The Blood Knight’s Villains

Chapter 97

My Villains Episode 097

25. Rainy Season (2)

Clearing the collapsed buildings and broken flagstones, draining the stagnant rainwater into the sewers, and putting the slanted pillars back together…

South Harbor was still busy restoring the city. The siege of the bandits lasted for about two months, but it seemed that the aftereffects had almost disappeared after only three weeks.

If we talk about the stakes in this dramatic revival, half of it will be the vitality brought by merchant ships and wagons.

South Harbor was a center of trade and commerce and a major producer of salt and seafood. Thousands of merchants flocked to this rich but hungry city. An enormous amount of daily necessities entered the city and an even larger quantity of goods left the city.

If the merchants’ share was half, the other half belonged to Prince Ulkar. I opened the castle lord’s safe and released the money.

They paid combat wages to conscripted soldiers, hired workers to restore the city, bought relief goods from the surrounding territories and scattered them… They just

spent it like my own money.

What did the lord of the castle do while the prince was doing that?


Has it been a week since you’ve been in jail? They said he decided to commit suicide by stabbing himself with a hidden dagger…

I don’t know. Did you commit suicide or did you commit suicide?

I think it’s a little embarrassing, but no one doubted it. Is it because I harbor a prejudice that I am a person who will become the king of flesh?

anyway. Ellen Utequai and I were given a huge amount of combat pay because we had done the most good in the battle.

I received about 1 kilo of gold and silver coins, so it was said that it was roughly 200 times higher than that of ordinary conscripts.

According to the prince, he wanted to take care of more, but he said that there was not much money left. Well, this was a lot of money, so I didn’t have any complaints.

Besides, Prince Ulkar gave me an incredibly valuable gift. It is a very precious gift that cannot be converted into money.

I hurried toward the mansion that belonged to the commander of the guards to receive the gift.

courtyard of the mansion.

The prince’s knights and friendly soldiers were sweating under the sun.

“Okay go-done!”

Lord Ankir let out a heavy roar and rushed with the force of a storm. Even though he wields a wooden pole, his momentum is unmatched, like a sharp blue-edged steel sword.

W ha ha


I quickly raised my shield and deflected Lord Ankir’s attack.

The quarter stick took advantage of the bounced momentum and reversed like a thunderbolt. Then, after spinning rapidly on top of Sir Ankir’s head, it rushes towards my right wrist.

He calmly blocked the continuous offensive with a wooden sword and shield.

I’ve already sparred with Ankir hundreds of times. There was nothing to be fooled by simple tricks or obvious connections.

As soon as I safely defended myself, Lord Ankir suddenly laid down his pole. Then he pushed his shield and wooden sword at once.


This isn’t the first time they’ve been attacked. If I push them away with force, they’ll open up the distance and feed them intense rage slashes.

I’ve been beaten twice, but I’m nowhere near a third time!

As I pressed down the pole with a wooden sword and stepped back,


With a lively spirit, Lord Ankir stretched out his right hand and grabbed his waist.


I stumbled while holding my waist, threw down my wooden sword, and charged Lord Ankir.

The intention was to strangle her by hanging on her back at once, but

“It’s so obvious!”

Since it was a skill he had used a few times before, Sir Ankir skillfully twisted his upper body and let the attack flow.

Contrary to his seemingly ignorant appearance, Sir Lee Ankir was a style that valued skill rather than strength.

It was natural to wield a two-handed sword freely, and they used wrestling techniques by entangling their weapons, applying articulations, or tackling them when necessary.

Besides, he’s very good at cheating. To put it bluntly, there was no distinction between fake and real grass. If you ignore it because you think it’s a trick, you attack as it is, and if you block it because you think it’s an attack, it becomes a trick.

In short, it’s an annoying style to deal with.

“Damn it,”

I gritted my teeth and picked up the wooden sword that had fallen to the ground at the same time as the cloud hit the ground.

As soon as he got up and straightened up, Sir Ankir grabbed the top and strode forward.

A series of attacks full of tricks that continue again.

I defended with all my senses on edge, then sharply counterattacked.

By the time Sir Ankir and I continued the Baek Middle Ages, the first round was over.

The sparring opponents change without a chance to catch your breath.

Shorter than me, but much taller than normal people, with wide shoulders, long arms with muscles sticking to them, and thighs that seemed to burst.

It was Sir Langbolt.

“Come first.”

“Then *Huuk* without hesitation.”

Sir Langboldt had his left hand behind his back and his right hand holding a wooden sword.

Then, as I rushed forward with my shield out, he quickly stepped on the side step and struck me like a thunderbolt.


I swung my wooden sword and barely cleared the stab, then slashed the blade of my shield.

Sir Langboldt backed away leisurely, then bounced like a rubber ball and fired a stab at the neck.

If Sir Ankir used unpredictable attacks, Sir Langboldt used obvious but powerful attacks.

It’s not like he’s using great skills, and I can guess where he’s aiming… but it’s too fast or powerful, so it’s hard to get rid of it. In other words, it’s a style that you know and get hit with.

He lowered his head to avoid the thrust and instinctively raised his sword to block the second thrust.

The subsequent kick was taken with a shield blade and bounced off, twisting the upper body to avoid the third stab, and at the same time wielding a wooden sword.

It was a continuous attack that would not have been able to react if the strength and agility hadn’t gone up by 2 points as the level went up.

“Hmm. Are you calm today?”

“Whoop whoop. Is that so?”

“That’s right. Until yesterday, I thought the momentum was too ferocious.” “Is that bad?”

“Rather, the point of the knife becomes dull. I feel like I’m in a good mood today.”

Sir Langboldt sighed softly, as if he was having trouble or he was having fun.

In order to do so, it spun around at a tremendous speed and threw stabs at it.

I calmly blocked it and then suddenly threw myself away. The thunderbolt-like thrust barely grazed under his armpit.

X feet won!

I thought about it for a short time while singing joy in my heart.

Although it can throw a slash at once, considering Lord Langbolt’s monstrous physical ability, there is a possibility of avoiding it even at this distance.

Choosing a sure and safe path, I entangled Sir Langboldt’s arms with my wooden sword.

Then he put his weight on and pushed on without mercy.


As Sir Langbolt groaned and twisted, I quickly let go of my shield and grabbed my hamstrings.

Sir Langboldt, whose hamstrings were caught, stretched out both legs and held on by hanging his elbows on my armpits.

However, I had a huge advantage in terms of physique and strength.


Swallowing my breath, I forcibly pulled my hamstrings and shook my opponent’s balance.

Sir Langboldt did not manage to fall, but surrendered when I twisted my arm and stabbed the uvula with the point of my sword.

“Kek kek! Hehe, I lost.”

“Huh uh huh”

is exhilarating.

He defeated one of the best knights in the kingdom with only skill and physical strength, without the help of blood magic.

Well, even if it was because of the luck of the gamble…

However, the sparring continued without time to pierce the nose in satisfaction.

empty empty

“Let’s start right away.”

It was Sir Lyam who stepped out, knocking on his shield.

Contrary to Sir Lyam’s calm appearance, he is the type to attack like a mad dog. Even in the middle of the day, the defense is solid, so it’s incredibly difficult to deal with.

…Haha it’s only 3 rounds and I’m already tired.

Seongju lamented his miserable life and decided to commit suicide, and the remaining heir was only seven years old.

The woman who pretended to be the wife of the castle lord turned out to be not an Irish aristocrat, but a fish-man witch and was beheaded by me.

The castle lord’s relatives, including the captain of the bodyguard, were imprisoned for infighting.

Given this situation, it was only natural that the prince, who was the savior of the city, began to rule.

Governing the huge port city of South Harbor was no ordinary job. Not only Prince Ulkar, but also his commanders, soldiers, priests, wizards, and attendants were all busy.

But exceptions always exist. Some, including the knights, did nothing.

Occasionally, remnants of the bandits appear and go around the city to wipe them out, but that literally happens occasionally.

Their daily routine was only training. Whether it’s raining, windy or sunny, only training training training.

The knights, their servants, and the cavalrymen get up in the morning, have a hearty meal, and run on the beach. He swims with a stone hanging from his waist, lifts the heels of a wagon full of wheat sacks, and rides without stirrups.

After that, after an endless sparring and a hearty lunch, they refine their swordsmanship, spearmanship, archery, and horseback riding, which are essential virtues of a knight.

After dinner, they practice training, such as digging a boulder with a six-point stick or building a barrier and then demolishing it again, while wearing armor.

In short, it means eating and training all day long.

Sir Langboldt, Sir Ankyr, and Sir Liam have all been living this crazy life since they were seven years old. There is only one case of not training. It was only when there was a battle.

Knights, or superhumans without magical powers, were born through this process.

And Prince Ulkar gave me consideration so that he could accompany me in this training.

Even I, who don’t know much about the world around here, could easily notice that this was a huge perk.

To allow a wandering mercenary to mix with his elite elite warriors. Does this make sense? To be honest, I thought I would decline because it was a little burdensome… but I couldn’t.

Training with the best knights? Isn’t it an opportunity to greatly increase your fighting ability, that is, your chances of survival in the future?

In the end, I couldn’t resist the temptation to be strong.

I accepted the prince’s offer and trained with the knights for the past three weeks, and although it was really hard, I got results that exceeded my expectations.

I was able to refine my crude combat skills and learn the basics of various weapon skills. I got a sense of horseback combat to some extent and learned a lot of practical combat know-how.

Thanks to that, I was confident that if I were to face the me from 3 weeks ago, I would fight 10 times and never lose. It was like receiving an undeserved gift from a prince.


“The prince is looking for me?”


When I received a call like this, my heart skipped a beat.

Prince Ulkar was only too kind to me. I’m worried that they might ask for something unreasonable in return.

I impliedly asked Lord Ariad, who had come to deliver the news.

“For what reason…

“Heh heh, I don’t know.”

“Ghmm I have to go pick up a colleague in the evening.”

Sir Ariad was the only knight who did not participate in the training, but he looked several times more emaciated than the other knights. It must have been because she was doing many things by the prince’s side.

“It won’t take long, so don’t worry and follow me. Would the lord even eat you?”

…The Killing King was eaten.

I shook my head and shook my head.

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