The Bodyguard System

Chapter 53: Cruelty, Fear

"I do wonder if you understand the implications of your actions today?" The man asked in a deep voice, while a hint of killing intt was released from his body, easily intimidating the group.

Of course, the intimidation only worked on the group other than Jad, Scarlet, and Lucas. But still, Lucas was at least influced by the killing intt that was released by the leader of the gangster group that they had come to deal with. After all, he was the only one who had expericed the horror of this man.

Jad on the other hand looked calmly at the man in front of him. At this momt, he had already realized that they were definitely involved in something bigger. Nevertheless, looking at the man in front of him, although he possessed some ability, he was definitely not comparable to the guy that he had dealt with within the warehouse.

Wh the man realized that the group was not going to respond to him, he did not get angry at all. Instead, he simply wt ahead and approached the group, making everybody other than Jad and Scarlet to retreat.

Wh he arrived in front of Scarlet, he continued, "I do understand that each and every one of you possesses a backg of their own. But ev th, do you think that your backg is going to help you in this situation? The underworld is something that not ev your big families can get involved with easily."

"Right now, I will give you a chance. I don't really know much about the backgs that you possess, so, I will let this matter slide, believing that you came here by mistake.

So, you better scram right now and forget about everything that you saw in this place. Otherwise, I will have no other choice but to make sure that you remain here forever." The man continued stating nonchalantly with an indiffert voice.

"If you are talking about us leaving this place, th there's no problem with that. But before we leave this place, we are definitely going to leave with the people that you are locking in this place.

There is no way that I am going to allow you to continue doing something like this. You have to consider the rights of other people. You want to make money, you better go ahead and work. Why do you have to abduct people that have their own lives that they want to live?" Scarlet responded.

From Scarlet's tone, one could easily tell that she was extremely angry at this momt. And it could be said that this was the first time that Jad had se Scarlet this angry. The same applied to the group. Despite the fact that they had se Scarlet getting angry, they had never se her making such an expression.

Jad on the other hand did not say anything about what Scarlet had just said. In any case, ev if the backg of these gangsters was not something simple, that did not imply that Scarlet's backg was simple as well.

It was definitely impossible for the Johnsons to be able to reach the top of the food chain within Faru city if they were simple to deal with. Jad understood that for those big families to be able to reach the top, they would definitely not simply depd on their own ability, but instead, they would at some point need the underworld.

So, for them to be able to dominate this city together with the Williams, it was clear that they possessed some connections within the underworld. But ev th, Jad could not tell much about the connections that the Williams possessed within the underworld. Nevertheless, he believed that it was definitely not impossible for them to be able to deal with a human trafficking gangster group.

The man's expression on the other hand completely shifted after hearing what Scarlet had said. He was already giving them a leeway to leave this place without being harmed, but it seemed that they were so much intt with being killed.

Since that was their wish, he would definitely fulfill it for them. So, without hesitation, he moved forward, towards Scarlet. He had already realized that Scarlet was the leader of the group, and so, he would deal with her first.

With that, it should be quite easy for him to be able to deal with the rest of the group. So, the momt that he arrived in front of Scarlet, he immediately punched. It was clear that he did not care if Scarlet was a lady or not. To him, since she was opposing the gang that he was leading, he would definitely have to deal with her anyway.

Scarlet was not expecting that this guy was going to attack just like that. According to her, it was good ough that they had decided to retreat. After all, by not pursuing the matter anymore, and not informing the cops about the issue here, it was clear that they were already giving the gangsters a way out.

But now, it seemed that the other party was not appreciating what she had done. Instead, they had decided to attack. The only problem was the fact that although Scarlet was capable of seeing the trajectory of the attack that was heading towards her, she was not fast ough to be able to react.

So, at that momt, she was helpless, and could only go ahead and take the attack. But ev th, he was already prepared. The momt that the attack landed on her, she would immediately launch a set of her own counterattack.


Instead of the punch that was heading towards Scarlet's face landing and launching her backwards, the sound of the punch hitting soft flesh could be heard in the air.

At this momt, both Scarlet and the tattooed man were flabbergasted. None of them had expected such a result. Ev Scarlet had not expected that Jad was capable of moving so fast and intercepting the attack that was launched by the tattooed leader of the gang.

Nevertheless, she was relieved the momt that Jad managed to block that attack for her. Although she was prepared to take the attack, that did not imply that she was a masochist. After all, who wanted to be injured if there was a way out?

Previously, Jad had already noticed that the tattooed man was about to make a move. So, he immediately closed the distance betwe him and Scarlet. And the momt that the man launched an attack, Jad simply moved forward slightly, and raised his hand to grab the fist.

The fist managed to land, but it was within the palm of Jad's hand. So, there was not much of an impact, considering that despite the fact that the tattooed man possessed quite some strgth, it was not ough to be able to deal with Jad.

Jad looked at the man who was looking back at him with wided eyes. Th without hesitation, he exerted strgth in the right hand that was grabbing the tattooed man's hand. In the next momt, a pained expression immediately appeared on the man's face.


Th in the next second, the sound of bones cracking could be heard within the tire room. It was clear that the bones of the tattooed man were already fracturing from the pressure that they were expericing.

The man on the other hand, having already realized that his hand was going to be brok if he continued allowing Jad to keep hold of it, he immediately decided to attack. Using his left leg, he launched a kick towards Jad, hoping that Jad would release him.

Jad simply raised his right leg, and the kick that had be launched by the man simply hit his shin, close to his knee. And so, the attack was easily blocked. As for himself, he continued exerting ev more strgth, and finally, the hand of the tattooed man was brok.

It could be said that Jad had be extremely cruel in this situation. After all, he had brok the hand of the other party, in such a way that ev the bones could be se piercing through the skin.

The man could not help but groan in pain, but he did not scream. It was clear that this man was somebody that had expericed a lot of battles. That was evidt by several scars that could be se on his skin on closer inspection.

It seemed that this guy had decided to draw several tattoos on his body simply because he wanted to cover the scars that he possessed. But ev th, that was not ough to be able to cover the numerous scars that he had suffered on his body.

The momt that the hand was brok, Jad immediately released the man. Th in the next momt, he launched a kick towards the man's face. The guy was already trying to dure the pain, and so, he was not able to react to the attack that had be launched by Jad.


Jad's foot landed square on the man's left side of the head. The man immediately got thrown onto the g, hitting the g hard. And due to the pain, he immediately passed out.

It could be said that Jad had dealt with this issue quite simply. It did not seem like he had used his full strgth at all. Instead, it seemed that it was quite an easy task for him to be able to deal with this gangster.

Lucas who had already managed to get back on his feet could not help but be a little afraid of Jad. But ev th, that did not imply that he was going to allow Jad to continue staying close to Scarlet. Instead, that simply made him change the plans that he was having.

The rest of the group was amazed by Jad's capabilities, but they could not help but be horrified by his cruelty at the same time. At this momt, they both swore in their hearts that no matter what, they would definitely not provoke Jad.

Scarlet had already gott used this side of Jad's. But ev th, she was no longer going to be pompous in front of him, and her arrogance had be reduced to the lowest level it could be.

"So, what are you going to do with this group?" Jad asked as he turned a to look at Scarlet.

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