The Bodyguard System

Chapter 13: Back Home

Scarlet was extremely furious the momt that she realized that her mother had already ded the call. At that momt, she realized that it was definitely impossible for her to be able to talk about the matter for the time being.

As for trying to call her at the momt, that was just an impossibility considering that she understood her mother quite well. If she called right now, there was nothing that was going to change at all, because her mother was quite decisive.

Looking at the fuming Scarlet, the young man who was sitting opposite to her could not help but wonder what was going on.

"Scarlet, what is wrong? Is there a problem?" The young man asked with concern on his face. If there was anybody that he really cared about in the tire campus, it was definitely the lady in front of him.

It was not simply because of the relationship that existed betwe his family and Scarlet's family, but it was also due to the fact that he really cared about her and possessed feelings towards her.

But due to the personality that Scarlet possessed, it was definitely impossible for him to be able to confess to her. The only thing that he could do was to continue stay a her, while making sure that nobody approached her.

At the d of it all, he could not predict wh she would actually fall in love with somebody else. She might not really care about relationships at the momt, but who could tell if there was another person who would make her know about them?

Just to make sure that nobody did something like that, he decided to be close to her, making sure that whoever it was that approached her, he would get ough information about them. He could not allow anybody else to take her away from him.

Scarlet remained silt for quite a while before she replied. "My mom just told me about hiring a person to come and become my bodyguard. I don't really know whom it is that they have hired this time, but I will make sure that they pay for it. How dare they come to try and restrict my freedom?!"

Scarlet was extremely angry about this matter. One had to know that she was from an influtial family within the city. But ev th, only a few people knew about who she was.

They might know that the Johnson family possessed two sons and one daughter, but ev th, due to the fact that she was always away from the public eye, only a few people really knew her real idtity, and so, many people did not know much about who the daughter that the Johnson family possessed was.

She had done all of that just because she wanted freedom. She did not want to be treated special everywhere that she wt. Instead, she wanted to live her life in a carefree manner.

But her family kept on sding people to protect her. What was the use of them protecting her? Could she not protect herself? Or did they think that she was extremely weak that she could not ev protect herself? Or was it simply because they thought that she was young and a lady?

No matter what the reason was, she was of course not happy with her family caring much about her own freedom. She was a youth, and she was supposed to be joying her life at this momt, right?

The momt that the young man heard what Scarlet said, he could not help but frown. This was not the first time that Scarlet's family had arranged for a bodyguard for Scarlet. But ev th, each and every time, it would be a man.

Of course, ev if the level of the bodyguard that was gott by Scarlet's family was low wh it came to the social ranking, but ev th, nobody could say about what would happ betwe the two of them as long as ough time was giv.

It was a good thing that Scarlet was not happy about having a bodyguard. And for that reason, he was more than happy to help her in getting rid of those bodyguards that would be st over to protect Scarlet.

"You don't really have to worry about him at all. As long as you want to get rid of him, you can just let me do that for you." The young man responded confidtly.

Scarlet was silt for a while after hearing what the young man had said. The two of them possessed quite a deep relationship, considering that they had be together during the time that they were in high school, and they both joined this university, pursuing the same course.

In the group that the two of them belonged to, he was definitely the person who was the closest to her. And, she could say that he was actually her right hand man, as he was the one that was in charge of the majority of the things that she wanted to do out of her part's supervision.

"Don't worry much about it. I should be able to take care of it personally. And if I cannot, we will deal with it as a group in the next few days. I have to make sure that he retreats by himself, so that it would not look like I am the one who chased him away." Scarlet stated with determination in her eyes.

Wh the young man heard that, he could not help but feel a little disappointed. But ev th, there was no problem considering that Scarlet wanted to get rid of that bodyguard. Since that was the case, he was definitely going to cooperate with her.

"There's no problem with that. As long as you need me, I can mobilize a group of people to take care of him." The young man stated. He could simply organize for a group of ruffians to go over and take care of that bodyguard, th give him a warning to stay away from Scarlet. That was something that he could easily do with the influce of his family.

"You can simply make an arrangemt for that. If I go back home and it doesn't work, be prepared to take care of the issue tomorrow. After tomorrow, I really don't want to see that guy following me a everywhere that I go." Scarlet stated with a frown on her face.

"You got that. Tomorrow, you can be assured that he will be tak care of. Of course, no injuries will be se, unless he goes to the hospital for examination." The young man replied with a creepy smile.

"Okay, you don't have to smile like that. Just make sure that the matter is tak care of tomorrow. But for now, I will have to go back home. As for the matter of the other group, make the competition in 3 days." Scarlet stated before she stood up. Th, she wt ahead and left the lecture hall, intding to go back home.

"No need to have any worries. You can relax at home, and wait for my good news. I'll make all the arrangemts." The young man stated with a smile on his face. This time, he was going to make sure that he took care of everything meticulously.

After Scarlet left the building, she headed towards the parking area and got into the sports car that she possessed. It was a Red Ferrari f8 spider. It was quite cool, and it stood out among the vehicles that were parked in the same area.

The momt that she got into the car, the gine roared to life, before the vehicle left the parking lot at an incredible speed. The maneuvers that were being made by the vehicle were quite incredible, and those that were observing from the sides could not help but look at the vehicle that was leaving, heading towards the gates in awe.

It didn't take that long for Scarlet to be able to reach the area where her family mansion was located. Due to the fact that this was the area where the Johnsons were located, the number of people that could be found in this area was quite small.

So, it was quite easy for Scarlet to be able to come and go without many people noticing her.

The momt that she arrived at the trance of the mansion, the ones that were in charge of security at the gate immediately oped the gate for her. The speed at which they were oping the gate for Scarlet was actually faster as compared to the time that Clifford was coming in.

The momt that Scarlet got into the compound, she did not ev bother to take the vehicle to the parking lot, but instead, she simply left it closer to the trance and alighted from it.

In the next momt, she rushed towards the mansion, wanting to see who it was that had be giv the job of being her bodyguard.

Wh she got into the mansion, she realized that both her parts were currtly in the living room. Her brother Anthony and the person that had be hired as her bodyguard were not here.

"Where is he? I want to see who it is that you think is capable ough to be my bodyguard." Scarlet asked as she looked a the living room. She was currtly sweating slightly due to the fact that she had be running a the momt that she arrived.

"Can you at least calm down first? How anxious are you to meet with the bodyguard that we hired for you?" Scarlet's mother stated helplessly. Of course, she had expected that Scarlet was going to act like this the momt that they informed her about the bodyguard.

Scarlet calmed down for a momt. She realized that she was already back home, and she could not act the way that she did during the time that she was in school.

After taking a deep breath, she was just about to say something wh suddly, she heard the sound of somebody coming into the room.

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