The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 420

Episode 420


Franz opened his mouth to speak somehow.

I looked at him and pulled out my hand.

The entire arm was stained red, and the life quickly drained from the large open wound.

It was a fatal wound that even God could not save. From the time I left Korea, I had no intention of saving old Franz if he had been brainwashed by God.

Just like in my last life, I ended up having to use my hands.

It wasn’t pleasant.

“Ahhh. Was it something like that?”

Franz’s expression changed moment by moment as he spoke in a shaky voice. Then, the eyes filled with greed became clear.

I just watched it quietly.

“In the end, I too became a servant of God. “I was so wary.”

“Have you come to your senses?”

“It’s no longer of any use. “Because I’m sure I’m going to die.”

As a result, the brainwashing was lifted.

Franz sighed.

“Ah, even though I was so careful, I couldn’t stop it. God’s power was far greater than I thought. “To the extent that I truly wanted to think of him as a god.”


“But he is not God. Shin Soo-ji, who imitates a god with power approaching that of a god. “If you look at the actions he does, he is closer to a monster than a divine beast.”

Franz trembled slightly. It was fear. As he came into contact with the self-proclaimed reality of God, he developed an indelible fear.

Everyone is like that.

Even if the difference in skill is not large, once you give in, overcoming it again requires tremendous courage.


“Do you think I will win?”

“There is a possibility.”

However, I could see from his clouded expression that he was saying that the possibility was slim.

“Thank you for letting me die as me.”

“I thought you were going to complain and ask why you used your hands.”

“If something seems strange, you should try your hand first. “If it weren’t for you, I would have suffered more damage.”

It was old Franz’s way of saying that it would be better to die than to leave a stain on one’s life.

Although I don’t sympathize with it at all.

At the point when one was brainwashed by God, a stain was left behind.

“To what extent is this guy’s body completed?”

“What I know is…”

Franz was speechless. Instead, the amount of blood flowing from the wound and mouth rapidly increased.

His breath hitched as he was unable to finish his sentence.

However, at the last moment, what old Franz wanted to say was vividly conveyed.

“It means it’s not finished yet.”

He passed it on to me as he was dying.

That’s enough.

Yongyong looked at me intently and said.

[He looks sad.]


[That old man is someone you cared about a lot, right? I think of course it can be sad.]

“Not really.”

[Because humans are sometimes bad at understanding their own emotions.]

Yongyong spoke as if he understood me, but I thought differently.

In the end, old Franz was nothing more than an ordinary human being in the face of desire.

There may have been countless temptations and maneuvers to make him submit during the process, but the important thing is that he eventually passed over it.

If old Franz in his last life died to protect his beliefs, old Franz in this life gave up everything he lived for his own greed.

It was ugly.

“Did you miss your youth so much?”

Will I really be like that? I turned around, hoping that wouldn’t happen.


* *


King Ahmed looked serious at the fact that he had killed Franz.

Although he looked better than Nasir, who was fainting next to him.

“The problem is that there is no evidence anywhere to prove that he became a servant of God. Isn’t that right, friend?”

“you’re right. “There is no evidence.”

“From the outside, it could be seen that he was killed because of a disagreement with Sir Franz.”

“I would probably see it that way.”

In particular, self-proclaimed followers of God who are desperate to disparage me will not hesitate to bite me.

King Ahmed said with a stern expression.

“I trust my friend.”

“Your Highness, this is an issue that cannot be easily overlooked. “If you make a mistake, not only will Your Highness be implicated, but there will also be serious religious backlash.”

Nasir immediately stepped forward and refuted. And that was correct.

“Nasir, I am not stepping in to protect my loyalty.”

“Your Highness, this is a serious matter.”

Nasir clung desperately. And I also had no intention of blaming King Ahmed for falling for that persuasion.

From the perspective of King Ahmed, who rules a country, he must think of the tens of millions of people who look upon him and the areas where Saudi Arabia’s influence reaches.

“This is not something to look at, Nasir.”


“What is more important than that is the other person’s intention. A brainwashed Franz came to us. Are you really going to say that you don’t know what this means?”


“They were the ones who exposed their teeth to us. “If you stay still, they will see it as easy and attack you even more.”

King Ahmed had a firm look on his face. Nasir, realizing that persuasion was impossible, resigned.

“What you said is correct.”

“I know you’re worried. “But we were looked down on.”

“I will burn my life against them.”

“I look forward to it.”

King Ahmed nodded in response to Nasir’s resolute answer and then turned his gaze to me.

“We will cover up Franz’s exile. “Eventually, the truth will come out, but if we take action, we can delay it.”

“Thank you for your help.”

“I’m sorry I can’t help but do this.”

“This is a tremendous amount of help. And as Nasir worries here, Franz’s death was entirely by my own choice. Saudi Arabia is not involved.”

Nasir’s expression brightened, but King Ahmed’s expression darkened.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“It is enough to deny it. “Actively joining will actually be a burden.”

If you remain ignorant, you will only have to suffer a small loss later because you did not know.

Of course, they will persistently insist on my connection, but it doesn’t matter if there is no evidence.

Because the world ultimately follows the logic of power.

If there is no clear evidence, we will just ignore it, even if it is because Saudi Arabia needs oil to restore its national power.

“Then follow your friend’s wishes. What is clear is that we will never be hostile to our friends.”

“Thank you for your trust.”

[It’s not really that helpful, right?]

Ultimately, what’s important is trust. The advantage of actively cooperating in Saudi Arabia is that it gives you time to move without being revealed.

This will be of great help when attacking the opponent’s base.

[surprise attack? Oh, you were planning to attack right away?]

I turned away from Yongyong, who was astonished, and watched King Ahmed and Nasir talking.

Nasir also understood that unless he could make something that had already been involved become something that never happened, he had to take advantage of it.

Only when Nasir, who is in charge of practical work, steps forward sincerely will it be easy to get things done.

“What you said is correct. “We will actively cooperate as soon as this becomes an unavoidable situation.”

“I will leave it up to you.”

“I am asking you to take care of me.”

His face looked much more comfortable than before.

“Then let’s start by silencing those involved. “Can I ask what your future plans are?”

“I’m thinking of going to Europe.”

“It’s definitely a good decision to leave here for relevance. But Europe is apparently their base… What does that mean now? “You’re going to Europe?”

“Yes, Europe.”

“Now that place has been completely taken over by God!”

“That’s why I’m going.”

The moment they think they have complete control, the gaps become apparent.

[Are you really planning to go? Why don’t you just say it’s a joke right now?]

I’m sorry, but I really plan to go.


* *

After leaving Riyadh, I immediately stopped by Suez before heading to Europe.

The watchman I left behind remained there.


Horus appeared before me and roared.

It can be seen as showing pleasure to others.

“How are you?”

He said that and chuckled at the sight of her crying.

“Has anything happened so far?”

Horus began to reflect on my question.

Although some good advice was conveyed, there were some words that were difficult to ignore.

“There was a voice calling you?”


It is said that Horus once came into contact with a thought that tried to control him.

The guy with a well-developed survival instinct resisted that thought and ran away.

Then he looked at me.

Because he abandoned my mission in order to survive.

But my thoughts were different.

“Good job.”

[Please forgive me for this? Surprised?]

I don’t know how Yongyong sees me, but first of all, let me tell you what I think: Horus didn’t throw away his work.

Suez is a place close to the self-proclaimed god, and if he came forward in person, it would not be enough to say that he was Horus.

Rather, we should praise him for choosing a way to continue his mission through his survival instinct.

“I’ll give you a gift soon.”

Keek! Hehehe!

The guy roared with joy.

I left Suez after telling them to act like they did now.

[Have you realized something?]

“Well, something has become clear.”

[Has it become clear?]

“The self-proclaimed god is unable to step forward now.”

The fact that I was unable to take action and leave behind a useful monster called Horus convinced me.

“Now is your chance.”


* *

I entered Europe straight that way.

[Really, even God could never have predicted this.]

It was a decision I made because I wanted that.

With Franz’s fall, a system of believing in a self-proclaimed god was completed in Europe. Since even the European Union has fallen into the hands of the self-proclaimed God, a solid system has been established within Europe.

As such, there is a high possibility of letting down one’s guard.

Just when you originally thought you had won, your guard is revealed as your tension eases.

I wasn’t sure whether the self-proclaimed god would have let his guard down, but I could guess what the humans below him who followed the self-proclaimed god were thinking.

Now that Franz has been ousted and the long-awaited European Union has been achieved, there must be a strong sense of carelessness.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s not.”

[what? Doesn’t it make sense for you to go if you let down your guard?]

“What I’m trying to deal with is not a self-proclaimed god.”


“European Union.”

One way is to go to the Vatican to attack the self-proclaimed god. However, the self-proclaimed god was the most powerful enemy I have ever faced.

As I am trying to restore my lost body, I plan to keep a firm grasp of that information.

[The human you killed said that, right?]

“How can you believe that?”


I don’t think Franz told a lie before he died.

However, it is difficult to believe that the remnants of it would have disappeared as it had obeyed God.

If so, I guess I should go see it in person.

“I plan to see it with my own eyes.”

[That’s certainly true, but… I think you’re kind of amazing.]

“It’s nothing special.”

I just want to be thorough.

So I entered Europe and headed straight to Germany. The destination was the European Union headquarters in Germany, where I had visited several times to meet Franz.

“I knew it.”

Even though it is the center of Europe and the largest power that follows a self-proclaimed god, there was no feeling that the security was tight.

As initially expected, it was evidence that he had let his guard down.

[Humans are such amazing animals. You have the power to surpass the limitations of distance, but seeing that you don’t think about attacking me like this.] If

anyone hears it, they will think that Shinsoo is not letting his guard down.

[We are a bunch of careless beings. It is not a situation to curse others.]

“It doesn’t matter.”

[It doesn’t matter, it’s a matter that needs to be reflected on.]

That’s a matter to take care of.

After infiltrating the European Union headquarters, I headed to the office Franz used.

Since it is an organization that has influence throughout Europe, there must be useful information in it.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have it.

Because I plan to find influential people in Europe and shake them off.

[There is someone there.]

Of course, I didn’t think Franz’s office would be empty.

However, in the office where I thought there would be only one person, two people were having a conversation.

[Pretty strong?]

These two are faces I know.

Carlson and Antoine were British and French supermen who were aiming to take Franz’s place.

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