The Bodyguard System

Chapter 62: Being Trailed

"Hey Vinct. Make sure you take care of yourself. Additionally, don't take off those bandages. Make sure that dad and mom see them. Otherwise, I'm going to wrap you up like a mummy the next time that we meet, and I'll sure that you will no longer be involved in risky things." Susan stated with a serious expression on her face.

If possible, Vinct really wanted to tear off that mouth that was speaking to him. But thinking about it, Susan was behaving like this simply because she cared about him. So, in the d, he simply decided to ignore what she had said, and followed behind the rest of the group to leave the hospital.

The momt that they got out of the hospital, they got back into their vehicles and began driving away. The only one that was in trouble was other than Vinct.

Due to being wrapped in bandages, he was not going to be capable of driving. Additionally, with the presce of the bandages ev reaching to his eye, it was going to be quite difficult for him to be able to drive at a high speed.

Lucky for him, one of the people that were in his group immediately offered to drive Vinct. Vinct initially wanted to refuse, because he understood that the one that wanted to drive him home was somebody who had always be intding to drive his car.

But until today, Vinct had always be reluctant to allow anybody to drive his car. But now, it seemed that it was going to be impossible for him to drive the car himself. And it was impossible for him to leave the car for Susan, considering that she had her own car.

In the d, he allowed the young man to drive him, though he was bound to regret it later on. Jad on the other hand, as usual, had already gott into Scarlet's car.

They began driving off, leaving the hospital. While they were driving, as they kept on moving, they began parting ways. Since the competition had already ded, it was currtly time for them to take lunch. So, everybody had plans of their own, and so, they decided to go and take care of them.

A few of them currtly had classes that they had to attd. Having already skipped morning classes, they would have to go to the afternoon classes.

Jad felt quite lucky that Scarlett was not having any class today. Otherwise, he was going to try as much as possible not to sleep in that boring lecture that he could not understand anything.

As they continued driving, Jad could not help but notice something. Through the rear view mirror, Jad realized that there was a certain vehicle that had be following them for quite a while now.

It started not long after they had left the hospital. Initially, Jad thought that it was coincidtal that this vehicle was using the same route as them. But after they had tak several corners, and the vehicle kept on following them, he realized that there was something fishy.

It was not Impossible for a vehicle to be going the same way as them, but it was definitely impossible that the other party was not trying to overtake them wh they had the chance to do that. At some points, Scarlet would reduce the speed of the vehicle, which would be a chance for the vehicle behind them to overtake.

But each and every time that Scarlet reduced the speed, the other party would slow down as well. That was something extremely suspicious.

Still, not sure about his assumptions, Jad continued observing without saying anything. Scarlet on the other hand did not know what Jad was thinking at the momt, and she was simply thinking about what they were going to do next.

First of all, they had to get lunch. And after that, there was somewhere that she wanted to go to. So, she was not in a hurry at all, considering that she was not giv a time limit on at what time she was supposed to arrive at the destination that she was going to.

Just as she was driving while thinking, Jad suddly spoke, bringing her back from her own world. "There is a car that is following us. It has be following us for quite a while now. Why don't we stop first?"

Scarlet was a little surprised wh she heard those words. She immediately looked through the side mirror, and realized that there was a vehicle that was behind them. The distance betwe them was not that big, only slightly about 0 meters.

The thing that made her frown was the fact that this vehicle had be behind them ever since they had left the hospital. She might not have be paying much atttion, but ev th, that did not imply that she could not notice a vehicle that had be appearing in the side mirror every time that she looked at it.

Without hesitation, she moved the vehicle towards the curbs. The momt that she managed to get out of the road, she stopped the vehicle. None of them alighted from the car, as they continue to observe the vehicle that had be following them.

The momt that they stopped, the car that was following behind them immediately did the same thing. This immediately confirmed Jad's suspicions. It seemed that the other party was targeting them.

Jad was not much sure about who the other party was, and what their inttion of following them was. So, it was better for them to be cautious. Scarlet seemed to be thinking the same way. So, she immediately began driving again.

And after getting back on the road, she immediately increased the speed at which she was driving. Since she was currtly driving a Ferrari f8 spider, it was clear that the speed of the sports car was quite high.

The momt that the Ferrari f8 spider rushed out, the other vehicle whose model was a Jeep Wrangler immediately followed them. But due to the fact that the acceleration of the Jeep was lower as compared to the one that was possessed by the Ferrari, it was impossible for it to be able to reach it.

In just a matter of about minutes, the Jeep had already lost track of the Ferrari. Due to the fact that the road was not used by just the two of them, it was impossible for the giant Jeep Wrangler to be able to keep up to the small Ferrari in a road that was full of traffic.

Scarlet on the other hand was quite happy. Wh it came to racing, that was yet another thing that she liked. It could be said that this was another hobby that she possessed. But still, she rarely compete in the racing competition, as she was mostly focused on training her fighting skills.

She could not help but get bored the momt that she realized that the other party could not catch up to them. If giv a chance, she would really not mind having somebody chase after them in the vehicle.

She was quite eager to show off the driving skills that she possessed. After all, despite her young age, she possessed quite a few skills with high proficicy.

Jad could not help but feel a little speechless wh he saw the disappointed expression on Scarlet's face the momt that they lost the vehicle that was chasing after them. Nevertheless, he did not say anything, and remained silt, while making sure to keep watch, just in case there was another vehicle that was going to come after them.

Realizing that their was nobody else that was chasing them for the time being, Scarlet immediately took another route that was leading to the same destination that she was planning to go to initially.

In just a matter of about 30 more minutes, they finally arrived in front of a hotel. This was a hotel that was owned by the Johnsons.

The momt that they arrived, Scarlet immediately parked the vehicle in the parking lot that was in front of the hotel. Th, the two of them alighted from the car.

Jad looked a both for security purposes and out of curiosity. This was the first time that he was coming to high d place like this, ever since the demise of his parts. Since it had be a while, he could not help but wonder at the changes that had occurred in these areas.

Blue Seal hotel. This was a hotel that was owned by the Johnsons. It occupied quite a huge area, and the area was kind of isolated from the suring areas, giving the hotel quite a huge space. That was the reason why the hotel possessed quite a huge parking area.

This hotel was one of the few five-star hotels that could be found within Faru city. It was painted with a mixture of gold, giving it a majestic and domineering look. It possessed a total of 8 floors.

Ev though Jad had heard about this hotel before, he had never stepped into it. And just by looking at the parking area, he could see that several expsive car models were parked in this area.

That was to be expected considering that this was a place that the majority of the rich came to dine. In fact, according to the information that he had found within the internet, he understood that this hotel possessed several conferce rooms. So, from time to time, several business m and wom would come to hold important meetings here.

"Let's go. We are eating here today." Scarlet stated as she led the way towards the trance of the hotel. At the same time, she took out her phone, before making a call.

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