The Bodyguard System

Chapter 64: Unusual Waiters

The elevator, the one that was used by the manager and the top staff of the hotel alone, oped up and the three of them got inside. The momt that they got into the elevator, Wilson looked at Jad and asked, "I guess that you are the bodyguard that Clifford talked about?"

"Yes sir. My name is Jad, and I am the bodyguard that was assigned to protect miss Scarlet." Jad responded respectfully. He understood that despite the fact that this person, the man in front of him was just a manager, he possessed quite a high position.

Considering the fact that he could mtion Clifford by his name, it was ough for him to be able to tell that this person was definitely closely related to the Johnsons. Additionally, ev the title of the manager of Blue Seal hotel was ough to earn respect from Jad.

Wilson nodded his head as he continued scrutinizing Jad. Jad had already realized that it seemed that Wilson was not willing to have other people knowing that he was Scarlet's bodyguard.

And thinking about it, it seemed that the Johnsons had never told anybody that they had hired him as a bodyguard. Scarlet was the one who had informed the group that he was associated with that and that she was currtly having a bodyguard.

"Fair ough. Although I cannot tell the abilities that you possess, I do believe that Clifford will not make a wrong judgmt for him to be able to praise you like that." Wilson stated, before he shifted his case to Scarlet, as they began chattering about, with Wilson mostly teasing Scarlet and irritating her.

Jad on the other hand could not help but raise his brows a little. He had not expected that Clifford was actually going to praise him. It was just that he did not know what kind of praises that guy had talked about.

And thinking about it, he had not shown much in front of Clifford. In fact, he had not shown ev a single ability in front of Clifford. The information that Clifford possessed on Jad was the one that he had gott through investigation about Jad's backg.

Perhaps he ev possessed information about the rect issue, about Jad's currt strgth through Sylvia or Scarlet. But nevertheless, it was clear that Scarlet had not informed Clifford about Jad's currt strgth, considering that Jad had not se her making a call or ing anybody other than Wilson, and Vinct together with Lucas during the time that they were in the warehouse.

Jad maintained his silce for a few more seconds. And the momt that the elevator stopped and the doors oped, they were on the 7th floor.

On the 7th floor of the building, there were private rooms. This was the floor that the highest level of the private rooms could be found. Of course, it was only available to the VVIP of the hotel.

Just looking at the exquisite appearance of this floor, Jad immediately understood that the one that was in charge of designing this building together with decoration was definitely a top notch expert in their field.

The three of them wt ahead and tered into private room number five. It seemed that the number of private rooms was lower on the top floors.

The momt that they got in, Jad was amazed. The room itself was quite big. Other than that, there was an area that was used for dining, possessing several chairs a a table. Other than that, there was a counter where several drinks could be se.

On the other side of the room, there was a long table that was also sured by chairs. Jad immediately understood that this was the one that was used for conferces. It seemed that those that took the VVIP rooms did not need to book a conferce room for them to hold meetings.

Nevertheless, Jad understood that in case of big meetings, it was impossible for them to use the VVIP rooms. After all, according to his estimation, Jad believed that the number of people that could be accommodated within this room was only about 40.

On the conferce side, there was a board together with a scre. It was clear that those two were used for illustrations during meetings.

The three of them wt ahead and arrived in the dining area. The two of them, William and Scarlet immediately sat down. Jad on the other hand remained standing, as he did not try to sit, considering that he was here as a bodyguard.

Had it be that he was with Scarlet alone, he would not mind sitting. But with Wilson being here, it was going to be impossible for him to sit unless he was invited. After all, he had to maintain professionalism in a momt like this.

Wilson looked at Jad who was standing behind Scarlet and nodded in his heart. Th, he said to Jad, "You don't have to be so worried about professionalism at this momt. You are here to eat, so, you can simply sit down and eat with us. It is going to be difficult for an emy to be able to get to this level of the hotel and cause trouble here."

Jad did not immediately sit. Instead, he looked at Scarlet. But wh he realized that she was not ev looking at him, he decided to follow what Wilson had said. He sat on a chair next to Scarlet.

Neither Wilson who was sitting across Scarlet, nor Scarlet herself had any objection about where he had sat. Since he was supposed to protect Scarlet, he had to be close to her almost all the time.

While Scarlet and Wilson continue chatting with each other, minutes wt by. And a little bit later, two people dressed in waiter's uniforms came in pushing carts that possessed food.

Wh they got there, they immediately wt ahead and began serving the food. The food consisted of seafood, vegetable, and differt types of meat. All in all, it could be said that it was a wide variety of food.

The momt that the food was served, Scarlet did not wait and immediately began eating. Jad did the same, but only after Wilson had began eating.

Upon testing the food, Jad was nodding within his mind. As expected of the food from a top notch hotel, the food was delicious, forget about the arrangemt of the food on the plates.

As they began eating, Jad realized that the waiters had not left at all. Instead, they continued standing in the same position, just a little distance away from the table. This was quite normal, considering that in case the person that they were serving wanted something, they would be able to act immediately.

This was the first time that Jad was eating such expsive food ever since his parts passed away. Of course, he had eat the food in the Johnsons mansion, but ev th, it was not comparable to this one wh it came to the expertise that was used in cooking.

While they were eating, Jad suddly noticed something else. He noticed that there was something unusual about these two waiters. The two waiters were acting a little shiftily. It was as if they were quite nervous about something.

Jad was not sure about what was making them nervous, but nevertheless, his instinct told him that it was definitely not something good. So, at that momt, he immediately became alert.

Ev though he was joying the food, he made sure to pay atttion to the two waiters. It was a good thing that the two of them were currtly standing behind Wilson, implying that they were standing in front of him.

So, it was quite easy for him to be able to monitor their movemts. And as they continued eating, the movemts of the two of them began getting more erratic. That was something that raised alarm bells in Jad.

For a momt there, he stopped eating and directly gazed at them. The momt that he did so, the two waiters immediately stopped shifting about. They stood there obeditly, just like how normal waiters were supposed to do.

Jad's movemts immediately attracted Scarlet's atttion. He also looked towards the two waiters, but she did not find anything out of place about them. And upon realizing that Jad was already back to eating, she decided to ignore the matter for now.

But ev th, she decided to pay a little atttion to them. She had realized that if Jad did something, he would definitely not do something without a reason. Since he had gazed at the two waiters suspiciously, there had to be something about them that was not right.

So, as the two of them kept eating, they kept on watching the two waiters. And it seemed that the two waiters had already realized that they were being watched, and so, they no longer moved shiftily as before.

Wilson also realized something weird about Jad and Scarlet. So, he looked at the two waiters. The momt that he looked at them carefully, he could not help but frown.

The momt that the two waiters saw Wilson looking at them, their expressions suddly shifted. Th in the next momt, they rushed forward towards him. At the same time, they took out knives from the sleeves of their shirts.

Wilson was immediately horrified. He had not expected that something like this was going to happ. Two people were actually intding to kill him? But no matter how much he was reluctant to die, he was not capable of reacting, considering that the distance betwe him and the two waiters wasn't that big. And so, in just a matter of about seconds, they had already covered the distance betwe them.

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