The Bodyguard System

Chapter 68: More Problems

Scarlet was completely dumbfounded by the skills that Jaden possessed when he was driving. At that point, she immediately understood that she had met a master when it came to driving.

She could not help but feel a little embarrassed at the thought that she was having before. Previously, she thought that she was better than Jaden when it came to driving. But now, she was completely far off from reaching his level.

After all, the way that he was maneuvering the vehicle was beyond the ability that she possessed. Currently, they were moving on a road that was possessing many vehicles. So, it was definitely going to be difficult for people to be able to be moving at a speed of more than 60 miles per hour.

But still, currently, she could tell that they were currently moving at a speed of at least 70 miles per hour. Of course, she did not believe that Jaden could not go at a speed beyond this. It was just that there was a restriction, which was the vehicle on the road.

At this point, Scarlet had already decided in her mind. She would definitely make sure that Jaden taught her both fighting and driving skills. If he taught her, he would definitely improve by a great margin. Even though it was not related to the business that her parents really wanted her to learn, still, it improved her own ego when it came to competitions as she could easily defeat her peers.

Jaden did not know what Scarlet was thinking at that moment. Instead, he was simply focused on driving. It was good that the vehicle possessed an advantage over the vehicles that were being used by those that were pursuing them.

Still, even if the vehicles were at the same level, Jaden believed that it was going to be quite easy for him to be able to shake them off his trail.

As he continued driving, he made sure to keep an eye to the surrounding areas, both in front and back. This was just in case the enemy possessed a backup plan.

It was during the moment that he was observing that he suddenly noticed something through the side mirror of the car. From the distance horizontal, he could see that there was something flying in the air.

Just by looking at the image that was on the side mirror, he could immediately tell that it was none other than a drone. Even though the distance was quite huge, so, it was quite difficult for Jaden to be able to see the drone. But even then, due to his sharp senses, he was able to tell that there was something that was coming after them.

Jaden could not help but narrow his eyes. He had not expected that the other party possessed advanced technology. They even possessed a drone that was capable of catching up to the speed of this vehicle.

Of course, Jaden could not tell the maximum speed of the drone, considering that it seemed that the drone was not moving at a maximum speed as it was trying to save its battery life. At least that was what Jaden thought.

That was to be expected nevertheless. After all, if the drone moved at its maximum speed, it would be consuming much more energy as compared to moving at a slow speed. Additionally, the target that the drone was chasing after was not moving at high speed. So, there was no need for the drone to move at its maximum speed.

Jaden's expression became solemn. At this moment, he understood that the other party was definitely prepared to deal with them. So, he believed that the drone was not the only method that they were using to chase after them.

Additionally, Jaden believed that it was going to be impossible for them to be attacked on the way for the time being. After all, even if the other party possessed much more power, they would definitely not be capable of doing something unlawful in the public eye.

So, Jaden believed that the moment that they left the highway, there was a great probability that an accident might be orchestrated for them. So, the thing that Jaden decided to do at the moment was simple, he had to ensure that he eliminated the drone.

It was clear that the drone was being used for monitoring them. So, he had to make sure that he blinded the enemy's eye. Now, the only problem was, how was he supposed to deal with a drone in the air, while he was currently inside a vehicle on the ground?

Scarlet on the other hand had already realized that there was a shift in Jaden's expression. Having already understood Jaden, she immediately caught on the fact that there was something wrong.

She began looking around, wondering if the vehicles that were chasing after them had already caught up to them. But when she looked around, she realized that there was nothing unusual.

Just as she was confused, Jaden immediately activated the navigation system of the Jeep. Immediately, a map appeared on the digital screen within the Jeep, on the dashboard.

Jaden was not that familiar with the roads here, considering that he had not been moving around for quite a while. So, he decided that he had to make sure that he knew what road led where, before he came up with a plan on how he was going to deal with this drone.

After looking around, he realized that there was a tunnel somewhere. When he realized that, he did not hesitate to select the path as his next route after he exited the highway.

The next moment that he looked at the side mirror, he suddenly realized that there was yet another drone that had appeared. Currently, there are two drones that were currently chasing after the vehicle.

Jaden understood the fact that the battery life of the drones was limited. So, it was impossible for them to be able to fly for a very long time without being recharged. So, the easiest solution was to simply drive for a very long time until the drones' batteries energy depleted.

But Jaden was not naive to believe that the enemy was going to simply monitor them and the location that they were in. It was clear that they were using the drones as the eyes. Since that was the case, they would have definitely prepared another plan on how they were going to deal with them.

As he continued driving, he managed to maneuver the Ferrari, overtaking vehicles left and right. The drivers of the vehicles that were being overtaken at a high speed could not help but be dumbfounded by the skills that the driver of the Ferrari possessed.

Of course, others immediately cursed. At this moment, they thought that it was just another second generation young master showing off while driving the vehicle. It was definitely not impossible for that vehicle to crash, considering the speed that it was moving with, and how it was recklessly overtaking other vehicles.

Due to the fact that Jaden was driving like that, it was not impossible for them to attract the attention of the traffic police. And so, the moment that they managed to overtake a police vehicle, the police car immediately began chasing after them. The sirens of the police car were blaring as it chased after them.

Jaden could not help but feel a little helpless. He was currently dealing with enemies, but the police would definitely not understand that. They would expect him to stop first, before explaining the reason why he was moving at such a high speed.

But of course, it was impossible for him to stop at this moment. After all, the mission was at risk. In case Scarlet was captured by the enemy, the mission could be considered as failed. That was something that he was not going to allow to happen.

So, he decided to believe that the Johnsons would be able to take care of the issue related to the police. So, he decided to deal with the enemy first.

Scarlet on the other hand could not help but be infuriated the moment that she realized that there was a police vehicle that was chasing after them. Due to the fact that the police sirens were currently on, vehicles immediately moved out of the path of the police car.

The only advantage that they got was the fact that due to the sirens, a few vehicles in front of them immediately moved to the side, as they gave way to them. For that reason, Jaden was able to accelerate even more.

"I will tell dad about this. I do hope that he can inform the police to stop chasing after us. After all, there is another thing that we have to take care of. They cannot cause an obstruction for us to not escape." Scarlet stated before she took out her phone, intending to call Clifford.

Jaden on the other hand did not prevent her from doing that. Instead, he simply focused on the road. Having already decided on a destination, he understood where he was supposed to divert. So, he was waiting for that junction before leaving the highway.

It was just that as Jaden was approaching the junction, something happened. There was a BMW vehicle in front of him. The moment that the driver of the vehicle heard the sirens, he immediately began driving to the side to give way. The only problem was the fact that after going left, the driver decided change the side once again, and went to the right.

At that moment, even Scarlet who had just made a call, which was still ringing, could not help but widen her eyes. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest, as she thought that they were definitely going to die.

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