The Conquerors bloodline

Chapter 176: Token

Chapter 176: Token

Gazing out across the throngs of potential victims, an ominous smile stole Parc's face for its own. "I won't bother with much of the red tape. If you have questions about me, and other things you can keep them till the end of the lesson. Today really is more of a introductory, to what I'm going to be putting you all through." He said ignoring the various inquisitive stares of most the student bodies. As well as the spiteful daggers Blake was sending his way.

Digging his hand into his satchel, Parc heard some rough laughing of the male brats known as team CRDL, chuckling with eachother as they stared amusedly at Kurome on her favourite bedbar the one Parc was sleeping on.

Parc's eyes narrowed at the four, already sensing they were to be a recurrent nuisance until he put them through their paces. He'd deal with that later, he'd give them one chance, they do something stupid. Well, don't blame Parc for putting them on the hardest path through his lessons.

Pulling his hand free from the satchel, he held clutched within it five, thin, rectangular tokens. One crafted from copper, the second a dark lead, the third a bright silver comparable to Ruby and Summer's eyes, fourthly pure, platinum blue platinum. And lastly, a strange black ore with dark, evil red that set off Pyrrha's caution alarms like the purple stone beneath his feet.

"In my hand, I hold five tokens, Copper, Lead, Silver, Platinum, and Crimtane. All of which are made from the purest form of the namesake metal. Meaning this forty-five-gram token is worth, say, one, to two thousand lien." He held up the platinum token.

Silence echoed like a maelstrom through the room as eyes bolted open, one of whicha silver setwas sending more curious eyes to the last red and black token, thinking it looked really pretty and was wondering if she could use it for some of Crescent Roses adornments and maybe experiment with it a bit in another weapon.

'Maybe if I ask Mr. Evans he'll let me borrow an ingot or seven?' she thought.

"Yeah, that's a lot of money, ain't it?" Parc chuckled, his feet bringing him in a slight pace across the arena while he also began to juggle the tokens, sending them slowly spinning head over heels through the air. The more money hungry students like the CRDL's and Yang, staring wantingly at the platinum blue token dancing through the sky.

In her seat, Glynda was staring narrowed at him, what was the point in saying that if not as an incentive to the students. Giving them erroneous monetary incentive.

"Well, lucky for all of you," Parc swept his hand across the air catching all five tokens in swift succession before presenting the platinum one to them, "you're all going to get the chance of earning some of these."

Excitement shot out as a raucous of rambles filled the air.

"Ohhh, I need me some of those. Mama's been wanting some new threads and bumblebee could do with some amping up baby!" A hungering look took to Yang's expression as she practically grew lien signs as pupils.

"You sound like some poor inbred. Calm down," Weiss huffed not far from her.

"Yeah yeah, what ever you say missus has-it-all-and-more." Yang waved Weiss' comment away to lick her lips while Blake rolled her eyes and Ruby focused still on the interesting red and black token pondering its structural integrity and whether it held an edge like some good carbon steel.

Parc rolled his hand, flicking away four of the tokens until only the copper one was left. "Of course, as I said, you need to earn them. How and why you would want some cheap tokens?" he chuckled seeing a few falters from calling platinumthe most expensive metal on Remnantcheap. "Well, as I said, that token's only about forty-five grams. And I've got ingots up to a full kilo. So you can just imagine how much one of those is worth."

Even to Glynda the total amount would be boggling. It would certainly be more than she would earn if she worked at Beacon for the next ten years. It was a tempting offer, one she may have just taken when she was that poor little student all those years ago.

"In short, these tokens are money. Only really exchangeable on the open market for the worth of its materials and with me. Get enough of one kind, I can bump it up to the next tier," he flicked the copper token around flipping it onto the lead one. "Or, I can exchange it for something else. A weapon, armour, full on ingots. Hell, I'll even grant you magic if you so want," most eyes bolted before softening to laughter, but Glynda's they turned grave. She wasn't sure if he was lying or not. She certainly hoped he was, else he'd become more than just a simple threat because of what he knew.

Parc's eyes wandered onto Ruby who was holding her hands close to her face in fists literally sending off sparkles of excitement at getting a her hands wrapped around a new weapon. 'Oh, Ruby is going to be so fun.' He could just imagine the interesting reactions he was going to get from her when he let her play with his weapons.

"Really!?" Ruby screeched, "do you have swords!? Are they guns!? Can they blow up an entire person in one hit!?"

Parc was left a bit taken aback by Ruby's sudden outburst. Even her team and them JNPR behind them recoiled just a bit from the noise.

"Yes. Not yet. I've got a few sticks of dynamite and grenades that'll blow someone to smithereens, and if you want to ask anything else, wait until the end of class Ms. Rose. If you do so, I'll give you some high explosives to play with, okay?" testing the waters a bit, he made a ludicrous offer.

Though the reaction he got was a little more than he'd expected as from out of nowhere a roll of grey duct tape appeared in her hands followed by loud tearing noises as she wrapped it around her mouth. Thoroughly silencing her in a manner that was really going to hurt getting it off. Still sparkling, though even more now.

'Where the hell did that come from?' Parc thought, ending up casting a look to his hip where a literal pocket dimension was hanging filled with hundreds of different objects. 'I am not one to talk about magically appearing items.'

Glynda, for all her worth as a teacher was tempted to say no, he wasn't giving a student some form of explosive. But was quick to silence herself reasoning she could do so at the end of the class and not interrupt him while in the set-up portion of the lesson.

"Thank you? The tape wasn't really necessary, have fun getting that off later." Ruby blinked at that, realising she might have really screwed up, ending up with her casting a 'help me' look her sisters way.

"Anyways!" he blurted getting attention back onto himself, "the way your going to earn these tokens is by making me happy. Be good little students, and I'll toss a few coppers your way, be an annoying brat," he looked team CRDL's way, "you'll earn jack all and I'll even make your life in my lessons a living hell."

"So, five tokens, five tiers, from copper to crimtane. All worth different amounts, for different things. I won't say how you'll be earning the different types of tokens, I'll leave that up to you all to figure out. Just note, you won't be getting anything higher than lead by being goody two shoes and kiss asses."

Yang nudged Weiss uttering, "aww, and here I thought you'd make the perfect platinum farm."

"I am not a tool Yang. Nor do I care about the trivial tokens. They're just a pointless means of incentivization." Weiss snorted with crossed arms.

"Say's she-who-has-it-all."

"Those you'll have to work for. And work, you shall do." Parc's head shot Lili and Ferry's way, locking with them and hand rising to point at them. "Lili, Ferry, you're up first." Both girls nodded, seemingly already prepped to be called up. Which made sense considering Parc had talked with them a bit after Summer's request and told them he wanted to use them as a bit of a show for what to do during his lessons to get the really high marks.

"Yes sir." Lili pushed off the bench she'd been kicking her legs over and with Ferry made their way to the arena. Lili pulling her dagger from her thigh and Ferry her snapthorn whip from around her waist, holding it rolled up, ears twitching due to being put on display before the twenty other students.

Parc nodded to them, getting one in return, then looked to the opposite end of the room. Pointing to CRDL's leader. "Team CRDL. Up on the right."

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