


Shen Qingyue. ML, Second Young Master Shen, teacher at Deming school.

Bai Tianbao. FLs half-brother, Boss

Zhang Biao. Follower of FLs half-brother, he had the idea of drugging the FL.

Bai Jiannan. FLs father


Bai Qiuyi. FL, used to be named Chen Qiuyi, student in Deming school.

Song Jiajia. Cousin of ML, shes a student in Deming school.

Wang Ma. Servant of the Shen family.

The car stopped before it reached the campus gate.

Were here. Shen Qingyue looked at Bai Qiuyi.

She was fumbling with her new phone and as he gazed at her, he felt the same strange sense of satisfaction as last night when seeing her wearing the dress he had chosen.

Bai Qiuyi turned off the screen of her phone, raised her head, and looked ahead. There were not many cars, and there was no blockage that would impede the teacher driving inside the school. Also, the cars parked at or near the school gate were mostly private cars taking students to class, she could see nothing wrong.

Teacher, why dont you drive in?

Shen Qingyue just looked at her. A romantic relationship between a teacher and student is not allowed in school.

He didnt intend to say much, just enough from stopping the girl form worrying why he did not make their relationship public.

With these words, he carefully exhorted Bai Qiuyi to think positively.

Bai Qiuyi thought about it and decided that this was alright. Although she wanted to tell everyone about her relationship with the teacher, if the school really found out, the teacher would be punished, and she didnt want that.

Therefore, the car couldnt be driven into the school. After all, there were many people, and there may be people who know her. Seeing her getting out of the teachers car, they will probably wonder about it and guess.

Then Ill get off the car first. Bai Qiuyi held her cell phone and the paper bag with the medicine. Although she was very reluctant to part with the teacher and even wanted to kiss Shen Qingyue goodbye, in this environment, she didnt dare to mess around.

Shen Qingyue watched her walk away, and after being blocked by a car in front, he took out his mobile phone. He called a number and was answered rather quickly.

Hey, cousin! From the voice, you can tell how excited the girl on the other side was. Oh my God, you actually called me!

Shen Qingyue put the phone away from his ear, Do you need to be so surprised?

How can I not? Song Jiajia retorted. We have kept each others phone numbers for so long, but its always me contacting you. Youve never called me.

I dont call when theres nothing to do. Shen Qingyue replied calmy. Think about it carefully. Every time you call me, wasnt it because there is something wrong?

Song Jiajias voice weakened, Thats true Then, cousin, what do you want from me?

Shen Qingyue talked about his plan to teach in Deming, causing Song Jiajia to be shocked again.

Cousin, have you changed your career?

She knew that her cousin knew how to paint, and in fact, he was very good at it. One painting of his even sold for more than 20 million yuan. This was the only one though. Her cousin had even auctioned it off for charity.

She had strayed from the topic, but Song Jiajia really didnt understand how her cousin could suddenly become a teacher and not a CEO.

Was this the hobby of rich people?

In this point, Song Jiajia ignored that her family also had money.

Shen Qingyue said, Its not a career change, I just want to experience what its like to be a teacher.

Song Jiajia opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

So capricious.

But no matter what decision her cousin made; she would always support it.

Even though Song Jiajia usually only contacted Shen Qingyue when she had something to ask, it was only because she was afraid of disturbing her cousin.

If she hadnt had such concerns, she would have been able to contact Shen Qing several times a day; actually, she admired this cousin.

I came to your school yesterday and wanted to walk around and get familiar with the environment. Shen Qingyue said, I didnt expect to encounter school bullies.

Song Jiajias thoughts immediately revolved. She couldnt let her good cousin have a bad impression of her school, what if he didnt want to come to teach because of this?

At this moment, Song Jiajia had already made up her mind about marrying her cousin to one of her good sisters.

In fact, she had showed his cousin to her friends before, but only photos. When her sisters saw his picture, they were so shocked that they wanted to see the man in person.

But Song Jiajia was not the kind of casual girl. How could she bother her cousin for such a thing, so she refused without hesitation.

Cousin, this kind of phenomenon is still very rare In fact, it was not uncommon.

Song Jiajia would meet some school bullies occasionally. She would take care of it every time she encountered it, of course, since it made her uncomfortable. She was very knowledgeable, and quickly provided Shen Qingyue information on how the school manages this kind of cases, flattering it as good and very complete.

Then she heard Shen Qingyue say, The girl who was bullied yesterday seemed to have a very soft character. I feel that those boys will still bully her. Im a little worried, but I cant deal with girls affairs. Can you do it for me? Just keep an eye on her, dont let others bully her.

Song Jiajia guessed, Cousin, you dont happen to like this girl, do you?

I do have a good impression of her. Shen Qingyue admitted.

Song Jiajia groaned, and then yelled excitedly, Really! Then Im going to have a cousin-in-law soon!

It seemed that after all, her good Sister Xiang had no choice but to give up on her cousin Yan.

She didnt want her cousin-in-law to be jealous.

I havent even checked our horoscopes yet. Shen Qingyue stated. And its forbidden to be in a relationship when in school.

Song Jiajia scratched her head and ears anxiously. Recently, she had also fallen in love with a boy, but never dared to confess. Hearing her cousin Yans words, she understood too well the pain of a secret love.

Confess your feelings to her, brother! You can date secretly. If I dont tell her and she doesnt confess either, where could you guys improve?

Shen Qingyue lamented, But I havent chased the person yet, and I dont even have her contact information

Song Jiajia understood.

Cousin, just wait. Ill ask for her contact information later

After hanging up the phone, Shen Qingyue secretly nodded. It wasnt that he didnt want to tell Song Jiajia the truth directly but after all, she was impulsive and might spill the beans at some point.

He said he has not chased the girl yet, when Song Jiajia really spills the beans of this whole affair, if the school found out about it, it will not affect Bai Qiuyi.

Shen Qingyue drove the car into the school.

Even with Song Jiajia watching, Shen Qingyue did not feel relieved. He had not forgotten that the girl had been drugged.

She didnt say who did it, so he had no choice but to investigate.

Shen Qingyue didnt want this kind of thing to happen again, and of course, would not allow it to happen again.

In the school surveillance room, Shen Qingyue sat on a chair and asked someone to pull out yesterdays video.

Although there was no surveillance at the new teaching building, there was surveillance at the entrance to the new teaching building, that was, at the old teaching building.

Shen Qingyue didnt say which surveillance camera he wanted to check specifically, and let the monitor go about his business, then started checking the videos himself.

Not long after, a copy of Bai Tianbaos personal information was sent to Shen Qingyues mailbox.

Shen Qingyue clicked on the information, looked at Bai Tianbaos photo, and then continued watching the video.

Finally, it was confirmed that the person who drugged Bai Qiuyi was Tianbao.

In the video, Bai Tianbao and two boys entered the new campus about ten minutes earlier than Bai Qiuyi, while Bai Qiuyi entered behind them.

After that, the other person who entered that old building was himself.

After him, Bai Tianbao and his group came out. It took nearly two hours before the next person entered.

Shen Qingyue turned off the video, sat on a chair and thought quietly for a while, then got up and left the monitoring room.

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