The Boss of the Apocalypse Disguises Himself As a Cannon Fodder Female Educated Youth

Chapter 157: Whatever Sister An Ning says is right

Chapter 157: Whatever Sister An Ning says is right

Chapter 157: Whatever Sister Aning says is right

Junning just finished admiring the scenery of her home and returned to the living room on the first floor. She replaced it with a set of solid wood sofas, coffee tables, and matching stools. They didn't look too inconspicuous.

In the dining room, she placed a large round table and ten stools.

In the utility room, there are also several large round tables and some stackable plastic stools, which can be used directly when entertaining guests in the future.

She had just finished setting up when she heard the doorbell ringing again.

Jun Ning released his mental power and looked outside the door, and found that Zhou Zechuan was here.

A truck and two workers came with him.

Jun Ning hurried over and opened the door, "Uncle Chuan, you are here, come in and sit down!"

Zhou Zechuan smiled and said to her: "Aning, I won't go in yet. My brother and the others have prepared the truck license plate you want, the approval certificate of your office, and the unit brand of this office for you. He We also specially sent a truck and workers to deliver it, and told you to help you install and hang the sign of this unit."

Jun Ning said with gratitude: "Uncle Chuan, you and Uncle Hai are so interesting. Thank you so much. Thank you so much."

Zhou Zechuan laughed, "You're welcome, we are our own people!"

He handed the document bag to Jun Ning again, "Aning, please take this approval certificate first. Although this approval certificate is temporary, it has been specially approved by the provincial government. You don't have to worry."

Jun Ning stretched out his hands to take the document bag and said gratefully again: "Thank you, Uncle Chuan, and thank you, Uncle Hai, thank you for your hard work!"

She knew in her heart that she would never be able to get this special temporary business approval certificate if the good thing in her hand wasn't very special.

They have this need, and they also need her to provide these good things in the future. Only then can she have the opportunity to obtain this special temporary business approval certificate at this stage of formal reform and opening up.

Precisely because there are no laws and policies for reform and opening up, she can only take this special temporary card first.

If there is any problem, it is easy to do on it. The temporary one is trial, you can enter or retreat, it really does not work, then the withdrawal.

Even if they are pursued, it will at most mean that their trial method failed. What does that mean? The big deal is that they can just try another method.

Just like in later generations, temporary workers often become the best scapegoats when accidents happen. Its the same reason.

This is exactly what makes people like Zhou Zehai so powerful.

They have to be careful and think twice about everything they do.

Every time they make a move, they must see the infinite possibilities that follow, so as not to fall into a passive situation in the future.

The two master workers brought by Zhou Zechuan quickly took out the tools and hung up the sign of the office after consulting the location of the Junning office.

Jun Ning invited Zhou Zechuan and the two masters to come in and sit down.

But Zhou Zechuan shook his head and said to Junning: "I have a lot of things to do over there, so I won't sit here today. Aning, your office is about to open, do you want to hold an opening ceremony to treat guests? "

Jun Ning smiled and nodded, "That's for sure. We have already chosen the date. September 8th next month is the auspicious day for the opening. Uncle Chuan, I will send you an invitation letter then. Can you You must come.

Zhou Zechuan laughed and said, "That's for sure."

After the two chatted for a while, Jun Ning asked Zhou Zechuan to wait a moment.

She went inside and took out a box of spiritual wine, a box of spiritual tea, and a box of sweet grapes to Zhou Zechuan, "Uncle Chuan, take these things back, share them with Uncle Hai, and tell him that they are what I want." Zhou Zechuan can Unable to refuse these good things, he smiled and said to Jun Ning: "Then I'm not polite. I'll send you something later."

Jun Ning quickly said: "No, no, no, I have everything here, Uncle Chuan, don't be polite to me."

Zhou Zechuan winked at her and said, "What comes and goes is human kindness. Okay, that's it for today, we're going back."

Jun Ning thanked him again, "Uncle Chuan, thank you, then walk slowly!"

Zhou Zechuan waved to her and said, "We're leaving. It's hot. Come inside quickly!"

Jun Ning watched their car go away, and when he was about to go back to the house, he heard two familiar calls, "Sister Aning, sister Aning..."

Jun Ning glanced over suddenly and saw Old Man Mo and Xiao Haoran in shabby clothes at the street corner, laboriously pushing a wheelbarrow towards her.

The wheelbarrow was also loaded with a tall cart of firewood, two old baggage, some pots and bowls and other daily necessities.

Jun Ning saw that Old Man Mo and Xiao Haoran were pushing so hard, and immediately ran towards them.

While helping them push the cart, she said to them: "Uncle Mo, Haoran, why did you come here by yourself? I said I would pick you up in the afternoon."

Uncle Mo chuckled and said, "Didn't you say you would let us come here in ten days, so we came directly."

Xiao Haoran said on the side: "Sister Aning, we asked many people along the way before we found this place."

Jun Ning took out a hand and touched his head, "Little Haoran is great. He helped grandpa push the cart so far away and even walked here by himself. Little Haoran, are you tired?"

Xiao Haoran grinned and said: "I want to help grandpa push the cart, and I also want to see my sister as soon as possible. When I think of sister Aning, I feel full of strength and not tired at all."

Jun Ning felt that his heart softened instantly when he heard Xiao Haoran's words.

Why is this child so cute? He spoke so sweetly that it almost made her sweet.

JUN Ning also smiled and joked with him: "From now on, Xiao Haoran and grandpa will live at my sister's place. From now on, Xiao Haoran will have the energy to work and study every day. Am I right?"

Xiao Haoran said with a bright smile: "Yes, yes, sister Aning, you are so right! Grandpa said that everything sister Aning said is right, hahaha..."

Jun Ning also laughed when he heard Xiao Haoran's hearty laughter.

This little guy is such a pistachio!

The hardships of life did not defeat the grandfather and grandson, but made them stronger and more optimistic about life.

Jun Ning was moved by them again.

With Jun Ning's help, Mr. Mo easily pushed the wheelbarrow to the gate of the ancient building's courtyard.

Uncle Mo looked at the office sign that had just been put up and asked Jun Ning in surprise, "A-Ning sister, why do you still have an office sign here? Isn't this your home?"

Junning explained to him: "Uncle Mo, this is both our company's office and my home. We will all live here in the future."

The second update, the third update will be a little later~

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