The Bodyguard System

Chapter 35: Teach Me

Rub on the other hand had be in a worse mood. Previously, he had thought that with the Williams being able to deal with the majority of the bodyguard companies, it was going to be impossible for the Johnsons to be able to hire a bodyguard for Scarlet.

But they had not expected that somehow, they had actually managed to get somebody. Additionally, this person that they had gott was extremely skilled. The worst part of it was the fact that the Williams did not possess information about this new bodyguard.

It was as if he had appeared out of nowhere with all the skills that he possessed. It was due to this bodyguard that had be hired by the Johnsons that the plan that he was having before had be in vain.

Due to the first failure, his brother Philip had gott an opportunity to reprimand him. After all, by failing to carry out the task, it was clear that the Johnsons would be more vigilant about any form of attack from the Williams.

But ev th, although they had failed the first time, Rub did not believe that they were going to fail the second time. Previously, they did not possess information about this new bodyguard. But now, they had already carried out research about this guy.

It turned out that he was just a normal person, and somehow, he had wanted to join a bodyguard organization. That was how he wt and joined the Assured Bodyguard Association, only to be giv a mission to protect Scarlet.

According to the investigation that he had carried out, he understood that Jad was an orphan. But ev th, there was no any part of the information that stated about Jad being trained.

According to the information, it seemed that he had be surviving all this while, so, how was it possible that he possessed skills to be able to resist the attacks that had be launched at that time by six gangsters at the same time?

Although he found it to be doubtful, or perhaps those gangsters had just be giving false information in order to be able to save themselves, but nevertheless, he had to take the matter seriously.

He could not allow any other failure. Otherwise, Philip was definitely going to take advantage of that and suppress him. But that was not something that he was going to allow to come true.

He took out his phone, dialed a certain number, before making a call. After just a few rings, the call was picked on the other d.

"I want you to eliminate Jad. Simply focus on Jad. After eliminating him, make sure that all the traces about you disappear." Rub stated. Immediately after that, he hung up.

'Okay, let's see how you are going to handle this one now.' Rub thought to himself with a malicious smile on his face.


Jad on the other hand did not know what had be happing in the Williams and the Johnsons. But nevertheless, he did not care, considering that ev if he knew, it was not as if he was going to change anything.

For the rest of the day, he followed Scarlet. The lady kept on moving within the campus, without any destination in mind. It was as if she was just moving a for fun.

For a momt, Jad could not help but wonder if she could not get tired ev after moving all this time. He was quite curious about why she was doing that, but of course, he did not ask.

And after going a for more than 3 hours, Scarlet finally wt to the campus and continued to eat. It was already a little past lunchtime, and many people had already left the cante.

After getting to the cante, Scarlet wt ahead and ordered a drink. Jad on the other hand was extremely hungry. So, using the idtity card that he had be giv by Stev, he ordered a simple meal consisting of rice and beef stew.

Understanding that Scarlet might leave at any momt, Jad ate his food as fast as possible. He did not want Scarlet to leave before he ate, otherwise, he would have to leave his food behind.

It was a good thing that until he finished eating, Scarlet was still within the cante. It was as if she was deep in thought, thinking about something. Jad was not sure about what she was thinking, but ev th, after finishing his meal, he continued sitting there, waiting for Scarlet.

After about minutes, Scarlet finally moved. She looked towards Jad's direction, before she finally stood up and left the cante. Jad too stood, and followed behind her as they left the cante.

The momt that they walked out of the cante, Scarlet stopped and turned a to face Jad. Th, she asked, "Why are you so persistt in following me a? We are in campus, and it is definitely impossible for anybody to do anything to me right now. So, why don't you follow me a after we get out of the campus?"

All this time, by moving a aimlessly, she had be trying to make sure that Jad gave up on following her. But the guy kept on following her everywhere that she wt other than the restroom.

It was as if he would never get tired of following her a. That was something that irritated her. Although he kept his distance, and it was quite difficult for a person to be able to realize that he was following her, if they observed them a few times and realized that every time that Scarlet appeared, Jad would also be a, they would definitely realize that he was always following her.

"I'm sorry but I cannot do that. It is not impossible for emies to be within the campus. So, to sure your security, I will have to be prest wherever you are. Otherwise, if anything happs to you, th I will have failed in my role as a bodyguard." Jad shrugged his shoulder as he responded.

Scarlet was obviously displeased, but there was nothing that she could do about it. After all, she had already be told by her parts that Jad would be a her all the time to sure her security.

The attack in the alleyway was ough to be able to tell her that security was currtly important. It was clear that the Williams were kind of getting impatit, and so, they will definitely be launching more attacks soon.

This was the reason why Jad was a her. But of course, this was something that died her the freedom that she possessed in the past. How could she be free to do anything that she wanted with somebody observing her every now and again?

At this momt, she hoped that Jad would be defeated by Alfie, but at the same time, she hoped that Alfie would be defeated by Jad. The reason behind that was simply because she wanted Jad to leave, but at the same time, she wanted to reclaim the position that she previously held, as a leader within the campus.

It might be true that she was still holding the position of the presidt of the taekwondo club, but ev th, with the defeat that she had expericed, he definitely did not possess the pride of holding the position anymore.

Scarlet thought about it for a momt before she finally came up with an idea. With shining eyes, she looked at Jad and asked, "If I ask you to train me, will you do that? I want to be able to deal with Alfie. Something like that should be simple for you, right?"

This was just an impromptu idea that she had gott, completely differt from the plan that she had be having before. Right now, if there was an opportunity for her to be able to handle Alfie by herself, she would definitely take it.

Jad on the other hand was surprised, not expecting that Scarlet was going to ask for something like that. According to how he knew her, she was a person with pride, and was extremely arrogant at some times.

So, it was completely unexpected for her to be able to ask him to train her, despite the fact that he was currtly a subordinate. But nevertheless, he was able to regain his composure quite quickly.

But just as he was about to say something, Scarlet spoke first. "You don't have to think much about it. I just want you to teach me a method that I can utilize in order to be able to deal with Alfie."

Jad thought about it, and thought that it was definitely not a bad idea. Of course, he was not intding to fight with Alfie at all. It would be good if Scarlet was the one that handled the issue by herself.

At the same time, the stronger she was, the easier the task of guarding her would be. And so, he accepted to train her. But of course, it was only going to be partial, and the momt that he dealt with Alfie, that was going to be the d of it.

Scarlet was a little excited after Jad consted. She did not hesitate to lead the way towards the gym once again. She did not care if there was going to be a person there, but nevertheless, she had to train right now.

Jad had not expected that Scarlett was going to be this impatit. But nevertheless, he simply wt with the flow, and followed her towards the gym.

And to say the truth, if there was actually another option for him to take the job of being a bodyguard to guard another person who was reasonable, he would definitely take it. But right now, this was the only one that was available, and the paymt was quite good as well.

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