The Blue Eyes

Chapter 165 - DO YOU LIKE HIM?

Julia had left the orphanage, and now only four people were sitting in the living room.

The sun was about to set, living faint orange rays penetrated through the windows. Outside the building, a crescent moon started smiling at the Earth.

"You said you ran out of groceries, right, Blue? Let's go shopping," Kevin suggested as he got up from his seat.

The suggestion came out of nowhere, but Blue still nodded her head. She was about to get up, but Kris held her arm.

"I will go with you, Kev. You will buy a lot of things, right? It will be better if I accompany you to bring the groceries later," the caramel-haired man volunteered as he got up from his seat.

But, instead of agreeing right away, the scientist frowned at him. "I will go with Blue.. You just stay here, Kris" he stated firmly.

"But why? I don't want to be left with Jack here," Kris stubbornly argued.

The stubborn attitude made Kevin sigh. "Don't you remember when I said that you and Jack needed to have a nice chat together? It's time for you two to talk," he said.

Kris looked stunned after Kevin finished his sentences.

Kevin was right, though. He indeed said that Kris needed to have a chat with Jack. Just the two of them. He decided that after Jack made an unexpected confession just an hour before he was injected with the antidote.

"I still need to have a chat with Jack?" Kris asked dumbly.

Kevin rolled his eyes before he stretched out his right hand. "Where are your car keys?" He asked back instead of answering his lover's question.

He could see a hint of hesitation on Kris's face, but he didn't plan to change his mind. He had made a resolute decision to let Kris talk with Jack today.

Kris was hesitant, but he fished out his car keys from his pants pocket and handed them to Kevin in the end.

"Drive safely," the taller man said.

Kevin finally smiled in satisfaction. His lover was no longer resisting, and that made him relieved.

"Let's go, Blue," he then said to Blue before he turned around and started walking toward the front door.

Blue finally got up from her seat. She glanced at Kris and Jack for a moment before started walking to catch up with her big brother.

Kevin was already reached the front yard when he heard a footstep coming from behind. He then decided to slow down his pace to wait for the other person to catch up.

"Why did you let uncle have a private talk with Jack, Brother?" Blue asked after she reached Kevin's side.

The two people then walked slowly toward Kris's red car.

"Shouldn't I let them talk, Blue?" The older man asked the girl back instead of answering.

"That's not what I mean, Brother," Blue immediately denied. "Uncle and Jack don't have a good relationship, right? What if they fight when we are away? Isn't that dangerous?"

They finally arrived at the car and stopped walking. Kevin leaned his back against the car door and stared at Blue intently.

"Do you think they will fight, Blue?" He asked the blue-eyed girl.

The girl furrowed her eyebrows before she answered, "They always fought, Brother. Even if they wouldn't physically fighting, verbal fighting is dangerous as well. There are many children in the orphanage."

Kevin just smiled calmly at the girl. "I can guarantee that they wouldn't fight this time," he replied confidently.

Blue frowned at the man. It seemed that she was trying to read what was on the older man's mind. Kevin looked mysterious right now, and she couldn't help but wonder.

"Do you think that way because you know that Jack is in love with uncle, Brother?" She asked the raven-haired man.

Kevin raised his eyebrow at the question. "Do you think Jack is in love with your uncle, Blue?" He asked back instead of answering.

The question made the girl's eyes widen. Her expression looked tense as her fingers subconsciously squeezed the hem of her shirt.

Kevin noticed the changes, but he didn't say anything and just patiently waited for the girl's answer.

"I'm not sure, Brother," the girl answered as she drew her gaze away from her brother. "When Jack confessed back then, I was so shocked and speechless. Aside from Jack, there were only me, you, and my uncle in the laboratory. He had tension with uncle, so I assumed he is in love with uncle."

Kevin was still smiling even after he heard Blue's opinion. "That makes sense," he replied. "I can't guess what's on Jack's heart, but I can guess what's on his mind."

The statement confused Blue. "What do you mean, Brother?" She asked while frowning at her brother.

The said brother just smiled mysteriously at her but didn't say anything. He then opened the car door and immediately got into the car.

Blue was dumbfounded for a second before she followed her brother's lead. She hurriedly got into the car as well.

"You won't tell me anything, Brother?" The black-haired girl asked again as she fastened her seatbelt.

Kevin started the engine as he answered, "Let the time answers your question, Blue."

Blue snorted at the answer. "You sound like Teacher Felix, Brother," she replied annoyedly.

Kevin giggled before he asked, "Teacher Felix was acting mysteriously too?"

"Yeah," she answered as she leaned her back on the back of the seat. "I asked him about the werewolves months ago, but he just answered with something like that. He didn't give me a decent answer."

"Oh, what question did you ask him?" Kevin asked in an amused tone.

He knew that Blue was always curious about werewolves and often asked her teacher about it, and her question was always interesting.

"I asked him whether the remaining werewolves from the 2021 war would initiate a new war or not, but he didn't give me a definite answer. He just said that he didn't want to jinx it."

Kevin chuckled again after the girl finished explaining. "That's how he is," he replied. "Back when we were still working together, he used to make me curious about a lot of things. That's just his character, and you don't have to worry about that."

Blue nodded in understanding before she asked, "I can see that he is smart and a little obsessed with werewolves, but why did he resign and choose to become a teacher, Brother?"

Kevin couldn't immediately answer. Felix Smith resigned two years ago, and he said that the reason was a family matter. His resignment was a loss for Orka, but they couldn't force the man to stay when he didn't want to stay.

"He didn't explain the reason, Blue. It's a personal matter, so we don't have the right to question him," Kevin finally answered.

"I understand," Blue replied. "He became a teacher in my first year, and I feel a connection with him. He helped me a lot at school, Brother."

Kevin smiled faintly at Blue's story. "Is he your only friend at school, Blue?" He then asked.

He still remembered how aloof Blue was when they were at the student-parent meeting a few days ago. Her classmates seemed to ignore her, and she didn't have the intention to talk with them either.

"I only need you and uncle, Brother. I don't need a friend," the blue-eyed girl answered after she sighed.

Kevin smiled wistfully at the answer. "Don't be like that, Blue," he reprimanded the girl. "I and your uncle won't always be with you, so you need to be with other people in the future."

Kevin's statement made the girl turn to him at light speed. "You and uncle will leave me alone in the future?" She asked in a panic.

The panicked question made Kevin chuckle. "That's not what I mean," he stated. "I mean, you need to be with other people too, Blue. It's not enough with only me and your uncle. Don't you feel bored being with me and your uncle all the time?"

"I'm not bored," the girl quickly answered without a slight of doubt. "There's also Jack with us, and that's more than enough for me."

Kevin peeked at the girl for a moment when he heard Jack's name being mentioned by the young girl.

"It seems like you trust Jack so much, Blue," He spoke again, and it sounded more like a statement than a question. "Even before I and your uncle could trust him, you already trusted him wholeheartedly. It's quite strange because normally, you wouldn't trust people so easily."

Blue didn't immediately answer. She only ducked her head while playing with her slim fingers on her lap.

"When the werewolves arrested me, he was the only one who treated me as a human. Other werewolves treated me as an object, but he was different even though he was still annoying back then."

Kevin smiled when he heard the girl's explanation. He once again glimpsed at the young girl before asking, "Do you like him, Blue?"

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