The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Chapter 405

Episode 405

“Thank you.”

[I’m not getting used to it anymore because you said that. But I will accept your thanks. I can say that this was a pretty big adventure for me as well.]

One way or another, Yongyong was also a divine beast in the end. So, I could understand Hyuna’s thoughts, but after seeing and experiencing it myself, I came to the conclusion that I couldn’t just ignore it.

Rather, I am grateful just for helping me like this.

[At least it won’t hold you back.]


No matter how foolish and insignificant it may seem, it is still a miracle. He probably knows more about the same divine beast than anyone else.

“Have you thought of any other method?”

[there is. Before that, I want to ask you to stop using the method you came up with.]

“Are you talking about attacking right away?”

[Yes, then you know how you will be treated in the human world, right?]

“Of course.”

It will be a public achievement for humanity. Instead, I think it will take time for public opinion to change in a country that is not happy with the existence of South Korea’s gods, including Cheon Myeong-guk and Jung Joo-ho.

But in the future, we will ultimately be treated as public figures who opposed God.

My goal is to deal with it before that happens.

Of course, I know that the possibility is low. However, I am completely negative about whether it is beneficial for me to proceed over time.

Because I also know very well what my image is like.

[In my view, we need to stop with that.]

“As time goes by, I am the one who becomes disadvantaged.”

[That’s right, but there’s no need to use the most reckless method when you can try several methods, right?]

“I think the method you came up with will work.”

[That’s right. In the end, God also wins favor through the miracles of his own existence. If I were to compare it, it would be handing out delicious bread on the street.]

It was a good comparison. Although the miracles that God actually performs are greater than that.

[I really like it when I receive bread. Especially if it’s free, everyone likes someone who gives it away. But what if the bread causes the desire to work to disappear and helplessness spreads throughout society, causing families to collapse, societies to collapse, and families to collapse?] “Let’s raise awareness?

[If things don’t go as smoothly as expected, God has no choice but to act more actively. Being active here means taking action.]

“It means taking the lead.”

[Yes, it means bringing your enemy to the surface. What do you think?]


I closed my mouth and stared at Yongyong’s suggestion.

Yongyong seemed to not understand my reaction and became restless.

[Is it strange?]

“No, because it’s so amazing.”

[Oh really?]

“Honestly, I was impressed. “You came up with this method because you know so much about gods and human society.”

Time is said to be on God’s side, but when things do not go smoothly, it is God who becomes impatient.

In particular, when not only the positive but also the negative aspects of God’s miracles are highlighted, people who do not yet believe in God become wary and those who did believe in God have no choice but to be suspicious.

God can be brought out to show stronger miracles.

People who can predict the future may have different opinions, but it sounded like a better solution than rushing in blindly without knowing much about God.

“Let’s make it more refined.”

And there are people around me who can properly refine this method.

Yongyong is a great help.

[Ehehehe. Now you know my abilities!]

When I see something he likes like that, I get the urge to start a fight, but this time, I hold back.

Let’s just enjoy it for today.


* *

Fortunately, there are people around me who are capable of processing such sources.

Among them, the expert among experts is Jin Se-jeong. I went to Jin Se-jeong and told her about a self-proclaimed god who pretends to be a god.

“First of all, denying God outright carries great risk.”

Jin Se-jeong himself is a theist, so he told me that it is very dangerous to confront God head-on.

“Then there is no way?”

“No, there are endless ways.”

What do you mean when you just said that outright denial is dangerous?

When I made a puzzled expression, Jin Se-jeong smiled confidently.

“If God performs a miracle, it is inevitable that people will be drawn to it. In the end, all I have to do is believe in God, and the return is greater than that.”

There is no one in the world who doesn’t like free things.

Especially if the reward is acknowledging the existence of God and believing in Him.

“So, in the long run, it is highly likely that we can only slow down the spread, but the dramatic turnaround that you think will not happen.”

“That alone is enough.”

Because the self-proclaimed god assumed that I would attack him right away, he would not have expected me to try to counterattack like this.

If you expected it, all you have to do is show up to intercept it.

“Then let’s use the media. “By doing so, we are highlighting the side effects that occur due to God while completely excluding the existence of God.”

Giving miracles for free doesn’t mean everything is positive.

Due to the existence of God, the social norms that have been maintained so far are shaken and the foundation of the nation is weakened. This is an act of dismantling the fence that protected humanity until the end.

Jin Se-jeong’s strategy was to highlight that God is not omnipotent and omnipotent in the face of threats from monsters and villains.

“Then people realize. “It is true that God’s miracles are good, but it makes you doubt whether it is right to believe in God, and this will become an obstacle that prevents God from expanding his power faster than you think.”


Jin Se-jeong’s words were like putting a cherry on top to Yong-yong’s plan.

“I can’t handle this on my own.”


“This is something that the political and business community must all work together to achieve. “The nation acts as one body to respond to God’s offensive.”

This includes not only our country but also countries where God still has little influence.

It is said that each country is paying close attention to this as the existence of God is highlighted, and is preparing preparedness measures as faith is an issue that could shake the existence of a nation.

“If we lead, they will follow. “If we do it not only for ourselves but also for other people, our nerves will inevitably be dispersed and the energy the other person has to use will increase.”

“I will.”

“Once again, this is just a delay tactic. In the end, in order to resolve the matter….”

“I know very well that I have to step forward.”

“Yes, then I will prepare comfortably.”

“Please tell me whatever you need. “I will cooperate in whatever way I can.”


So we started preparing to give a blow to the self-proclaimed god.


* *

As Yongyong came up with the idea and Jin Sejeong refined it, I made suggestions here and there, and there was an immediate response.

The reaction was explosive. The Blue House began full-scale preparations, promising active cooperation.

In the business world, Shinsung Group, led by Lee Se-hee, took an active role.

As talented people from the political and business world gathered together, preparations were completed to deal a blow to the image of the self-proclaimed god by refining the form that Jin Se-jeong had talked about in much more detail.

The reason they couldn’t come up with this idea in the first place was not because they were incompetent.

It was because I didn’t know as much about the self-proclaimed god as Yongyong did, and because I didn’t know exactly how to deal with it.

However, once the direction became clear, it was completed more skillfully and faster than I expected.

It was literally a special feature. As all media began to instill negative perceptions about the existence of God, a terrifying ripple effect spread.

Even if you try hard to deny and disparage him, he is already an opponent who has come up with the title of God.

A fierce confrontation ensued over this.

Even though the nation’s capabilities were mobilized, the momentum was still in favor of the self-proclaimed god.

Still, I thought this was enough.

“If the once one-sided flow becomes tense, the plan will be disrupted.”

The Republic of Korea stepped in to block it on a large scale, but that did not end there.

Other countries that were concerned about the appearance of a self-proclaimed god have also requested cooperation.

Although they had been opposing and checking to the point of exhaustion, they also regarded the existence of the self-proclaimed god as a threat.

As the solidarity began in earnest, the number of people questioning God’s existence increased as much as the number of people welcoming him.

Among them, there were some whose guesses were close to the correct answer. What if God is a Plus Plus stage monster with reason? Humanity will end up worshiping monsters as gods. In addition, those who knew about the existence of Shinsoo pointed out that Shinsoo was pretending to be a god.

“The more intense the conflict becomes, the less comfortable it becomes.”

Everything is going according to plan.

Since we have taken measures here, the self-proclaimed god will show us what happens next.

However, Sehee Lee expressed concern.

“Junho, are you planning to fight against God?”

“that’s right.”

“Even though doubts about God are spreading right now, I don’t think this phenomenon will last long.”

In the end, the fact that God performs miracles does not change whether he is a monster or a divine beast.

Those who experience miracles in a desperate state will become ardent believers of God and will show hostility to subtle attempts to disparage God as the number of victims increases.

“The target of resentment will be Junho.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, but do you really want to stand up to God?”


I looked at Lee Se-hee, not knowing why I was asking again when I had already answered.

Still concerned, she tried to persuade me.

“No matter what God’s identity is, he is a being with enough power to be seen as a god in the eyes of people. “The fact that such a being was able to build up this level of power without revealing himself shows that he is also cautious.”

Lee Se-hee, the most dangerous opponent who does not know where the truth is, saw it clearly.

And he is the most difficult enemy I have ever faced.

“I want Junho to compromise.”

“You know I won’t do that?”

“Yes, but still.”


Time, after all, is a self-proclaimed god. Compromising with a god like that was nothing more than throwing myself away so that he could dispose of me at any time.

Tolerating that? It is something that should not happen and cannot happen.

It has never occurred to me to leave alone an enemy who could kill me.

The moment they realize that they are enemies, someone has to disappear from this world.

Giving up the initiative once, when it becomes a hematoma, is enough.

Lee Se-hee’s face turned deep as she read my will.

“Even if the world turns against us?”


“all right. Then I won’t recommend it any more. “I will instruct you to research how to inflict damage on your opponent.”

“thank you.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be of much help.”

“This is enough.”

For me, who had only thought about rushing in, this alone was an incredible achievement.

I felt that I needed a lot of help from those around me, as it was something that I would never have been able to accomplish in the past.

“They probably won’t stay still either.”

“When should we move?”

“It wouldn’t be strange even if it were tomorrow.”

“I’m waiting for that. “If you don’t move, I will move.”

And soon after, the self-proclaimed god’s counterattack began.

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